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  1. My female does it too! And gets water everywhere
  2. I just bought a Dog Walky for my bike. I love it! It was easy to install and surprisingly Nira didn't freak when I hooked her up to it. I replaced the metal clip on it with a larger one because the one it comes with seems pretty small and weak for my beastie. Now all I have to do is clip it to her harness and we're off, she loves being able to run. Even when she pulls it doesn't mess up my balance (she's about 45 lbs). Just thought I'd add my experience because before I bought this thing bike riding with Nira was a frightening experience to put it nicely.
  3. Our girl rings a bell by the door with her nose whenever she has to go out. When we first got her everytime we took her out to go potty we'd have her on a leash touch her nose on the bell on the way out the door, then get outside and tell her "go potty". After a while she just caught on that ringing the bell means to go outside so she's pretty good about using it to let us know she needs to go out. It took a while for her to learn though. We used the leash at first so that when we took her out we get her to go potty instead of just running off and doing laps around the pool like she usually does. Good luck
  4. Thanks! She keeps scaring all of the little kids when we go to the park, we've had at least 9 or 10 run away crying wolf lol!
  5. Thanks for all of the replies. I definitely use the prong collar as well as anything else we have tried as an aide and am in no way dependent on it. I have horses and know very well that a tool is only as good as the person using it and the training that goes along with it. I personally don't like using the harness unless we're biking or out on trail with the horses because it really seems to encourage pulling whereas with any other collar she pulls much less. I agree that the prong collar looks intimidating, but in actual use I think its a good collar. It loosens much quicker than a chain collar, applies pressure more evenly, and also has a limit to how tight it can be pulled. I can give it a small tug with one finger and it works as a correction. Nira doesn't seem uncomfortable at all even when being corrected, it just gets her attention. It's interesting to see what everyone else does
  6. For the obedience class we are required to use either a chain or prong collar. She only has one week left of class though.
  7. Well I only have the one husky and she's only about 40 pounds, but one we first got her Nira pulled like crazy. We tried the changing direction thing but it only got her more excited so we started stopping and making her sit until she was calm everytime she pulled. It was annoying as heck at first having to stop every other second and then waiting forever for her to calm down, but it really seems to have worked with her. Now she sits automatically every time we stop and doesn't pull (most of the time, the odd rabbit or goose sets her off).
  8. Thanks everybody! I love seeing everyone's husky pics, they're all so pretty
  9. I like the way you think... Wonder if the man will see it the same way? I also failed to mention that Nira's prong collar has those little black rubber "comfort" tips on the prongs. She doesn't seem to mind it as she comes running when she sees someone pick it up, but maybe she just loves walks/runs that much. I just think that she has improved to the point where it isn't necessary to use that type of collar anymore. edited cuz I cannot spell to save my life
  10. It seems I may have to break my no internet shopping rule for a half-check collar. I've tried every pet/animal store in the area and couldn't find one. Thanks for the suggestions and comments
  11. Well I started using the chain because she can't slip out of that one like she can a nylon collar. I switched to the prong collar based on a trainer's suggestion that it was safer for when she does need to be corrected. She is overall well-behaved on walks, but she does have her moments and still needs correction time to time (Nira still isn't convinced that the little yippy dogs aren't chew toys). Before buying the prong collar and I did some research online and came across a German study that found that as many as 48 out of 50 observed dogs had some sort of neck trauma due to the use of a chain collar and that only 2 out 50 who had worn a prong collar showed the same trauma. In this case the scientists had attributed the difference to a more even application of pressure by the prong collar when properly used. I'm not sure if there are other studies that confirm these findings or even oppose them? When I first got her she was really bad about pulling and I tried a head collar (similar to the canny collar but different brand) but for some reason despite trying multiple sizes the fit was never right. I wanted a half-check collar but was unable to find one at my local pet stores and had temporarily banned myself from online shopping. So anyways thats how we ended up with the prong collar.
  12. Thanks! Lol she loves to hear that, she will literally stop in the middle of the street and pose for anyone she hears talking about her! (Not that she has a big ego or anything)
  13. I started off Nira with a regular nylon buckle collar, which is what she wears just hanging around the house and the yard. However, she seems to be extremely skilled at escaping from these collars even when snug and after several scary chases around the neighborhood, I switched to a chain collar for walks. When we started taking basic obedience classes the trainer suggested switching to a prong/pinch collar. I found several sources online that cite research suggesting the prong collar causes less neck trauma and is better than the chain. Of course we still use the harness for bike riding and a combination of a nylon slip collar and a harness when she goes out with me and the horses. She's very well behaved on walks and heels nicely with minimal corrections. My mother (who also walks her on occasion) feels that the prong collar is scary looking and harsh, but I think its fine as long as its used correctly... I was wondering what other people use or how you guys feel about this collar?
  14. Nira does this too! Whenever I brush her I just make a pile (more like a mountain) of the hair to clean up at the end, and given the chance she'll grab a big chunk of the hair and chew on it. Ew! Anyone know why they do this? I've always been curious too -Nikki
  15. Thanks! Lol I promise lots of pics as my girl LOVES the camera (she earns the nickname diva!)
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