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Everything posted by basketcase687

  1. Thank you!:)Funny you should say that.Just before this popped up for sale,my oh kept eyeing my girls bikes,and saying "Do you know,I could make a lovely rig out of those"!!!
  2. Thanks for the advice Lee,any particular helmet?Will do plenty of filming,you know us!!
  3. Thank you Tracey,not convinced about it yet!!They really are a bunch of layabouts( including the oh!!)Will hopefully get him in shape too!!
  4. Shall we make a bet then!! Team Povodny versus Team Basketcase!!. Might be you needing the head start once my lot shape up a bit!!
  5. Hope your 're right!!.Have ordered 4 harnesses and a gang line today,just waiting on them now!
  6. Darers go first lol,you wanna break your neck,go ahead,just don't blame me!!( Saying that,if its our lot,will be a snails pace,so better to bring your 4 instead!!)
  7. Some pics of the rig we bought yesterday. It will be purely for fun but not sure if they will think so !! Our lazy lot will have to get their butts into gear now:eek:!!
  8. Great find Nanci!! Look forward to the pics!!
  9. Nice pics, love the last one!!.Looks a lovely place to walk:)
  10. We have 4.Hardest part for me is exercising them all as I believe they should have 2 walks a day.My husband can walk all 4 at a time, he uses a walking belt . I also use a belt but only walk 2 at a time. We have no issues around toys, they are scattered all over the place, none of them are toy aggressive. Also no issues around food or chews. They all have their own set place to eat, and are fed at the same time. They respect each others space. We have the odd squabble but that's rare. Generally they get on really well,and are always cuddly together .
  11. Happy Birthday!!.Hope it was a good one!!.Just remember,you will never be this young again!!
  12. Aww, Bless him,what a beautiful ,sleepy boy he is!!
  13. Thank you Nanci!.Yes,Sass has to gobble her food in a safe place otherwise greedy Lycan will pinch it!! I think you could teach Jessy,I'm sure she'd be smart enough! Both our girls can do the bang trick ......but sadly,neither of the boys.:(Think that says it all!!!
  14. Thank you!:)First ,she learnt the command to lie down.When she was lying down,we would gently push her over onto her side,and get her to lay flat,and try to keep her still.We rewarded her with a treat every time,and kept saying bang!!.In about 30 mins,she had associated the word bang,with falling down.Really didn't take that long!!
  15. Lol!! Thank you Liz, tbh Lycan is a bit like that, think another seconds wait and he would have lost all his self control!!It was hanging by a thread!!
  16. Lol,you're right,think it must be to do with their colour....too much personality in her case,Sass by name.....Sassy by nature!!
  17. Yes,they can get colds just like we do,from a virus.Also similar symptoms,like a runny nose.2 of ours dogs had colds last year,they took a couple of weeks to go completely. In themselves they were fine.Not much you can do,they just have to fight it themselves..Hope he gets well soon:)
  18. Lol,Thanks...Sass couldn't keep her mouth shut to save her life!!
  19. Just 2 little clips of our pack doing tricks!! Bang!! Sass plays Dead!! Stay!!.They would do anything for a treat!!
  20. Aww,Rosemary ,sorry to read this. :(As everyone's already said,you mustn't blame yourself,certainly not your fault.Hopefully there are going to be a few options for you,so try not to worry,just take it all one step at a time.She's still a lucky girl,I know you will make sure she has a comfortable life,whatever the outcome.....Karen.x
  21. We had Lycan neutered at 8 months.Our vet advised anytime from 6 months.As already said,it won't necessarily alter their temperament ,but MAY help.If the aggression is testosterone driven,it will help ,but if it's fear driven,then no,it won't .In terms of health benefits,it stops the risk of testicular cancer,(just as spaying reduces the risk of mammary cancer or womb infections in bitches.) We were told that neutering alters their hormone levels,which means they will be more likely to gain weight,and you need to reduce their food by about 40%. In Lycans case,I would say this is true,he gets loads of off lead exercise,but he did gain weight initially,and now I keep him on a combination of puppy food and low fat food((kibble). I see no difference in his behaviour towards other dogs since neutering,(he is nervous aggressive), but perhaps he would have been worse if he hadn't been neutered,(so difficult to know for sure).As already said,they are all individuals,you will need to weigh it all up and decide what you think is the best for him.
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