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  1. I know right? I wonder where I get the idea from.... haha Thanks Andy!
  2. After talking with a lot of different dog trainers and husky owners I have started looking around to add another to my family. I am only looking at dog shelters though as all dogs need a chance at love I have found another Husky in an area dog shelter who is around the same age as Dante so I am going to talk to my fiance and see about scheduling a meet between the two to see if they will get along.
  3. Ha thats my generation. Gotta love those Japanese card games and shows.
  4. The only two commands that I have really taught my sibe are sit and shake. He actually got to the point where as soon as I have a treat he automatically sits and puts his paw in the air for me to shake. He kind of knows "wait" but he gets anxious and wiggles after a little while. So it is possible to train them if you do it the right way. Personally I think it was luck on my part haha.
  5. I have had two huskies in my time and both have enjoyed other dogs. The first husky I had shared a living space with a chihuahua and did very well with her considering the size difference. My first husky was very prey oriented towards wildlife though. We would always find her with dead turtles and other random rodents. My current husky who is quite the energetic one gets alone with other dogs really well. That said Huskies are very energetic especially being work dogs. But Dante is EXTREMELY affectionate with me. he will lay his head on my lap while I watch tv and always tries to sleep in the bed with me. They can definitely be a handful but you will never have a dull moment!
  6. I am in Bowling Green going to Bowling Green State University. Isn't Brunswick near Cleveland?
  7. Congrats on the completion of basic training!
  8. I live in a refinished garage turned 2 bedroom house. There are a bunch of houses who all share a yard in a back alley in a college town. So I do not have a yard I can call my own and I would be afraid of stupid college kids messing with him or even worse someone stealing him. So for at least the next year he will have to stay in doors.
  9. Aw poor guy. I am sure that I would be giving the exact same look! haha
  10. All of these a very good suggestions and unfortunately I have tried the majority of them haha. I tried putting him in the bathroom today while I was at work and he chewed the door (which I now need to sand and paint) and crapped all over the bathroom and continued to smear it everywhere. I went to my local pet store today (petco) and the trainer there said at this point the best option would be to take him to the vet to get him prescription meds which I am very weary about. Anything un-natural going into a human or animal concerns me. I do have two cats and the male cat plays with my sibe all the time. Though I am sure it is not the same as another canine companion. I was looking into trying a metal cage again (since he chewed a hole in the plastic one) but I am apprehensive because I know he will try his hardest to find his way out and I do not want him hurting himself. And to answer some questions that I saw I do take him on a 2 mile run with me every day and also a walk after dinner. So he does get exercise. I feel quite certain that it is separation anxiety that causes the destruction and I guess he is just a nervous dog. I only have about one more year of renting until I plan to buy a house with my future wife and we will be able to put him outside but I would very much like to get this resolved as soon as possible to make life more enjoyable for him and for me... Thank you all for your input though!
  11. That is EXACTLY my problem. He only rips up the carpet on the door to my bedroom. I keep it closed to reduce destruction in there too, and he has been known to poo and then walk in it and get it on the bed :/ Might I add... I also rent so I will have quite a project when I move out of here ha
  12. haha I will have to remember Darn-tay next time he makes me mad. I have tried the TV trick and all it managed to do was run up my electric bill and have a bald dog haha. I also tried putting one of those nylon muzzles on him to reduce chewing but he got it off and shredded it within a day of purchase. Maybe a cone around his head? I just think he would be able to get that off too. He is quite persistent.
  13. Hello all! My name is Nick and I am a 24 year old college student majoring in vocal performance in Ohio, USA. When I was growing up I had a, all white female Sibe with two bright blue eyes named Sasha and she was in the family for YEARS. Last year while I was away at college I got word that my parents decided to put her down since she had cancer and arthritis and had to be carried into the yard to go to the bathroom. I didn't even get to say good bye to her and was pretty devastated so my fiance suggested we get a dog and I naturally went straight to huskies. I got Dante when he was about 3 months old from a breeder nearby about a month or so after Sasha had been put down. Dante is also all white and he has one brown eye and one blue. He is an AMAZING companion and runs with me very nicely when I go on my 2 mile run everyday. He is extremely shy around people he doesn't know and is very destructive when left alone but we are trying to work on it. Nothing some time and love can't fix right?
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