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Everything posted by basketcase687

  1. :clap:We went away on holiday for 2 weeks.Tim,our friend from this site,had the 2 boys for nearly 3 weeks.The 2 girls were kenneled elsewhere.(Makes going away really complicated!!)
  2. Back together again,after nearly 3 weeks apart !!:heartbeat:
  3. That all sounds lovely.Trying to exercise more than 2 on your own is certainly difficult.Glad it has all worked out well for everyone !!Sabien gets a new home and plenty of attention too,perfect !
  4. Hello and:welcome: from The Paw:heartbeat:Pack Huskies!! x
  5. Olivia,your dog is STUNNING!!.Love that Pic!!:)Was always hoping for a woolly one myself,but it never happened. .Still,with 4 ,maybe it would be even more fur everywhere!!
  6. Such beautiful dogs,both of them!!
  7. We used to use the bath when they were little too.Nowadays,we only bath them outside in the Summer.In the Winter,if they need a bath,they go to a local dog grooming salon,mainly cos of the amount of fur the 4 of them lose,we would have a blocked pipe in no time at all:rolleyes:!!!.Bathroom is strictly out of bounds for them these days!!
  8. He has a sweet look about him for sure. I'm curious to know where he was before you had him,as you say he's 10 but you have only had him about 18 months??
  9. OK,OK,I admit that was a boob,don't know where that pink lead came from !!!Ahhh,No wonder he looks upset,he didn't mind the bath,it was the lead that bothered him!!
  10. LOL,Thanks,But No Thanks!!.Doubt if we could weave our magic on your two!!
  11. Great pics,he's a lovely looking guy!! .Love his name too!!
  12. Here are some pics from yesterday,when Tundy and Lycan had a bath in the garden,with the hose pipe!!:eek:.They were so good and hardly moved.Mystie and Sass watched from a safe distance!!
  13. Hey Nix, Are you still looking for a pink studded collar?.I ordered some new dog tags from Ebay today and saw some .Sellers were The1stoppetshop and puppylove 2000.Pink ones,green ones,blue ones.They even had a purple one!.Really nice. Just thought I'd mention it,you've got me looking now too:rolleyes:(Uh Oh,could be X 4 !!)
  14. Yes,Indeed the collar is lovely.We were commenting today on how well it suits him,Thank you Tim.x
  15. Can't argue with you there.I have 4 kids and 4 fur kids and I know which ones I prefer!!.All joking aside,main difference is ,you love them all to bits,it's just that the dogs dont answer back!!
  16. You're unbelievable,you already have a beautiful pink collar for Skyla!!.Just as well they don't have to wear clothes,her wardrobe would be HUGE!!
  17. Hello and Welcome !!,from The Pawpack Huskies!!.Nanook is a VERY handsome little guy,gorgeous mask BTW!!
  18. Can't help you there.We got Tundy's from a shop called ''WHAT!'',but don't know if it's just local to our area.They had red,black and brown ones,but no pink:rolleyes: .
  19. Thank you, Tim has been a true friend to us.It's wonderful how our common love of these beautiful dogs has created this friendship,wouldn't you agree!
  20. I always feel better when someone is crazy enough to have as many dogs as me!!(ie 4!!).I know then that I'm not the only one forever cleaning doggy poo,and vacuuming ENDLESSLY!!
  21. Such sad news Gigi,so sorry to hear ,though you did mention a little while ago that you thought they might not make it through the Winter.It is a terrible decision to make,cos you want to keep them with you as long as possible.It's something you always know and dread happening from the minute you have them.Watching them age and slow down is bad enough. Their lives are always so short in comparison to ours.All you can do is give them love and the best home possible in the time they have with you.You can take some comfort knowing you did just that.They were in heaven on earth,thanks to you. Karen...X
  22. Hi Tim, Have only just found time to read all this!!.Did 6 loads of washing yesterday!!.It was so exciting to come back and see all our pack.We had to collect the girls from their kennels in the morning.They went mad when they saw us!!.The kennel owner said they had been fantastic dogs to have and so clean,never once dirtying their kennels.She said they were definitely the most dominant dogs there,and had to be walked first every day!! We couldn't wait then to see you and the boys.Their welcome was every bit as we expected,Thunder did his crazy run,and Lycan was all over me!!:doglick:I couldn't believe how big he looked!!.They were both in fantastic shape and looked amazing. When we got back it was so special to reunite them.Lycan cried (and wet himself with excitement!! )when he saw Mystie!!.Mystie was overjoyed to see him too.Thunder went all big eyed,his pupils were huge!!:heartbeat:Sass was so happy too.I had wondered if there might be any probs,cos they were separated for nearly 3 weeks,but it was fine.They all settled down immediately,Sass resumed her dominant role over Lycan,and they all ate really well.As for any bad habits,none whatsoever!!,It was like they had never been away,so why I worried ,I don't know!!(Next year we'll go for a month!!-only joking!!)Today,they all went out for about 2 hours and had a great run together, I took some pics which I will post later. I can't thank you and Damian enough for having them,I am indebted to you.It's no easy task,juggling work and caring for 4 dogs,but you did it fantastically.!!You made them a brilliant foster home,don't think they know how lucky they were.!Hope you had a peaceful evening with just your two!! Thank you also for the lovely photos,and framed picture.It's a lovely reminder of their time together with you. Karen xxx
  23. Hmmm,Pretty in Pink!! Dont think it's a bit girlie( for 2 macho boys!!) do you !!!??
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