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About Laura980

  • Birthday 06/01/1970

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  1. Your B is beautiful. Like posts above I am no expert and I don't know your baby, but we adopted a husky from a shelter at 4 years of age. Kira is a our second. Her story is much different to yours but I think that she had some similar situations very early in her life. Kira was different case she was abused ( hit on head kicked around) and starved by the previous owners and we were told she escaped 3 times from owners. The vet said she had been injured and could tell straight away by examining her. When we adopted her she was frightened little girl, then feared men approaching her and cowering, her aggressiveness towards other dogs was so frightening and she suffered badly from SA. We were told that she most likely was not socialised as a pup and possibly taken away from her mother early imprinting stages. her past life of 4 years she would have had very limited exposure to other dogs.... So my poor baby had some serious issues. We did the training thing, socialisation thing, with lots of reading getting involved with husky clubs getting advice from husky owners, providing Kira with lots of love attention, a routine, exercise, teaching her the "No"s when she would growl or chew or shred took time but we did it in calm way. Her aggression now towards dogs has diminished a lot, her fear of people has changed, our training with Kira was all based on praise and reward when is given a command and repeated practice.. We no longer have any problems with Separation Anxiety - we always still today leave tv on for her, lights on and give her small treat when we leave the house. Huskies need a lot of love and need someone to take leadership and become pack leader. But this I think can be done is a calm passive state. Without negative response We have even watched many of Ceaser Way videos just to get ideas of how he manages to turn aggressive dogs into calm happy dogs.. All I can suggest like others don't give up on your baby... We were at our wits end with Kira initially but we never gave up on her and she is now the calmest most placid girl and has changed so much... get as much advice from husky owners. Huskies are so unique and different to other breeds....
  2. Hi there I have been away for three weeks and picking up my girl kira from a doggy resort/doggy daycare - long term stays. I will pick her up on Tuesday. I have missed her so much but I have been getting updates from the place where she staying that she is having fun playing with doggy carers and a special friend - she has got to know very well. She has been very relaxed and eating well no problems. They provide lots of one on one time with her lots of time to run around in a huge outside play area every day. I am hoping she will remember me and want to come home when I pick her up. Has anyone else left there husky at a kennel for extended time, what sort of response did you get were they happy to see you. I hope she still loves me. I have only had her for a year as she was a rescue.. Laura
  3. Hi Gigi so sorry for your loss of Rebel such a beautiful boy , I know exactly how you feel it hearts wrenching to lose him, but Rebel is now at peace and not suffering anymore. I lost my Laska 2 half months ago to cancer - Leukemia at 15 . She too had a rough ride towards the end yet healthy all of her life. I still feel the pain of her loss deep within, but I know she is is a better place now and she can play with all the other huskies and your Rebel, over rainbow bridge . Not a day goes by that I dont think of Laska and when I do each time tears start to roll down my eyes. I will never forget her. They say it take time and gradually the pain goes away but its really hard, my thoughts are with you for Rebel. Just try and remember all the good times you had with Rebel and he will always be by your side in heaven watching over you and family. We adopted another rescue husky not long ago after Laska passed mum missed Laska so much she thought she would get another husky, she is not Laska and never will be her replacement in my heart Laska will and number one girl. Kira is a beautiful husky and we love her we saved her euthansia in shelter so she now has a new life with our family and I do love her to. Each dog is different in personality but you do sometimes see similarities between huskies. But to me Laska was always my girl and we had an inseparable bond, so like you I still miss Laska every day. Try and be strong, yet while I right this tears are running down my eyes. Like I said I know exactly what you are going through right now and my thoughts are with you. Take Care Laura.
  4. Hi Elyse, sorry to hear, I know how bad it can get. Let me know if you get it how you go.
  5. My lovely dog Laska bless her soul, she had a massive seizure that resulted from cancer ( leukemia) spreading to her brain the day she passed away Aug this year. She was healthy all her life no issues at all until towards the end when her poor little old body started slowing down. So I know what a horrible thing you experienced. Your boy is only a baby so hopefully its nothing serious. Laska was diagnosed with leukemia cancer of the blood she was always very tired towards the end.
