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  • Birthday 12/09/1989

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  1. We are pretty excited for the new Star Wars MMORPG. Woo. LOL Troy will be next. With his Jedi one. Harhar.
  2. He is handling it very well. He is getting immiticide 2 shot protocol. Oi! Keeping him quiet is very hard. Crating him, he gets antsy. We let him out for a bit to lounge on the couch. NOPE. He was up all night, pacing. We are going to have to use Ace. He is such a happy baby, he loves to play and get very excited. :C Which is fine and dandy any other day, but with his uh, condition, that is not going to work LOL
  3. Troy went in today for his first heartworm treatment. My heart feels sad, because all day at work, I watched his face turn from " " to " :C " and he grew...sleepy. Unresponsive. They had to give him some fluids and something else but he is doing fine now. He has to stay there overnight, and my heart is panicking. :C Ugh.
  4. I guess it would SOUND like a good idea, if dog's weren't freaking used to getting VERY sick on it. We get TOO many dogs that need to have their stomach pumped around here for eating an owner's pot stash. The dogs start to salivate, and a few seized while on it. I don't agree with it. I mean. Really? You think someone is just going to put this on their dogs? LOL DERP.
  5. Thanks guys! I am so glad he entered my life. He changes every day! He has no muscle mass, in that you can feel no muscle. It's just bone. But his tummy is huge with food, so it looks silly. LOL Like that, but the legs aren't full. Just boney. LOL I call him my hyena dog.
  6. So I wanted to update this! Troy is doing excellent. His meds have only let him have two accidents in the house. But he is eating like a horse, and drinking wells of water. ;S I can't wait for the steriods to stop. He starts his treatment next Friday. He has gained a whopping 3lbs in one week! That is honestly a LOT for this guy. His satin bars ran out as he eats them like crazy too. His skin is so much better. It's not red, but now a lightish pink. Not a healthy-ish pink, but it's getting there! I wish some muscle mass would come in, but I really can't exercise him until after this treatment. His legs are all skinny, and so is his backside, but his tummy is all full. It looks like a hyena: Ugh. Sucks. He gets along with my other husky JUST fine. I am actually surprised and shocked. I have flashbacks of a husky pup that I rescued early this year in February, and how I had to return it because it was trying to rip my other husky apart. This guy is pretty chill! So, I will shut up now and here are some pics from this morning!: Food? This that camera food?!: No? Okay. Whatever. Goodnight:
  7. 1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? She gives you the side-glace, and swivels her ear to make sure she heard the command correctly, but is shrugging it off. SOMETIMES she roo-roos, but very rarely. 2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand? Spin, Reverse-Spin, Sit, Stay (for a few good feet), Line-Up, Leave-it, Down, and Roll-over. 3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched? In her ears. Haha. 4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? Nope. She is pretty good about it. If there is something that is NEEDED to be smelled, she falls to the floor to sniff it..otherwise, eh. 5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it? Hardly. LOL That's lab-stuff, apparently, to her. 6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues? No. 7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you? Runs. And never comes back. LOL 8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise? "Zoomies" in the apartment lolol 9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc? My boyfriend is her father. He has known her all her life. I have only known her for three years. She also loves under the computer chair. Good lord. 10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done? Knocked over my guinea pig's set up, and ripped some fur off his butt. :I 11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? Nope. 12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? She rolls on her side, jumps up in bed to lay next to me, and lick my hand. xD
  8. Maybe he had a husky, and it only lived to be 5. :I And rushed into his house to tell someone/something that something went wrong. Oi. I try not to be negative like that, but it's a double-negative anyway. If he gets a husky, let's all pray for it, and him. LOL
  9. I have two huskies in an apartment, in Texas, in the summer. LOL THIS IS AN AWESOME OCCASION. Congrats
  10. Here are some Xrays I got of his BBs. :/ They have him on some steriods right now and he is so sleepy. :C I ended up taking up the water after four or five bowls of water. He decided the kitchen was good enough to sleep in:
  11. Rest in peace, little soul.
  12. They said that the BB was near the heart, but in skin near the heart. We didn't take any real 3D images of the depth of the BB, but my vet didn't seem too worried. She said she had seen worse? So I guess it's good for now? lol
  13. I hope he finds a wonderful home <3 Usually the older babies are so sweet. I could never give up on my dogs because of a sickness. It's so sad.
  14. So, today, we did some X-rays of his chest. Someone shot him with a BB gun near his heart. He also has BBs in his hiney area. :/ Where his testicles could have been. People make me sick.
  15. Yes! He is doing awesome! The only thing I need to work on his night whines in the kennel. :I Living in an apartment with a dog that barks ALL THE TIME beside me, I believe the neighbors have no reason to complain, but it kept me and the boy up for a little bit. He ended up sleeping in the living room while I delt with night-time WOO WOOS. lol
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