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About Zoya&EisasMom

  • Birthday 11/13/1956

Profile Information

  • Real Name
  • Location
    Iowa, USA
  • Occupation
    Program & commercial copy co-ordinator at an ABC network affiliate tv station.
  • Biography
    Lived in Iowa all my life. Been happily married to MAZZ (moderator on here) for 28 years. Have 1 adult son. Have had huskies for 19 years.
  • Interests
    Reading(historical fiction is my favorite), baking, making jewelry, spending time with my huskies

Zoya&EisasMom's Achievements


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  1. .....those first 2 are hilarious! He's growing up to be quite a handsome boy.
  2. I've always known that I could make good use of 2 ovens. When I'm cooking a large dinner...usually on holidays...there's always several dishes that need to be cooked at different temps. Double ovens would solve that problem. I've got it narrowed down to 2 or 3 models...now I just have to make a decision!
  3. awwwwwwww...that's total relaxation! Such a little cutie pie...
  4. awwwwwwwwww....so cute...she's going to be gorgeous when she grows up.
  5. Oh, we definitely need an oven. Otherwise, Dave wouldn't get any more cheesecakes or red velvet cakes or my special apple pies...he would not be a happy camper... In fact, I'm looking at stoves that have two ovens!
  6. awwww...so adorable. It always amazes me how Huskies take to young kids...almost as if they feel they need to watch over them. I've seen it happen many times...
  7. Eisa refuses to look at me when I have the camera out....Zoya just gives me a "death stare". She looks so disgusted and annoyed about having her pic taken. I have to be sneaky and try to get them in candid situations.
  8. awwwwww...how cute. You must have a huge couch for all 3 to be on there with you....
  9. Both of ours are blowing right now. Tufts are falling all over the house.....
  10. Almost 100% German on both sides here...had one great, great grandmother from Ireland on my mother's side.
  11. Our girls are spoiled every day...or is it "they have us trained". They get treats just for asking for them...they will show you where their treat jar is in the kitchen in case you forget. They lay/sleep on any piece of furniture that they are able to curl up on. They get us to let them out into the back yard any time they want...sometimes just to sit on the deck and watch for rabbits along the fence line. Yes....I would say they have us trained...
  12. ....puppies are so wonderful....they keep you on your toes..
  13. Blaze always looks so regal and dignified....such a handsome boy.
  14. awwww...she's beautiful! Congratulations...
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