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About Kaje

  • Birthday 03/22/1987

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  1. Well ok, this particular Armageddon prediction turned out to be a big load of hooplah ( big suprise) but we still have 2012 to look forward to:bananadance1: ( Sorry if you are all getting sick of the whole " end of the world" craze, but I thought you'd enjoy these pics:lolman:) http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/pictures-you-need-to-see-before-the-world-ends
  2. 2:40 Over here in Nova Scotia, but I'm not too worried. No fireballs from the heavens, earthquakes, zombies and the sky is completely void of flying horsies. Apparently there were supposed to be earthquakes so severe that they would " make the one in Japan seem like a tea party"
  3. hen your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc. Deaf ear most of the time. Sometimes she'll just look me as if to say " really?" and then go right back to it. What commands/tricks does your husky understand? Sit. Down. Stay. come. do business. speak. we're working on paw and roll over. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched? Behind the ears Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.) If we are just out in the yard she will pull and run, but on long walks she is pretty good and just trots ahead without pulling. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it? Yes. And she is also the one who usually starts the game to begin with. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues? Nope thank goodness. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you? She likes to bully my Mom's chihuahua sometimes What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise? Run! Run! Run! ...and walks in the woods. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc? Her bed beside the couch in the living room. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done? Doing her business right on top of the tallest hill in the park on a crowded day In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this) There is a old pasture behind my house from when we had horses some 20 years ago where I have let her off leash to run around. I am getting a little wary of doing it though since last time she took off into the woods and did not come back out for close to half a hour. . How does your husky show you that he loves you? Wakes me up every morning with nuzzles, licks or a paw to the face.
  4. I wish they would do the right thing and ban these idiotic child beauty pageants. There is absolutely NOTHING good about them.
  5. wow i did not realize how big the pictures were before uploading o.O
  6. Well it's been a long time coming, but I finally have some pictures of Aurora to share with you all! These are pics taken with my buddies phone and are a little dated, but other then getting a little bigger, not much has changed. Enjoy
  7. Well we are back home again. For the past few days Aurora and I have been staying at Mom's house where there is more comfortable and has some extra supervision. The surgery did go very well and Aurora is back to her old self ( Although she is a little annoyed about the cone) I did have a chat with the vet when I picked her up and was told that under normal circumstances she would have called and informed me that Aurora was in heat before any surgery was done, but since no one noticed she was even in heat until she was knocked out and had her tummy shaved, the best thing to do was just carry on with the operation so the dog wouldn't have to go throgh being brought in and sedated again. Now, I can understand how she would think that, but that's no excuse for not even trying to contact me first. I'd made it quite clear that I was very nervous about the whole thing before I even took her in and would have postponed the surgery in a second if it meant there would be less risk to my dog. Anyway, I am just glad it's over with now. Now all we have to do is make sure Aurora stays calm and her wound heals up properly. Then we can go back, have the stitches removed and find ourselves a new vet. I do have to point out though that I was wrong about the pee cleaning thing though. When I looked at my bill I noticed a charge for " Waste Discharge" and was told by friends that it was on there to cover pee clean up. When I mentioned it to the vet she told me that it was there to cover the charge of properly disposing of needles and stuff.
  8. Apparently my mom has been on the phone with two other vets getting their opinions on the matter and they told her that it was more risky due to the increased amount of bleeding which makes the surgery more complicated. They also told her that they would definitely have made sure that I was well aware of this before actually doing any surgery. There was also talk of having to sign a paper stating that they could preform the operation while she was in heat. None of this happened in my case however. :mad: I hate to say anything bad about a vet, but I wouldn't put it past them to try some sort of scam >.> she has charged me for cleaning up a couple drops of pee before when i first took Aurora in for her puppy needles.
  9. I took Aurora to the vets office this morning to have her spayed and have been spending th entire time counting down the minutes until I could call in and find out how things went. Well, when 1:30 finally rolled around I went straight to the phone and called in. To my great relief, I was told that the surgery went just fine and I would be able to pick her up this afternoon. After telling me this however, the lady went on to say " she was in heat though, so there will a additional charge for that" I was quite shocked to hear this. Aurora had shown no signs of being in heat and she was just in heat last February. Also, I had always heard that it wasn't even possible to spay a dog while she was in heat. Does this make sense to anyone else?
  10. What I don't ' understand is, if this computer software works so well, why do schools stick to the old " hands on" method anyway?
  11. I am REALLY apprehensive about getting Aurora spayed tomorrow. I've been reading around on the internet about people's experiences and everything I've seen has been pretty reassuring, but still I am going to feel horrible leaving her there alone at the vets all day by herself. The surgery is bad enough, but I'm even more worried about taking care of her stitches clean and safe until it is finally time for them to come out. I know she'll be groggy for the first day or two, but once she decides it's time to get up and run around again I will have to watch her like a hawk. Aurora is a running,jumping,digging,playing machine. Does anyone have some tips for keeping her safe once her energy comes back?
  12. Hi everyone! I've been away from this forum for waaay too long and it sure is good to be back. For those who don't remember ( as well as people who have joined while I've been away, which there seem to be a lot of ) I first started posting here late last summer and had just became the proud owner of a beautiful husky puppy named Aurora. Aurora is now 8 months old, brimming with energy ( of course) and well loved by everyone that knows her. Anyway, we're both very happy to be back and don't plan on disappearing from the forum again anytime soon. I've really missed spending time here. ^.^ P.S I'm sorry to say that at the moment I don't have any digital pics of Aurora on my computer, but I will be sure to post some as soon as I can gain access to a scanner or camera x_x
  13. Aurora and I go for a walk around the park nearly every day. Other then that she burns her energy playing with the chihuahua and playing in the yard.
  14. How can anyone be so evil and so stupid at the same time? Pulling his gun out and fireing shooting the dog not only led to the dog'sutterly pointless demise, but endangered everyone else there (many of whom were children) It's a not a GUN a deadly weapon that is only ment to be used as a last resort. And animal control was on the way, all anyone had to do was make sure the dog diddn't run off and AC could have collected it with realitive ease, but this brain dead bastard had to go and kill a innocent animal, Traumatizing and endangering everyone there for absolutely no reason. And then he dosen't even have the guts to stick around and explain himself. What a pitiful excuse for a human being. I can't see him getting away with this. This sort of thing should at LEAST cost him his job.
  15. " I was just driving" pssh that's when you say GTFO of my car and drive off. Give the owner a dump the owner like he tried to dump his dog. Heres hopeing for more then some pathetic little fine.
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