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  1. Like onlythisgirl said, if she's an inside dog she'll shed pretty much all year round. My two are always dropping hair. There are periods where it might come out in small clumps but nothing compared to the annual/bi-annual blowing of the coat.
  2. Cameo A short appearance by a famous person. Michael Vick was on Madden NFL to make a cameo of him saying "EA Sports, it's in the game!" Yeah, uh...
  3. We also use 'heel' (come sit at my side), 'in front' (come sit in front of me), 'mine' (drop / leave whatever you've got, handy when she's picked up something she shouldn't) and 'no more' (stop what you're doing), as well as the usual sit, drop, stand, stay, wait, come, leave it (leave the other dogs alone), watch me (look at me instead of the distractions), paw (stand there and don't move while I touch / pick up your feet), high five, shake, off, up etc. With stay and wait, the way we learnt to distinguish between the two and to not confuse the dog is that stay is you going back to your dog and wait is calling your dog to you (or giving them another command). I taught off and up at the same time with Juno by having treats and luring her on to things and saying 'up!' and luring her off things while saying 'off'. There's probably a quicker process but she learned it over time so that's all that matters. (:
  4. Thanks for all the responses guys, sorry it took a while to respond. I don't like to put her in her crate as punishment, or even as time out, since she's still getting comfortable with me leaving her alone in it so I would hate for that progress to go back a step. Like Luna's Mum said, we've got an open-plan house so once she starts going it's pretty much impossible to stop her. She normally has a normal lead on her while in the house but it's hard to grab that too if she's going at top speed hahaha. Thanks for the food snatching ideas, I'll definitely work with her on the 'leave it' command. I'm going to go get some double sided tape tomorrow and see if it makes any difference.
  5. Glad to see there's another one of us on here! I'm from Victoria, unfortunately, but welcome to the forum nonetheless. Tala is gorgeous! I agree - Juno is both the worst and best thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn't give her up for the world.
  6. Bit of an old thread but I thought I'd help out anyway. Either the backlight is flat-out broken or there's just a loose connection somewhere. It's easy enough to pull the iPod apart (if it's out of warranty of course - since yours is water damaged I'd assume it is) to check the connections and replace the backlight if it's broken. I've had to Frankenstein quite a few iPods in my time.
  7. What exactly is it doing / saying? Can you upload a screenshot so we can see what it's doing?
  8. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to stop Juno from bouncing off the furniture and from counter surfing and stealing food? She'll have these moments where she's perfectly normal and then it's like a switch is flipped and she tears around the house and literally bounces off the couches. I watch her and I can't see any indicators when she's about to do it and once she does the only way to stop her is to try and catch her, which turns into a game itself for her. The best we can do is try and corral her to go outside, but with my sister and her three small kids living with us (who Juno often uses as a springboard if they happen to be sitting on the couch at the time) it's starting to cause arguments, especially when people try to 'discipline' her afterwards. |: I just have no idea where to start training her to not do it when I can't predict when it'll happen and can't stop it once it does. On the counter surfing / food-stealing issue, we always just worked around it. She has a very sensitive stomach so we pushed plates to the back of the bench, never left food on the table, put a baby-gate in front of the kitchen etc. Now that there's kids in the house though she pinches food from their plates on the table, or from their hand if they're walking around with it (which again is causing some arguments). I've tried trying a can full of coins to something edible and leaving it on the bench for her to take (which pulls the can down with it, making a noise) but after the first go she just learnt to not take that bit of food. If I put anything that tastes bad on some food and leave it for her she just sniffs it and walks away. She's too damn smart! I don't know where else to go with this either. Thanks for any suggestions!
  9. We bought the motorised powerhead one (I think it's a DC23 / 24?) with the grooming tool about a month ago and other than taking the tool out of the box on the day and trying it out I haven't touched it. The dogs didn't enjoy the vaccum cleaner being so close to them (they're not exactly skittish but it's a pretty big, noisy machine), it's awkward to use since you have to constantly put pressure on the brush to keep the bristles out and maneuver the arm of the vaccum at the same time (definitely a two-hand job) and the vaccum didn't seem to do anything other than suck up the hair that was on the brush - there was no more in the bristles than if I had've done it with a normal brush. I guess the whole 'sucking up the hair in the bristles' thing is kind of handy but I'm perfectly fine just pulling it off a brush and putting it in a bag. A waste of money, in my personal opinion.
  10. Just had a look in the source code, the link to tattoosbymasami.com is in post #66. The broken image that Nix posted (and that has been quoted in that specific post) is from the website. Get rid of that picture and everything should be fine. (: Surprised it's not doing it on page 2 where she originally posted it.
  11. Huh, that's odd. I posted a comment with a link to the DeviantArt page of an artist, it might be that? I've just edited it out, maybe go try again?
  12. I don't know if it is but it looks ridiculously similar to a lot work by an artist called WildSpiritWolf on DeviantArt, maybe have a look on there? I might sketch something up tomorrow. What kind of quotes were you looking for?
  13. I paraphrased your quote a bit, hope you don't mind. (; This sounds exactly like me maybe four or five months ago. My girl used to wake up five or six times during the night to go pee (never poos, thankfully!). Where abouts does your girl sleep? If she's close enough, say on your bed or in her own bed next to yours, you could try attaching a lead to her collar and your wrist at bed time. That way you should get a bit of a jolt when she gets up to go. Feeding her at lunchtime / afternoon might help you, it did for me. If you feed her one meal a day at around the same time, you can try and estimate how long it takes her to digest/excrete it by when she goes next and work backwards from there. If you've ever trained her using clicker training I definitely suggest doing what BingBlaze'n'Skyla says and try to teach her to nudge a bell/push a button/do anything to warn you she wants to go out. Even if you haven't tried clicker training, give it a shot. My problem was that my girl wanted to go pee every few hours while I was asleep (at it's worst it was once an hour), so she'd wake me up constantly. I found out after a while that she slept perfectly fine in my mum's room and wouldn't move until my mum woke up, so it ended up being a matter of her just being in a routine of doing it when she was in my room. It all ended when I got a crate. It took a few nights of her crying for an hour or so before falling asleep and waking up every now and then to whinge but it effectively stopped her getting up at all hours. Now she sleeps all night and I know if she does start making a fuss during the night it's because she's busting (usually because I've forgotten to let her out before bed). So I'd definitely recommend getting a crate. Not only will it help with the toilet training issue, if you introduce her to it properly it'll help with your 'destroying everything while you're out' problem too. (: Best of luck!
  14. Thanks for the well wishes everyone - after we came home she had no side effects whatsoever (I was afraid she might since we got to the vet an hour after she ate it) so that was a relief. I didn't know about hyrdogen peroxide though! That's really handy. The vet I went to gave her roughly a tablespoon worth of washing/laundry crystals and she started throwing up within about 30 seconds so I'm going to grab some of that and some peroxide next time I'm at the shops. (:
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