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katie mc

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  1. aww poor lil birdie. sorry to hear the sad news. RIP Meelah x
  2. awww rest in peace bruno. now dukey doo has another friend to play with x
  3. thank u for taking the time out to send me ure well wishes times a healer as they say, i know its going to be hard for a while but i really am great full for all the msgs about duke. we love u unconditional amounts duke and u will never be forgotten,u have given your family a lot of happy and fond memories. words can not describe how much ure mummy is hurting and missing u but i know u r in a better place,just wished u could have told me if u were in any pain. u have been taken away from us far too soon. till we all see u again,dig as many holes as u want and sniff as many bums as u like. love u lots n lots, millions of hugs and kisses all our love mummy daddy and ure lil brother samuel xx xx R.I.P dukey doo xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. thank u again for all the msgs. Dukey will love hearing how much everyone loves him. Dont worry about diesel he will be fine,i dont think it was that what caused duke to go the way he did. He had stopped the coughing a couple weeks ago and was about 80% himself. The vet thinks it was more to do with a vessel popping. Thanks again xx lots of love
  5. thank u again for the messages. Feel ive let dukey down.the vet said it could have been a number of different things which has caused him to end in the way he did.atleast i was holding him while he went in the car and he knew how much he was loved. Ive explained to samuel whats happened but i know he will ask me wheres duke in the morning when we come downstairs. Xx
  6. ive told him hes passed away and in doggy heaven doesnt quite get it but atleast he knows the truth.god i just wish there was something i could have done for him thank u for all ure msgs very much apreciate them xx
  7. thank u x he was coughing up alot of blood vet said there was nothing they could have done even if we got there sooner. Im abit in shock now but i really dont know what im going to do with out him.
  8. just to let u know my poor baby boy dukey doo has passed away today. He hadnt been well for a while with kennel cough but he was alot better after having time out and vet visits. Took him out today and he colapsed on me,by the time we rushed him to the vets he was gone. So duke is now going to be playing with lots of other doggies in doggy heaven. Any tips on what to tell my 3 yr old would be much apreciated.sorry to give everyone this sad terrible news xx
  9. duke doesnt play with balls picks them up in his mouth then drops them straight away. He pinched a few of my sons toys when he was a puppy one being a fluffy easter chicken that did make a cheep cheep noise but now doesnt and hes also stolen my scamp from when i was little ( anyone who doesnt know what scampy was is a dog on a stick that yapped as u pushed it along) . he doesnt chew his toys just tosses them up in the air n barks at them. he does like the taste of plaster though off the kitchen wall .
  10. any one elses husky just watches birds in the garden and look to lazy to chase them away? when dukes in the garden and im sat in the kitchen watching him he just lets the magpies in the garden eat the grass or worms, they come quite close to him and he doesnt move. i dont like magpies so i wouldnt mind if he caught one but was just wondering if anyone elses husky is the same?! he chases and scares the other birds if they fly in the garden just not the magpies . sorry not a big thing was just wondering lol x
  11. oh no thats soo sad , made me cry :'( some people just dont think about there pets. i havn't and never will ever give my pets up to a shelter. they have always been my family and always will be x
  12. oh dear poor u nix. well try and ignore ure dad for a bit while u find a new job or pass ure driving.OR maybe try and win the euro millions tonight then u can own a huge big mansion!!! x
  13. im with nationwide and ive had no problem with them at all always easy to get hold of over the phone and sort out any problems straight away.very easy having internet banking aswell. ive been with RBS and hated them,been with HSBC and they are one of the worse banks ever.my mums with natwest and thinks they are a good bank also.x
  14. oh thats good to know then.when he wears i should i shorten his walks down a bit to start off with once i start adding a bit of weight or will he be ok? x
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