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About achmedsmom

  • Birthday 09/29/2008

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  1. some of those are ideas i have never heard of thank you!
  2. well he is about to turn 2 on the 29th of this month, we have been extremely busy lately (september is a very busy month starting off) Usually when we walk him we are gone for over an hour and he is very tired when we come home but lately he doesn't seem to get enough being out and about for an hour, today we took him to my husband's work, ( he works at a high school) ... we closed the fence doors of the foot ball field and let him run...he ran for a good 2 hours and still had a lot of energy when we got home... right now he's passed out but i'm hoping it's just a growth spert or something that he just gets bursts of energy.... i know it seems silly to think he's mad at me but he has such a personality, he responds to a lot of what we say everyday, like he will "throw a fit" if he is ready for bed at night and we're still in the living room ... he runs back and forth between the bedroom and living room... he will go to the bedroom... bark... come to the living room and whine... and that goes on until we're ready for bed... then he's calm as can be.... he really is like one of my kids and i love him as such.... he also has some sence of time because everyday right around the time my husband comes home he sits by the door and stares at it until he gets here... i just worry because i cannot tell what he is thinking or feeling .... he doesnt act like he's hurt or anything... i dont know... i know it's silly but it threw me for a loop when he all the sudden started being a terror lol ... thank you all for the advice!!!
  3. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! Achmed has been throwing a tempertantrum since our meet with diesel!! anything and everything he can get into and destroy he has done it! while i was gone today he ate a loaf of bread, he has been eating and tearing up everything and i mean EVERYTHING!! i'm really worried about him some things he has been destroying he eats and then throws it up later on... this is not only horrible to clean up but is soooo bad for him!! I was babysitting yesterday and he knocked a can of baby formula out of the diaper bag and pawed it open and started licking it! I hate feeling mad at him but when he does these things I can't help but be a little upset!! he has never torn things apart this much, I could make a pretty long list of things he is tearing apart or eating and I dont know how to make him stop.... i can tell he is mad at me and it's making me sad....
  4. thank you all !!! i'm a little worried, achmed has been acting really funny since we got home... usually his play time is around dinner time (when he gets overly fiesty) and that's always fun, but today and last night he has been doing some strange things... once i get in bed he runs like a mad man, digs the bed, tears my blanket off me, barks soooo much, if he does lay down, he whines with every breath he takes... he has never done this... should i be worried?
  5. well we went today to meet diesel... things didnt go quite as we planned, achmed and diesel don't get along very well at all and if i tried to even touch diesel achmed would knock him out of the way and stand in front of me growling... i know there is a huge dominance issue and the woman fostering diesel said this is only the first meet, we are going to try again in a week after placing one thing in our house that smells like diesel and one thing in their home that smells of achmed... hopefully this will get them used to each other's scent and maybe a smoother meet in a week.... i'm not too sure why achmed did this, our friend's dog miko and achmed had a wonderful time together and played very well... both males as well... i would really like to give diesel a forever home with us but only if achmed and him can get along, with two kids i dont need all the aggressive behavior... On a happier note... my husband has an interview for the state of michigan on tuesday!!! he has already passed the state testing and now it's just waiting for a position they think he will be perfect for... please keep us in your thoughts on tuesday!!!
  6. some people are so disrespectful!!! i'm sorry that happend to you and merlin... i'm glad to hear he is ok... big ((hugs))
  7. mice.... and anything creepy crawly.... i had a mouse once in my basement.... i was down there doing laundry and my girls were down there too.... i saw one run, i grabbed a box while screaming and covered it.... i called my husband screaming... my daughter looks at me and says mommy.. it's just a tiny squirrel!!! ... lol gotta love the things that come out of children's mouths lol
  8. I also found this website, it has a chart that lays everything out as far as what you may be seeing... again, i hope this helps... xxxx http://peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+2111&aid=426
  9. well i'm not a vet, or an expert but here is some literature i found about bumps n such on dogs... hopefully something in here matches what you're sibe has going on and you can research it further... i hope this helps and if it doesn't i'm sorry... i wish i knew more for you... xxxx Spotting a bump on your dog need not be a cause of panic. In most cases, bumps turn out to be harmless mass of fatty tissue. Such non-cancerous lumps like cysts, warts, infected hair follicles and blood-filled swellings can cause discomfort to the dog, but they are localized skin problems that have little impact on the overall health of the dog. There are many reasons why these bumps appear on dog skin. Sebaceous cysts form due to plugged oil glands under the skin. Cysts that are a combination of dead cells, sweat or clear fluid often disappear on their own. Warts are benign growths caused by a certain virus. These are usually seen in small dogs and normally appear on lips, tongue, eyelids and the inner lining of the mouth. Long lasting cysts that develop slowly and cause an adequate amount of irritation may need to be surgically removed. Lipomas are fatty tissue tumors that are mostly benign and harmless. They can increase in size and cause discomfort to your pet, which is why they may also need to be surgically removed. Other tumors that are normally benign include the following: Granulomas are composed of granulation tissue and appear as multiple nodules of varying size. These tumors generally appear as a reaction to injury, inflammation or infection and are the body’s natural reaction to foreign substances. Fibromas are an uncommon benign tumor of a solitary polyp type nodule. They usually occur on legs, groin, or sides. Follicular cysts are the most common of all the cysts. They usually develop on the head, neck and trunk. The characteristics are solitary, round, appear above or just beneath the skin, may have a bluish color, and are full of thick, yellowish gray fluid. Epidermal inclusion cysts are also the body’s reaction to infection or allergy. These cysts are very small, up to 2 inch diameter nodules, and often contain unusual amount of thick, greasy fluid. Since many tumors are benign does not mean that a tumor can be neglected. There are types of cancerous tumors that pet owners should be aware of: Squamous cell carcinomas are a common malignant tumor. They are mostly seen in dogs that are exposed to sun or have long lasting irritations in the skin. The bumps that this cancer causes take the shape of a cauliflower or crusted ulcers. Basal cell tumors are most often benign but can be diagnosed as malignant. These are single nodules filled with fluid and can be seen in the head, neck and shoulders of adult dogs. Fibrosarcomas are fast growing, invasive, and firm tumors, which can ulcerate. These tend to occur at vaccination or injection sites. Epitheliotropic lymphomas are a rare carcinoma of T lymphocytes and are generally diagnosed in older dogs. They take varied shapes - itchy and scaly redness, ulcers with loss of pigment, single or multiple nodules or oral ulcers. Hemangiosarcomas are malignant and invasive tumors that have reddish black nodules and normally appear on chest or abdomen of the dog. Histiocytosis is a condition of cancerous tumors that can cause extensive hair loss. They have the capacity to affect the entire body system of the dog. All bumps should be investigated as there is always a possibility that a harmless looking bump or eruption may be cancerous. Careful veterinarians aspirate the tumor fluid or remove a piece of tissue of any tumor they come across. A pathological examination eliminates any doubt whatsoever regarding malignancy.
  10. that is fantastic! i would love to buy one! maybe 2, i'll slap one on the hubby's truck as well as mine he he he...
  11. achmed sits on the back of my couch, in front of the window most of the night while i'm doing homework... it's pitch black outside but because of that and the light from our lamps he can see himself... he just stares... it's so funny because he will start to whine a little, perk his head up and just stare and it stops him from whining lol... i have no clue what is going through his furry head but it's funny to watch lol
  12. thank you all so much! you have been so so helpful! i think we are going to meet the malamute that needs a home and see if he plays well with achmed and our girls... if so we might be adding a new member to our family.... his name is deisel!
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