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  1. thanks everyone ... his dad was a big boy and his mum was a bit smaller i would of said his dad was a 30kg dog , will he grow into that in later years ? also what is trip lol ...
  2. hi iv just come back from the vet and they said that reeno was abit skinny ... they said to just feed him more but i was wondering if there is any percific ways to get a husky to put on weight and type off foods or anything basicaly ... i weighed him at the vet and he is 21.15 kg and he is 1 year 8 months , is that ok ? thanks in advance
  3. obvisly they would survie without us but they wouldnt rele have a chocie i doubt they would just lay down and wait to die, yh they have instincts but come dinner time they would expect to get fed after a while as you say they would have to adapt to what they are presented with ... and yh he will associate it with the nosie but that means when he hears that nosie he will 'expect' to see me within the next few soconds ... i just think its worng to say that dogs dont 'expect' things because they do .
  4. dogs do 'expect' things as soon as they are born obvisly they will see there mum but then strate away there will be a human there in most circumstance, when there hungry they will let you no e.g howling taping there food bowl same goes for goin outside then will stand at the door and wait for you to open it or they will let you no they want to go out , anouther example, i live at home with my parents and my dog 'expects' me to come home when he can hear my car pull up and when i lock my car its qwite louad, he will be there every day waiting for me at the door, my mum and dad have said they havent heard anythin and he will just get up and rush to the door and wait for me to walk in ... dogs do without doubt expect humans to help them threw there lives , wild dogs no they arnt used to human help but if food comes for free and with no catches they will come and feed from what you are giving them prime example a fox round near me will go to a few retrants and will paintenly wait outside where people eat untill they finsh and most off the time the humans will feed him ... he goes to about 4 restrants not because he is a domestic dog or animal but because he can get food for free and with no catches ... obvesly dogs and huskys inpoticular have there historic roots but dosnent eveny one and evrythin ? people and animals adapt to things wich makes there life easyer fact
  5. " So whenever they're off-lead, it is a signal that says "ok u can go now" for them. And as you already know, dogs live by instinct. They don't miss their owner the way humans do, the only thing they know is that they're off-lead and they have always been taught to RUN so this is not about loyalty " thats the only thing i think is a mistake... yes dogs are geneticly trained on how to act and think from thousands of years ago and still do dont get me wrong but now it is also- only natural for a dog to expect a human to be around to help them after MANY of years of seeing annsestors and life after life of humans comuikating and helpin also feeding them wich is the main thing to a dog and genuarly looking after them , which means that the only thing they no isnt to just to run and not miss there humans , they look at us a essential in there life they know no better ... or ur dog would feed its self let himself out too pee in the back garden atualy he would probly use the toilet if they were that inderpendant haha ... i think a bond between you and your dog is however you look at it ... do you want ur dog to be your best freind? do you want him to just pull you around on a sledge? or just a qwik hello and goodbie dog and let someone else care about him? how ever you bond with your dog is how he will bond with you, u show him love, u help him out when he needs things you take him for long adventuras walks and play and conect with them then rele at the end off the day its hard for them not to love you... like i said its allready breed into them that humans are good and there too help . ps sorry about spelling im deslexitc and carnt rele spell lol
  6. my opion i woudnt give him a high value treat reasons being he will get to know everytime he does that and gets the sock hes guna get a treat he may drop it wen u ask but he will expect a treat so he will keep doin it, he will asociate gettin somthing eg socks that you dont want him to have with a very nice treat when he drops it , you can teach him outher ways to drop and leave things with out useing your socks lol
  7. its face dosent look like a pure husky and the colar of him or her the markings are alot like a collie also u can get realy bushy collies ... just my personal opion as soon as i saw it i thort it looks abit like a collie
  8. looks like its got borda collie init not a mal
  9. like every one is sayin be firm , let him no he has done wrong and dont let him get away with anything like that to him it is a game and he is testing you to see how dominment you are when he nos ur boss and when he nos that what he is doin is wrong he will stop ... dont wait til he is destracted to get whatever he has got do ererythin you can to get it but dont let him think your doin it for a laugh or a game or he will keep doing it after gettin whatever it is he has got away from him, take it away and walk away make him come to you , then mabie try playing with somthin he is allowed so he nos what he can and carnt play with
  10. i have wrote about letting huskys off the lead before and have had alot off shit from it. i am reading a book at the minit about a philosopher who owed a wolf and the book is about him bringin up and living with this wolf i have olny read a little at the moment but i am glued to it , he traines is wolf on and of the lead within 15 minits and belives it is and i quote, "people including people who owned wolfs told me that it was impossible to train wolf to walk on leash , those sort of people who kept there wolfs , wolf-dog or dogs loked up in a run in the back garden , and that i belive is a criminal act for wich a custodial sentence would be apropiate .it actually took no more than two minits to get brenin to walk on leash . outher people told me it was impossible to train a wolf to walk heel . that took a further 10 minits .once we masterd the basics of that teaching brenin to walk of leash was suprisingly easy " i could go on as there is alot about people beliveng it is impossible to do this and that but i wont lol the book is called the philosopher and the wolf and is a life changin book to those who hold there huskys as they are the closest things to wolfs , de0ar to them i fully recomend it .
  11. he was aware what was goin on at all time he new wen to cross he woud only hav took look behind when he crossed cos he was allready ooking forawd when he was running
  12. how do you think i no my dog done the same ended up goin to a park near by walkin and runing alond the path and looking when he crossed if it was a person runnin away he would off took the same route he didnt cross when he didnt have to and when he did he cross he made sure nothin was comeing, id never been so scared ether but i was amazed how he was and to let you no he wasent off the lead for along long time after that
  13. he has road sence u cant say he dosnt i can say he has because i hav seen it and what do you no for cerntain it says in them articals about huskys slipp there lead i no many dogs who hav bittin threw leads whats stoppin ur dod 100 foot away slippin or bitting its lead and runnin off then he would love it even seting him self free. yeh and he will prove a point to you..like a dog does not understand you proving a point..if a husky had hands it would shove 2 fingers firmly in the air to you trying to prove a point... i belive in "bein the alpha" alot if he trys to prove a point i am the alpha and he never proves a point i can stop him doin anythin in a second in the house i can make him sit lay get up leave the treat get the treat take the treat out my hand wait to take it with out sayin a word he nos im alpha
  14. i can say somethin i no he has road sence! i cant diagree with all this stuf ur geting off the internet cos its written by profesinals and people who have probley had years off experince on me all i can say is how i feel and what i think my dog can do and hope people can be as lucky i new these post were goin to come but i love to see my dog running free playing with dogs and coming back to me and i hope and ray he will do that for the rest off his life ,i wouldnt let him off if i wasnt confident i hav walked him on the lead for months to prove my points to him and i let him no wen he has done wrong i am not irrisponsible and i care and love my dog just as much as any outher owner on here so dont make out like i dont just because i let him off his lead
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