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  • Birthday 08/06/1984

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  1. Hi guys, anyone else have any experience with their husky having DLE? We have just had it confirmed via biopsy, as we thought it was environmental until now due to it only starting when we moved house. Turned out it was just because she can get a lot more sunlight at the new place if she wants As fun as trying to get a husky to not lick topical cream off its nose for at least 10 minutes sounds, it does seem like topical immune-suppressive steroids are one of the most successful methods of managing it? If anyone else has had experience with it, how long roughly did you have to wait until you started seeing results? This obviously bothers her and im looking forward to hopefully being able to provide some comfort sooner rather than later :/ Here's the link our vet gave us so we could read more: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?A=2470
  2. I leave at around 7.45 am, and my wife gets home around 4pm. When we had just the one, this wouldnt have been viable for us, my girl really hated it. Once we got the second though, they became so attached to each other, and so satisfied in each others company that now they really don't care that they are left during the day. I've set up a camera before, all they do when we're gone is sleep the entire time anyway, and save their activity for when we're back home, so I really don't feel bad knowing that they don't seem to pine for us in the least.
  3. proximity

    So excited!!

    Most of us found that being so far away from home wound up being an unexpected boon you'll be surprised how much you like flying once you've been pushed from the nest, I hope it works out well for you !
  4. I would look into other causes, typically sibes don't trigger dog allergies, due to the nature of their coats being so different to other dogs. You'd be surprised about the number of different things it could be. A friend o mine thought he was allergic to his dog, turned out one day his body just decided he was allergic to gluten from then onwards!
  5. I used to use a coupler, but have actually moved back to individual leads as Loki likes to trot out front while aska likes to lurk around stopping and sniffing for a drew seconds here and there. When coupled it just wound up with Loki dragging poor aska every which way
  6. Rofl, he is not 13 inches from the ground to the withers which is what I suspect other people are measuring. That would make blaze about the size of a Scottish terrier, now that would be a sight
  7. My boy never humps, but my girl will occasionally have a crack. I immediately stop her, though not by pulling her off - but by quickly distracting her with a noise (she can't resist a high pitched "what's this?") and then moving away from her, she tends to stop right away and follows me. I stop her mostly to be polite, but more so to avoid it turning into anything nasty before it kicks off.
  8. The thing with husky recall is that it absolutely does exist, it's just that they are a lot more intelligent about it. When you use your recall, whether it be a whistle, their name, what ever... they hear it each and every time, and as long as you've done okay with your training, they understand what you want each time too. But unlike other dogs where they will blindly obey as they have been taught, huskies will make their own mind up about it. Should I come back for a pat and maybe a biscuit? Or should I keep chasing this tender juicy cat? Should I run back for a treat? Probably not, all these new smells have me so excited and on edge that I cant eat right now anyway, so thats of no interest to me. Different dogs will have different triggers, but what ever motivates your husky, if you want it to come back on recall, you have to make sure that what ever you're doing is going to be way more interesting for it than its current environment. This is why recall always seems so easy at home, but so hard when you get out into the wild.
  9. Second dog made a massive difference to us. You have to make sure you have no ego about it though; when you have 1 husky, it wants to know where you are and what you're doing every second of the day. When you have two, they form a very special relationship between one another, and don't lean on you so much for that companionship. To some people, they interpet this as a slight on them. "My dog doesnt love me as much anymore" etc. It only takes 30 seconds of watching the two play together in a decent amount of space to know that these fantastic animals do so much better with company than alone however. At 6 months old already, its pretty unlikely introducing a cat to the picture is going to be seen as "oh here's another packmate". We got our girl at ~3 months old, and already that was too old to want to do much more with the cat than chew it for its delicious tender meat
  10. There are not enough words in the english language that could adequately describe my hatred towards this franchise !
  11. proximity


    I'm a fan of "Famine Pony" peronsally!
  12. I would go for it. Can't be any harm in looking I know you had your heart set on a white girl, but really - all these dogs are equally beautiful, so instead I would focus on the right dog for you and your situation, rather than the right colour. As long as they get on well, it could be win win for everybody.
  13. Haha, oh man I must have done something wrong over my years, I never had multiple women on the trot at any given time to run about proposing to! In saying this, I'd be surprised if this guy could take a dump without people booing him now, so it seems what goes around comes around in the end.
  14. It pays to keep in mind I guess that people are always ever so proud of their own "babies" - furry or not. When the new mother holds up the most revolting meat-bag of bones skin and spit you've ever seen, that looks like someone boiled a saveloy too long; to them, that really IS the most beautiful baby in the world. The way in which we measure dog intelligence is definitely interesting though. My two can work out in no time flat exact how to operate doors, work as a team to escape, do puzzles almost instantly, etc. But if you were to look at them right now, one is barking at a ball that is stuck under the couch, hoping that it will scare the ball into coming out and playing, while the other is trying to lick his shadow on the wall, heh.
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