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  1. It's been two weeks since Cristal came home with us. So far she is amazing! Everything about her is filled with heartwarming goodness. The lady (and her family members) who used to own her, but who could no longer take care of her, raised up Cristal to be very endearing and thoughtful-----all the credit belongs to the previous owner, who broke into tears, and me too, as we said our good byes to one another. We promised to keep Cristal in the same light that they did. So "Keekasauruswrecks" who is still in training now learns the meaning of stability, empathy, and other bright doggie behaviors from our "Cristal-chandelier" who, as-of-yet, isn't afraid of the noise. And Cristal learns from Keek too. Cristal watched Keek ring the 'outside' bells, and grasped the idea quickly. Also, when Michael comes home from work, he calls my cell-phone just upon his arrival to our property. The ring-tone is a unique sounding song which signals Keek for the best part of the day. Cristal totally gets the concept, too. Michael and I are blessed. We have God's "angels with teeth"! ......And fur. Boy-oh-boy, do we gots the fur. lol. Thanks for letting me go on and on and on about the dogs. )
  2. Hey, that's fantastic how you both got through that last post! I re-read it and thought maybe I should blame the cat for all those typos and bad grammars. lol. Here's Celesti, who sometimes hacks up soppy misspellings and makes little squishy piles of run-on sentences: [ATTACH]5133.IPB[/ATTACH] And here's me with Cristal (brand new adoption), who is the least affected by Celesti's improper punctuations: [ATTACH]5134.IPB[/ATTACH] I really, really, really thought there were a lot more recent photos on my laptop, but whoops, not even any photos of Michael. Geezy-peezy. I have some more that would be nice to share but will have to wait for Michael to come home and help me. We live about 50, or so, miles southeast of Orlando, Florida. The Kennedy Space Center is a short drive north of us, but I have forgotten how far up the coastline it is---maybe twenty, or something, miles. We can see the launches go across the sky, feel the boom in our chests, and hear the rumble approach our home. The Atlantic Ocean is just a little bit east of where we live. I swear, going to it makes me cry in the good way. It is such a deep powerful force of pure mother nature.
  3. Wow! Thanks everyone for the terrific welcomes. Lesson learned: do not take a day off from Husky-owners.com because your thread will get a whole honking bunch of posts to reply to....lol. And thanks Valkyries for posting Keek's photo for me. It's really wonderful to see the Gallery chugging along despite the speed bump that was my photograph. My middle-aged misfiring brain-power gets revved-up, backfires (ka-pow!), and winds up embarrassing the ever-loving living heck out of me. Since it is all fired up right now, with a rusty spark plug or two, the most likely scenario will be I'm going to goof up this post I'm writing. How's that for fair-warning? lol Echo is very incredibly beautiful (and therefore, if she comes up missing...Andy, just come over to my house and say, ah-ha I knew it...now give her back). She looks like a real White Shepherd. I love all German Shepherd Dogs. We really thought that was what Keek was....except for her blue eye. I read that sometimes a GSD will be born with a mutated gene which will cause a blue eye but it's very rare; so we assumed the likelihood for Keek's eye was not a rare mutated gene. Then, later on, after she made the musical note, Keek began to develop other traits more commonly associated with Siberian Huskies, especially the inside of her right hind paw pad, then the tip of her chin. Keek suffers zinc-responsive dermatosis type 1, but we didn't realize it until we found Husky-owners.com---which fortunately spared Keek from all the wrong diagnostic starting points, and wrong medicinal remedies. We feel Keek has the very brightest future now, and will monitor it for the rest of her life. Keek's name, yes, does rhyme with geek===lol!!! What a great knee-slapping hoot! That's more true than can be fathomed. The backstory on her name is.... I spelled her name phonically, because {{{had}}} we spelled it the way it is really spelled (Qiiq), everyone would ask, what the samhill is that? Btw, I found out much later that Qiiq (pronounced the same way, pretty sure) is the word for Summer, in----get this---Siberian Yupik! Just some interesting tidbits of info, my family history lived near the Bering Strait Tradeway. It was common in the old times to speak several dialects for exchange to occur between Natives, but holey moley----I wonder how on Earth anyone could ever get past the word Qiiq??? "YOU MEAN SUMMER? No, woman, I was talking about the color of your hair. lol. Okay, now for the geekiest part....no actual evidence for conventional 'as-in-taken-for-granted' writing, or historicity of 'traditionally-thought-of' spelling, happened within the ancestors ways. So that means some other 'outside' linguistic type language(s) used their own alphabet-lettering-system(s), and applied it to the elders which were the youth of the era. Which, turns out, was a blessing in disguise, because I have the basic tools needed to raise up Keek! lol, Maybe that's too much information. But wait, hold on for just one more thing, really. Here gores... although I may never have solid proof to offer the scientifically-minded peer group belonging to academia or some other otherwise, I assert Siberian Huskies existed in Alaska long before the roots took hold of how the Iditarod began its legend. There now, I went and made the paragraph way too long. Dang me. Please accept my apology for the excessive wordiness. Back to the question at hand: very much yes, Keek rhymes with geek! And she is. Not me, though...lol. First day of Keek----a nice photo of her eye, and what she looked like as a little puppy: [ATTACH]5126.IPB[/ATTACH] We didn't know it that first day, but Keek was really sick. Poor pup. She's good to go now, thanks to Husky-owners.com!
  4. Well now, I may have goofed up the Gallery photos! What a way to introduce myself. Good grief. My name is Shirley. I'm married to a guy who isn't computer-challenged, who is asleep, and can not help the one who is. It's just about 11:30 at night here in Florida and I'm too sleepy to figure out much more than to apologize in advance when folks wonder who blew the Gallery to smithereens...(secretly I blame the cat). I have more photos but ought to wait till tomorrow to post anymore. Maybe the first thing I should do is fix the one already posted, although not sure yet how to do that; that photo just looks like I posted it wrong. Or something. It looks too big. I sure hope that the Gallery isn't broken. I have a female, one and a half year old, White Shepherd who we believe is part Siberian Husky. Personally, I am biased for Siberians, in fact, very much so. Siberian Huskies are magical! That aside, she came from a rescue, byway of my husband's co-worker's daughter. He, the man who works with Michael (my husband), placed a 5 week old puppy in his hands and said, this one is yours. That's how Keek came to be with us. Keek means "white-hair" in Cup'ik, an Alaskan Native word. I am from Alaska, but now live in Florida and I blame Michael for all these good things. Husky-owners.com has helped us figure out Keek, who we were told was pure blooded White Shepherd. But Keek has a blue eye; and as a pup, hit a note that ONLY Siberians can hit.....that sweetest high note that reverberates all the way to your very soul. I'll write some more later, after some sleep. I love this website, already. Instantly, when we first found it while searching for information on how to raise up Keek. Thank goodness all of you are here!
  5. Thanks for the welcomes! I really appreciate it...and will do the proper introduction as soon as I figure out how to do it. Just gotta read those how-to threads. lol. (Andy, Keek looks a lot like Echo except Keek has Koda eyes.)
  6. New here...first post, and just grateful for all the info found on this site. We've been lurkers for quite a while, found through Bing and Google. Our girl was a rescue; she isn't a pure bred Siberian Husky, but it's the knowledge at Husky-owners.com which helped us the most raising up Keek! We owe you all of our thanks. xoxoxo
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