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  1. UPDATE Was hypnotised on wed, felt like I was just having a nice lie down lol, couldnt open my eyes if I wanted to which was strange, I came out of hypnosis with tears running down my face and the image of me as a lovely thin 14yr old, which has stuck in my head ever since, I have lost 6lbs so far since my first session with her 10 days ago, feel so fantastic and happy not just because of the weight loss but in general, people have commented that my eyes are sparkling and that I really do seem happier in my self. Got another session on tue evening and cannot wait.
  2. Sorry for big delay in replying have had the week from hell which I wont go into on here. But anyway went to see Susan the hypnotherapist and had a really good session with her, we talked for ages about my past and what makes me eat and how I get addicted to certain foods, also about the amount of coke I drank, she asked lots of questions and made lots of notes, she carried out some techniques including tapping my wrist, which I have seen before on Paul Mckenna, and actually I have only had to do this once since seeing her, I was not hypnotised on the session, am going back to see her on weds, but I did come away feeling really positive and good in my self, I had a bad thing happen last week and I was able to discuss it with her and she was then able to help me deal with the situation head on, I must say I did feel very relaxed with her.
  3. Thats only if he has been microchipped, has he? hope you find him soon, does he have a tag on his collar with your phone number or address on?
  4. Indie was doing this too, so we tried the radio on low, this didnt work, we left lots of toys that didnt work, we now leave her with Chyna in the downstairs hallway and a couple of the kongs filled with treats, the one thing we were told to do though at puppy training was to go out (even when your not going out) stand outside for 2 mins then come back in DO NOT LOOK OR TALK AT YOUR DOG, then walk around the house and go back out again, shut the door stand outside for 3 mins, come back in and repeat, just so the dog knows you are going to come back, its important you pay no attention to the dog at all though, its a bit like having a baby really ha ha. Indie now after having her for 3 weeks does not cry when we leave the house or go to bed.
  5. oh wow he is absolutely beautiful - grrr having huskies is so addictive I wish I lived in a huge house with a massive big safe garden then I would have a pack lol. When we got Indie she cried every 2 hours the first night in her crate, I kept going down to her letting her into the garden to do a wee and putting her back, we even put her crate next to Chyna so she could see her, she still cried (more like a whale noise lol) then on the 3rd night we let her sleep in the big dog bed with Chyna and she stopped, its what she wanted, to be near to her Chyna whom we think she feels is her mummy figure. Good luck with Shadow and be prepared for walks to take double time when you eventually can go out, because the amount of admirers he is going to get will be unbelieveable lol.
  6. Hello Lyn im a newbie too only joined a few days ago and already it feels like home lol xxx
  7. again a quick message, today has been a manic day, even more manic in the pouring torrential rain we had - such a contrast to yesterday!!!! kids are all home from school and Uni and its the dreaded rush hour of the day of them coming in and filling me in with the days events and me rushing out to work. I am so looking forward to being hypnotised and have had my mine put at rest about the whole "taking your life savings out" thing lol, Hopefully when I get home from work around 10pm I wont be too tired to reply back to you both xxx
  8. ha ha thanks anyway - hopefully be untemporary available soon lol
  9. Dizzy thanks so much for that, I am just off to the hairdressers, but will reply properly later when I am home again, I really appreciate you posting and hearing you story it amazes me how we are totally the opposite on the scales yet so similar in the way we feel. Hypnotherapy probably would work wonders for you too hun x Speak later x
  10. Have you sold your scooter yet? if so where did you buy it from? if not how much do you want for it lol xxx
  11. I forgot to add about my Bodybugg - I purchased one of these in March (I must have spent thousands over the years on dieting) lol I think I know all there is to know about dieting, its not rocket science cals in cals out, take too many in and dont burn up enough you gain weight!!!! but its not so simple when food controls your day to day life, which is exactly now where I feel I am at, I wake up planning what I am going to eat, I will go to town or Sainsburys purposely to buy something nice, then sit and eat it on the computer and feel fantastic for about half hour then the downer sets in and the guilt and the hating of myself - yet its something I am out of control with again :-(. Sarah I tried slimming world, preferred Weight Watchers but again I used all my points on the wrong things lol - good luck mate xxx oops feel a bit ashamed now - I am a newbie and have opened up about myself far too much "blushes"
  12. Wow thanks for replying, A little bit about myself will make you understand why I have come to the conclusion to try hypnotherapy, A few years ago I hit 20 stones in weight, I was laughed at on holiday in Lanzarote getting out of the swimming pool, and totally humiliated, I then went on a series of diets and have tried nearly everything available from Atkins, Slim Fast, illegal slimming tablets, herbal tablets, even Reductil which was prescribed by my GP, I managed to shift 4 stones with these. Reductil was then banned in the UK and I started to gain weight again, I joined a gym and paid nearly £500 for a personal trainer, I have even had a 6 week training and diet course with Richard Callender from UKs BIggest Loser programme (my friends were contestants on the show last year), I lost 13lbs in 6 weeks with him and then gained it back last christmas. I joined Virgin Active gym this Jan and up until June I was attending 5 classes a week including spinning and body combat, then I went on holiday gained more weight, it was then the school hols and I couldnt get to the gym - I am now back up by another stone again and I am so depressed, I know I have a problem with food as I have days where I eat the same thing to death then go off of it again, I work evenings and come in at 10pm and eat the wrong thing, my days start off really well with porridge and then by midday its going down hill. The lady I am going to see is seeing me over a course of 3/4 sessions, the first will be to discuss my eating habits and I assume my past and the reasons why I over eat and eat the wrong foods - I also have an addiction to diet coke and have drunk 26 cans since Sunday!!!!!!!!!! on my last session this is the one where she will carry out the GMB where I will be lead to believe my stomach is the size of a golf ball.
  13. lol - well since I posted this, ive had someone contact me on facebook who knows a mum at football whos sister has had it done and its working she is losing weight every week and not dieting!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. My Milo is a 14yr old shitzu he is deaf and blind in one eye, his little legs give out on him sometimes and I have to carry him to the car when he goes to the groomers, he never hears us come into the room and I have to gentle pat him as he jumps a mile, yet there is no way on earth I would consider making a phone call to have him put down, in fact since we got Indie a fortnight ago she has given him a new lease of life and he has become a lot more mobile and less sleepy. My Mollie was ill last year with Bladder stones, I didnt have pet insurance (for her or Milo) because the monthly premium was going up and up each year because of their age and the fact that we had never ever claimed for either or them over the 14 years I cancelled it - big mistake now I know, she cost £1,500 for her bladder stones op, then this March I knew she was poorly again and thought a stone had come back, turns out she had pyrometra and needed life saving hysterectomy, which cost us another £800. On both occassions people asked me why I didnt just have her put down as she had had a good life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS have now learnt lesson and all dogs have insurance again lol.
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