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About bksheppard

  • Birthday 05/09/1989

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  1. I finally got the ticks under control! I found a yard spray that works wonders (Sentry). I am going to try a few other drops to get rid of all of them!
  2. I need some advice on ways to get rid of all of the ticks covering my boys. I've tried 2 different types of drops, powder, spray, shampoo, conditioner, yard spray, yard powder, and yard granular. Everytime there just seems to be more and more ticks on them. I don't know what else to try. I am going to try a different drop ( k9 advantax) as soon as the month ends but for now i am stuck. I'm terrified they are going to get sick! Any advice?
  3. Silas and Koda. Brad came home from soccer and just passed out with the gladiators.
  4. Yeah, in a week and a half I will be going back to Texas and my husband is going to Korea for a year. After that we are getting stationed in Florida in which we are going to try to live off base. I'm so use to knowing my neighbors and being friendly but everyone here doesn't want to know their neighbors. I've met the person who lives in the house that connects with ours only twice and I've been here for a little over 6 months and he isn't very friendly at all. I'm just so use to the small town where everyone knows everyone and people get involved and are willing to help each other. Here they just all stay indoors and don't like each other.
  5. It is just so frustrating. We have never complained about any of the other dogs around us because we don't want people to complain about ours. Yeah, dogs bark, its common. But these four haven't been barking a lot. Like I said, I've been home and they have been inside with me most of the time because it has been snowing this whole week and I don't like them being all wet. The only time they have barked is when they are chasing each other outside, but it has been during the day. I just wish people would mind their own business. It is so dumb that my husband has to get a "talking to" like we did something wrong. Almost every neighbor I have I could have something to complain about, but I don't. If it isn't a dangerous situation or something that isn't constantly happening then there is no point in complaining. I'm sorry Suzanne that your babies had to be rehomed . If we get a certain amount of points/strikes against us then we would have to get rid of ours or even have to move out of base housing. It all just makes no sense, for people to complain when what they are complaining about isn't a huge deal or isn't even wrong.
  6. Ugh! Saturday morning! It is suppose to be a good day. I've been recovering from getting my wisdom teeth pulled and of course nothing can go right. I get a note from the base housing property management about a complaint. Each FAMILY is only allowed two dogs. Which my husband and I have Koda and Silas. Well, at the moment in our house, we have four dogs. The other two we are dog sitting because our friends went on leave and they don't trust the kennels around here. They two dogs are getting picked up tomorrow and they are just great dogs. I've been home with them everyday because of my recovering and they haven't been a nuisance or anything. I hardly ever even let all four dogs outside at a time because I'm always worried about Koda and Silas rough housing and barking too much. But no, I get a stupid complaint about four dogs. We are leaving in a week and a half and we get a stupid complaint. Before we even decided to dog sit, I re-read the guidelines for the housing facility and it stated that each family is allowed two dogs. Well these four dogs come from two different families. So we aren't doing anything wrong. Ugh! They have only been here for a week. We weren't planning on keeping them. We were just trying to do a favor for a friend and people complain. I've only met a few of my neighbors because no one around here really cares about who lives next to them. It is so frustrating! I just think it is so dumb and stupid that one of them gets butt-hurt over us having two more dogs for a week and they only have two. Well, they should know by now that ever since we've been here, we have had only two dogs. The only time someone wants to pay attention to my family is when they want to complain. I mean really. I'm just so frustrated over this, because we didn't do anything wrong and now my husband gets to have a talk with his supervisor because the housing managers contacted his super and it is all just so stupid!
  7. Here is my two boys. Silas is all white and Koda is an agouti.
  8. I've had this problem with Koda. At first we thought it was because he wasn't getting enough vitamins in his food. So we started giving him vitamin pills. That works really well, but he still throws up sometimes. After that we found out that if we turn the air down low at nights he doesn't throw up, so he was just getting too hot at nights. Silas however was eating rocks and twigs in which we started giving him vitamin pills as well and he doesn't do that anymore.
  9. :D OOOOoooo I like this topic!!! Lets see...... 1. Ryan Reynolds!!!! 2. Jason Statham 3. Gerard Butler 4. Paul Walker 5. Channing Tatum
  10. Thanks for all of the ideas. This morning he didn't howl as much as he normally does. I tried the kong idea and he goes through them quickly or he just quits trying to get the treat. But I will try the shh command.
  11. The old toys are just up in the cabinet. There is only one toy they can't live without so it stays out all the time. We switch toys about every month just to keep them from getting bored with the ones that they have out. I'd figured if he missed a toy this would be going on for a longer time than just a week. When he comes inside he normally does fine unless my husband or I walk out of the room he's in or if we go passed their gate (which normally blocks them from going upstairs). When we go into another room he normally follows and if he can't get to us then he does a quick small whine but then stops in under 30 seconds. When we go outside with them we normally play tag or fetch. No whining though he's fine if he is around us. He use to hate being around us and wanted to be independent but now a lot is changing.
  12. Yeah, we don't go outside until we get up, we just let him howl. I'm just worried that the neighbors are going to get mad. I'm starting to think its a type of separation anxiety. When he is inside if we go into a room or upstairs he starts whining...but no howling. I just hope he stops.
  13. Silas has started this new behavior that is started to become to over the top. In the mornings around the same time the boys go outside to have their breakfast, go to the bathroom, and wait for us to get up. My husband and i work night shift so we would sleep until around noon. For the past week Silas has gotten into the habit of howling and whining while he is outside. The first time he did it was because my husband got home one morning, let them out, and forgot to put the food out. But ever since then the food has been out, they have water and he just howls, whine, and howls some more. We live in a duplex on the air force base and I'm starting to get worried that our neighbors are going to complain. There isn't a reason for him doing it. He has all he needs, plus we have their outside chew toys out there...we just bough two new toys and replaced two of the old ones. Also, Koda is out there with him and Koda isn't howling or whining. It just makes no since. Any ideas to how to get him to stop?
  14. Koda and Silas wrestling with their best friend, my husband, Brad. 2-KRVxQdhYw
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