  6. Its 6 weeks since we adopted little Kira. We think she is starting to feel comfortable in her new home with us. On a good note she is getting in the car now but still with reluctance and separation anxiety is still a bit of a problem. We just recently bought the DAP spray and today the diffuser - "calming pheremone". Just wondering if anyone else has bought this product and has found it helpful for your dog for car issues, separation anxiety other stressful situations. How long did it take if it did help ? The VET recommended it. Here is the link if you havent heard about it before. http://www.ceva.com.au/en/Products/Products-list/ADAPTIL-R-Diffuser-Set I read that it has helped some dogs calming them but others not. Any feedback advise would be great. Today was first day we left Kira alone for almost two hours in the morning Before we left the house we made sure there was nothing dangerous or unsafe she could get hold off. We gave her a Kong toy filled with goodies and also a sweet potatoe doggy chew. Then left the house calmly. saying "coming back soon" thats it. We were very concerned we would find destruction, torn furniture, plants in array around the house, some counter surfing, chewed cords and no dog ( if she escaped and jumped fence) on our return. We left doggy door open so she could come in and out of house as she pleased. This was probably the biggest risk as we were not sure if she would try and jump the fence and get out. I would have been devestated if we didnt find her. Well long story short we think the DAP pheremone diffuser and spray, might have helped reduce the separation anxiety issue she has. To our delight and relief when we returned we walked in and there she was sitting the couch, wagging little tail and a happy howl to see us. Nothing was destroyed, no issues in the back yard, she had just done some re-arranging of her toys out of her toy box and moved her bedding around little in the lounge room. My gosh what a relief to see her sitting there , I think she may have stressed a little but mustnt have been overly bad, just some toy and bedding re-arrangements she made. By the way the bed and bedding was still intact. Later this afternoon we had to leave her again for another half hour . Again prior of our leaving we filled the kong so she would amuse herself sprayed some DAP on her bed and in the area. When we came back all her toys were in her toy box, she didnt touch them , she hadnt done anything else or chewed anything . All she did this time was move her bedding around a bit. We again found her sitting on the couch. ( Just a note when she sits on the couch she can look straight out the front window of lounge room and see whats happening outside) We suspect she was watching out for us through the window waiting maybe for our return. Another positive outcome. We are hoping that next time we go out again she will be still ok about being alone. This a huge improvement from our first time we left her alone. She totally freaked out first time and second time but we didnt have DAP at the time. If anyone else has had experience with it let me know how it worked for your husky.
  7. Hi Jsarn, let me know how you are going with Luka and separation anxiety any tips let me know. this is our Kira, the resemblence is incredible but we are in Australia
  8. Hi Jsarn, I totally feel for you, our Kira, also is suffering from SA we have had her for 3 weeks now , she is one year approx and we adopted from a shelter, her owners didnt want her back. She was also abused beaten, chained up by previous owners and also escaped 3 times from them. Seems she lacks socialisation training and fears other dogs, fears getting into the car (these are her issues) She totally goes beserk when nobody is home. Last week she destroyed all the plants in the kitchen table, chewed up papers. We have also tried leaving radio on and excercise her play and train her. We are going to see an animal behaviouralist next week and see what we can do to reduce SA in her. SHe is a lovely dog, very affectionate and submissive to people. Soon as somone pats her she drops down ears back and cowers. Not so much with us now but people outside she does this. We love her and will be trying to help her. She use to also initially sleep holding her head up as if she feared dropping her head down and relaxing something would happen. She is not doing this any more so seems she trusts us and knows we wouldnt hurt her. Kira looks similar to your doggy to I noticed.
  9. Yesterday Kira had to be left alone again for a few hours , she had seemed to be doing ok over last few days being left alone a bit here and a bit there. We still keeping her inside when we go out in fear she much jump the fence. She has full roam of house except bedrooms and bathroom. She was on her own for a couple of hours yesterday and when dad got back home my god a disaster in the kitchen, Kira had managed to jump up onto the kitchen sink that overlooks the back yard there is a large ledge , she knocked over all the plants sitting on the ledge all over the floor destroyed the wooden apple bowl climbed across the stove and the stove cover had been moved. Ofcourse everything was off. She had chewed up one slipper and knocked over her water bowl. Pulled down small wall clock, jumped up on the island setting in kitchen papers splayed all over the floor pens on floor. Luckily no doors were damaged or furniture chewed. She must have had some sort of panic again. On seeing my dad she was overjoyed happy tail wagging, dad didnt tell her off because from reading up about telling dogs off it said if you catch them doing the wrong thing that is the only time to tell them off no point telling them off two hours later. There must be some serious underlying separation anxiety issues in her. Poor little baby we love her so much and it hurts to think what terrible past she must have had with previous owners, clearly no training, no bonding time with family, also beaten, kicked. Possibly worse we dont know. We are going to get some help with dog behaviouralist and see what we can do the help Kira over come fear of being alone and her other issues. Also when my husband went to pat her yesterday on her head, she coward down onto floor ears back in fear of being hit. Then when he gently patted her she realised that it was ok and started wagging her tail and licked his face and her demeaner changed to realising it was ok. She doesnt try and bite or growl just a cower behaviour. We give Kira lots of love, attention and affection , lots of walks, yummy treats, play time with her, basic training commands which she is learning well. She has a warm soft bed her safe haven, access to in and out of doggy door. I do hope over time and guidance she will learn that we would never abandon her and that we will always be there for her. The shelter people couldnt give us much info on her past except that she escaped, owners didnt want her back, clearly she has been beaten and had issues with other dogs because she fears them to with an agressive reaction when we walk her.
  10. lovely stories of your Kira. My Kira is a young also abandoned a a shelter she is just starting to learn to trust us. We adopted her 3 weeks ago only 1 year old now.
  11. Yes true, little one year old Kira is learning what she can chew and what she cant but hopefully we wont find sofa chewed when we are not around. She has heaps of toys she can grab from her toy bedbox like tiger of course kong with treats in it, bones soft toys. So far no destruction of anything else in the three weeks since we brought her home from the shelter. But you never know..... crossing fingers all the time at the moment. She has ball now in this shot and her nyla bone. Ofcourse in her favourite spot near window
  12. Kira is so funny, she loves to chew. Here is a photo of her sleeping after she gutted her tiger to. Then she awakes later for another round
  13. Thanks everyone for laska. I miss her in my life and think of her all the time its hard, but having Kira around it helps she keeps my spirits up. Kira beautiful blue eye husky. Not Laska and never will be Laska but there some similarities between them.
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