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  1. Loki is now 4 and Valkyrie is now 1! \
  2. It's been forever, here's a photo overload of Loki (Now 3) and our new girl, Valkyrie (Now 7 months) Loki's been getting bigger, we had a daughter and it is now HIS baby and he has been so good with her. He's super gentle and patient (Even lets her jump on him and lay on him, such a good boy, poor thing) and very protective. He'll snap at Valkyrie if she tries to jump on her or push people away from her. Paige loves him and pets him, plays dolls with him and everything. Now for Valkyrie!
  3. So.. what are us people with only one dog supposed to do when we have kids? I just can't keep Loki cooped up all day. it's not like I'm throwing my daughter out with all the other dogs.
  4. Nope I even was asking the farmers!
  5. Where's a good online price for Raw marrow bones?
  6. I don't think they have any here. I've asked every butcher in town and they all get their meats pre cut
  7. While Loki was with my mom he accumulated a lot of plaque, what can I do to really get a good cleaning on this built up stuff?
  8. Aww thanks! I was soo surprised how tolerable he was of her climbing on him and using him to stand up! She fell asleep in her swing a bit ago and he crawled up underneath it to sleep by her. i know once she gets older my "No dogs on the furniture" will be broken because she'll cry until she can sleep with him lol
  9. Because you all know my dog is a menace I've finally gotten Loki back! You'll be seeing many more photos of him now! He loves Paige to death, she can't crawl too far away from him before he chases her down and gives her a check up kiss.
  10. I don't think my husband likes Loki. (dogs in general) which makes it really hard to get him back. A husky was the dog he picked out when we talked about it, but he doesn't like him touching him, petting him, being licked or breathed on or when Loki puts his head in his lap. My mom talks like he's her dog and doesn't want to give him up, but they don't listen to me and won't take care of him like I asked. Will doesn't want him in the apartment but i can't have him getting lost all the time, one of these times he might not be so lucky. I'm so torn. I want my dog
  11. Oh no, he's in so much danger!! He might be cuddled to death or suffocate in all that fluff!
  12. TWICE last night. I am so mad. My mother has been watching Loki (big predicament trying to get him back, don't ask) and they have lost him numerous times. She has a faulty fence and KNOWS that, everyone there does and they all KNOW they can't let Loki out without watching him or he'll run away. Last night, my brother(or his friend, I wasn't there at this point) lets Loki run out the front door. He's gone. I come over wit my daughter for halloween trick or treating (So it's late, it's about 8:20) only to pull up in the driveway and my mom telling me "Loki is gone" WHAT?! Don't they ever learn?! They can't keep losing my dog! They KNOW they have to watch him!! It's not like this is the first time! So it's about an hour and they find Loki out in the wood and bring him back. I'm really P1$$3d at this point, but I decide to let it go. Mistakes can happen. My husband has let him out the door on accident before. Okay, at least he's safe, right? But then we're done trick or treating, my step-dad has let the dogs out and gone to bed. Now it's about 11:00 and I asked if Loki was sleeping with him because he's not allowed to be on furniture and I've told them to make him sleep in his crate so he isn't untrained when I get him back. He isn't downstairs, which he usually is at night. She says "No, he's usually downstairs" I tell her I haven't seen him downstairs (I always cook a dessert when I come over and he's usually in the kitchen with me) she goes upstairs and he's not there. She goes outside and the fence has been broken again. Loki is gone. One time, okay, maybe I can get over that but TWICE? In one night?! You'd think the first time they'd be more alert and not be so negligent! They know he can't be outside by himself! Yet they leave him by himself anyway! And okay, maybe you have to pee or something and can't watch, you can at LEAST check if he comes back in when you let the other dogs back in!! WTF. So my husband and her start driving around the neighborhood and finally find him at 1:00am I can't go look because I have the baby so I have to just stress waiting that they've lost my dog again. A husky at that, who does NOT do recall. They found him at a neighbor's house because he wanted to play with her dogs- luckily I have him microchipped and have his tags melded onto his collar so they can't get lost. But what if he was hit by a car? Ugh... I'm so mad. I want my dog back, I can't deal with this negligence but getting him back has been a horrible spiral that just keeps going in the same circle. Part of me says I can't blame them too much, they're looking after him, I should be responsible for my own dog. But at the same time, they can't just be negligent and get him lost and killed. I pay for all his food and vet visits still. I buy his toys and treats still. ugh... I'm just glad he's okay this time, but what about today or tomorrow?
  13. Thank you I miss him a lot. Originally I had my mother watch him around when the baby was due so her smell could be all over the house and he wouldn't feel like she was intruding. But then she had a hospital stay and right after that our lease was pulled a surprise switch on us and the house was growing mold that the landlord wouldn't take care of and making the baby sick so we moved last minute to an apartment. The apartment only allows two pets and we have our cat and my mother's cat right now so she still has Loki D: She's only two miles away so I go see him like 3 times a week, brush him and take him to the park but I miss having him with me!
  14. Loki at the park today! It's been 10 months since his last photos!
  15. Brutal isn't it? I should have posted a warning!
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