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Everything posted by basketcase687

  1. Thank you,They had been running around for about 30 mins before we filmed this,so by then they were all a bit knackered,but I managed to capture the last few minutes before Mystie collapsed !!...Karen
  2. Our clever Mystie playing fetch with a tennis ball (The rest of the pack just cluelessly charging after her!!) N_eTzflOOc8
  3. Yes indeed,and let's hope both our boys are the exception to the rule.Keep up the good work:)
  4. How lovely to see him enjoying his freedom and not legging it!!.Perhaps he's related to our Lycan,;)cos he's another good boy off lead too.Fab!!
  5. That's amazing,They are so fast,I can see now why you can't let them off their leads!!.My lot would be knackered just watching them .!!Great vid and pics.
  6. Lol,Thank you.Ours have never legged it yet!! They do disappear for a couple of minutes but then come back.They recently chased a weimaraner,through fields and a wood.After 5 mins they all came back,covered in mud,but the weimaraner was nowhere to be seen!!!:eek:
  7. Thank you for that,think the weather helped mainly though.It wouldn't have looked quite as good if it was pouring down!!
  8. Thank you Liz,that's lovely to hear!!.Mystie is our lead dog and always comes comes back to us first.The others then follow.However,If I'm out with all of them, Lycan usually stays with me regardless of what the others do!! He has always been a mummys boy!!
  9. Here are our 4 enjoying their daily run on a beautiful but cold Winters day. JL61_Qkdeu0 NB.It is generally not advisable to let huskies off their leads.
  10. What a pity you don't live near.An hour or so with our Sass would put them straight !!.She guards,protects ,owns and bosses just about everything including the kids !!.Please post some pics of your 2 when you can,would love to see them too.!
  11. Thank you!!.He is still bottom of the pack,Bless him,with ole bossy boots Sass till beating him to a pulp on a daily basis.He hasn't realised he is bigger than her yet!!:rolleyes:Maybe that is why he is so timid ,having been brought up as the packs punch bag!!.However,this seems to have worked in my favour somehow ,cos his temperament is so quiet and obedient.Who Knows?.I will post some recent pics of him when I get the chance.
  12. :wow2:Do you really have 4 pups ??!!.As crazy as me then !!!.They are beautiful.:heartbeat:Just wait til they all moult at once!!!
  13. Thank you.Sadly I just haven't had the time to go online and post vids etc(Always seem to be walking the dogs or feeding the kids etc etc!!)Nice to be back though!!.....Karen.x
  14. Thank you,I have done my best:).He can still be a bit of a ''cloth ears'' when he wants to be,but that's mostly when naughty Sass leads him astray!!.When it is just the 2 of us he is really well behaved.Seriously,he is very timid, a big scaredy pants,and sticks to me like glue.Just about the most unhusky like husky(more like Lycan the lab!!).Barks at strangers,won't go to anyone etc .He is actually afraid of me running away !!:eek:
  15. OMG,they need a trampoline and then they can bounce off the walls too !!..No rules about not sitting on the sofas in your house then??!! Lycan and Sass are the trouble makers in our house(partners in crime!) so they usually get solitary confinement!! Great vid.Indi is gorgeous,BTW;)
  16. Thank you both:).Although he is no longer the little pup he was,he is still my baby boy.The bond I have with him is unlike anything I have ever known with the others,and really quite unique.He was a complete mummy's boy when little,and still is.If we are out walking with all 4,he constantly checks where I am.If I hide he goes into a panic.If I turn and change direction,he will immediately follow me,and leaves the rest of his pack.For that reason alone I love him dearly!!.He is probably one in a million!!
  17. Thank you!!.Sadly,with 4 kids and 4 dogs I just don't have the time to spend on HO that I would really like:(.
  18. Here is a recent vid of just Lycan and me out for a walk.He is 10 months old now,and such a good boy.(Sorry about picture quality which could be better- filmed by me as I walked ! ) bK8peE_zYH4 NB,It is generally not advisable to let huskies off lead,and this video is not intended to encourage anyone else to do so.
  19. Thank you ,they all had a lovely time together.we are now planning to visit them in Exeter next month so watch for part 2.!!!
  20. Yes,I can imagine only too well. She's def a fluff ball,but that's why she is so lovely !!.A couple of ours are moulting at the mo,so that's putting me off bathing them .We have just discovered that we can rent our local dog grooming parlour,for the amazing sum of £10 per hr.It includes all the shampoo,blow dryers etc.We think that's a bargain.Could probably do 2 in an hour,so that is where we will be heading next time.No more dog hair clogging the drains,or the smell of damp doggies in the house.Marvellous!!
  21. Aww,they are so sweet .I just love the grey one(Not sure who it is),what a beautiful face,reminds me of our Mystie!!.It is a big job washing them all isn't it,especially at this time of the year.Well done you!!
  22. A beautiful and very clever husky!!
  23. Here is a recent vid of when The Pawpack Huskies (Thunder,Mystie,Sassafras,Lycan and Lilly) met up with Lycans brother Meeko and the rest of his pack(Max,Ashka and Jett),who travelled all the way from Exeter to be with us.In total,we had 9 sibes playing together!!. Thank you Maggie and Graham for coming to see us,we had a truly wonderful day. Karen.x IUklUYiX4Ck NB,It is generally not advisable to let huskies off their leads.
  24. Thank you ,and here is an update!! I took Lycan to our vet at 8am this morning.He looked terrified when I left him!! I had a phone call from the vet at 3pm to say that all had gone well,and I could come and get him.When I got there I was not expecting such a welcome,or that he would be on his feet and so lively!!.He pulled me out to the car,leapt into the back and we went home!! Once home,he was obviously starving.They had advised me to feed him something like chicken,incase he felt sick from the anaesthetic.But he wolfed down every little morsel I offered him,with no adverse effects:rolleyes:(another surprise!!) To date,he has been a little sleepy ,but other than that fine.I have to take him back next Thursday for a check up,and meanwhile,just exercise him on the lead until then,so that means he will probably be bouncing off the walls by tomorrow!! Thanks everyone,for your comments,much appreciated. Karen.x
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