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Shadyy Wolf

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About Shadyy Wolf

  • Birthday 03/07/1981

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  1. Yes I try to watch it when I can I know they did an episode on Season 6 Episode 11 I believe on a Husky tried to find it on the net but cannot find it. But the good thing is they are rebroadcasting it on 11/24
  2. Nov 16, 2010 Quick update as we're getting storms tonight and been a busy day between the trainer and trying to get the rescues where I received Kayla's website done. Upon arriving early she knocked on the door. Both Kayla and Pecan (my GSD/Lab mix) ran to the door, Pecan had gotten to close to Kayla's face and Kayla tore into her. The trainer helped me separate them and told me already one of my mistakes was allowing them to rush to the door like that. After seeing how Kayla and myeslf interacted. She just let me do my routine while making notes which actually made it less stress free for myself having to stop what I was doing so she could correct me on the spot. After watching what we usually do for about an hour she said she had seen enough. She went over everything with me which took about another 30 minutes. She asked me how serious I was to get Kayla trained and back into the Dog parks and such, at first I thought she was about to tell me she wanted more money then what she first stated for the program I'd put Kayla through. But no she just said that training a dog cannot be 1/2 assed. We will be working out a schedule over the next few days that fits both of us. Sorry I can't get more detailed I will when these stupid storms stop and I can get a few more of the subpages to Kayla's rescue done. Ok done with messing with the site for now and it's stopped lightning. Had to clean Kayla up she decided she wanted to go play in the mud tonight. She was telling me when I spoke to Kayla it sounded more like pleading with her to listen to me. Can't really listen to myself but she assured me I was. She also noted the tone in my voice when trying to break Kayla and Pecan up and said I was projecting to much energy to break up the fight.... Now I'm not sure how I can curb that seeing as I don't want Pecan hurt (She's 10 years old and has bad back legs. She has dislocated her back hips numerous times) not to mention I don't think she can handle to many more fights the old girl, but nor do I want Kayla hurt. But I will work on that at least try. But all in all she seems really on par but again I'm on unfamiliar territory. I'm really appreciative she allowed me to just keep usually doing what I do with Kayla without stopping to correct me that way I know everything I'm doing wrong unhindered. I'm feeling better about her but still a little nervous but all in all I think this will be a good experience.
  3. Oh and here you go here's a list of different pet insurance carriers and allow you to compare plans and give you more of an idea of what you would be looking for. Pet Insurance
  4. Hey Danali definitely get the insurance. My father carried insurance on his dog granted he did not use it for a very long time but she came down with cancer. She got chemo injections and medicines out the waazoo and it covered it. Had it not there is no way he would have been able to cover the bills. When I adopted Kayla I put insurance on her. Like someone else said it's better to pay into it and never use it than to have an animal get sick and not be able to cover the bills. As everyone stated DEFINITELY read the small print! You live in the US like I do we both seen the Health Care insurance for people here is one that is there in Houston plus there is no increases for an aging pet. Haven't really read the fine print but here ya go. Trupanion
  5. Monday, November 15, 2010 So after realizing Kayla had a problem being aggressive to other dogs I decided to get some help with her. I have just received a call back from the final reference and I believe I'll be going with Canine Cottage here locally. The woman seems wonderful I guess I am just nervous about the whole situation. She will be stopping by to do a home evaluation tomorrow. While I am nervous I'm actually excited at the same time to get my girl back to being able to go to dog parks without worry even walking down the road without worry of harm coming to her and the other dogs as well. Even just talking with her while I did I learned a few things that I would not have known had I not come to this site or to her. I have a good feeling about this. Tonight she's cuddled up next to me while I play around on the laptop and type this.
  6. I'll start that up in a few minutes the last reference is supposed to call me back in a few she was on the phone with me and had gotten another call.
  7. Kayla doesn't seem to mind the cat to much except when she gets playful then she starts scooting her around the house with her nose till the cat has had enough and just goes somewhere else. The problem is if she's in that "playful" mood and the cat goes to run away she gives chase. Even though when she's caught up to the cat she doesn't try to eat her just resumes pushing her around the house with her snout till the cat jumps up to high.
  8. Thanks for the advice and links! Well I just got back from meeting with the trainer so far it seems good. I asked her for references she gave me the 3 surrounding county police departments as she has trained their animals. I asked her to see at least 3 other of her clients "papers" myself so I could get their numbers from her paperwork. I just felt as if I asked her for references from the top of her head she would have just given me friends names and numbers. I didn't realize she would be waiting at the front of her property with another dog, I didn't even see the other dog when I had let Kayla out of the truck and she was ok at first until the dog got around her face and Kayla began snapping at her. I went to grab Kayla and I got my first lesson she got after me for getting in the middle of a dog fight and said if Kayla ever does get into a fight to have the other owner and yourself pick up both dogs by it's hind legs and walk them backwards. If they are still in the "attack" mode keep walking them backwards as it takes her mind from the fight and into balancing herself. Then she threw in there not to mention if I did get accidentally bitten there may be some sort of nervousness every time around Kayla if she started playing rough and she would pick up on it. She put the other dog back into the yard and told me to let Kayla's leash go and I did and she immediately went to the fence where the other dog was sitting and began growling. She did tell me that it seemed Kayla was even more mad when she was separated from the other dogs and it agitated her even more. After a few minutes she had me call Kayla back and she began asking me about her past and everything to which I don't know 100% just going on what the rescue had told me and what I can at least confirm from her medical records. She asked me how long has she been exhibiting this behavior and such questions. Asked how she did on a leash how easy it was to recall her. I asked her her methods and she assured me she never resorted to yelling, hitting, or anything along the lines of e-collars, pinch collars, or shock collars. She also stated she didn't believe in using treats as a reward because she would have to feed the both of us because training needs to be done on both sides of the leash. Which is so true. All the dogs I have had before never had any real annoyances or behavioral problems so I've never had to really deal with it. She did let me in on something that I'm not sure if I agree with or not. She said the data concerning the "Alpha mentality" was outdated and just not true. This of course was brought up by me (Wondering if she had the "alpha" mentality) I was shocked at what she said and I guess she could see my uneasiness at what she said so she invited me to do some of my own research on the subject. And that I should be the dogs leader not their alpha. And that the studies that were conducted were on wolves in captivity but when they went back and studied wolves in the actual wild the whole submissive-dominance dichotomy was in fact wrong. So I'll be doing some research on that later. All in all I mean she seemed to really know what she was doing and talking about. One of the pluses I saw she did not resort to e-collars and such (I actually found a trainer the other night that used them quickly marked them off my list.) And that she pointed out to me that it's not only Kayla making mistakes it's me as well. I'm waiting back on the references to call me back so I'm still reserved. *Edited for Update* So 2 of the references called me back both of which said she was really good. The local police departments said she was great and they still call her in when they aren't "acting right" and I guess she still calls these people to see how they are and how their owners are.
  9. Ok need to run to see this trainer. Will post more later. Have a great day all!
  10. No More Tears The time has come for the tears to end for you to be happy and cheerful again. I am safe in God's home above cradled in His arms; covered with His love. We run and play by the Bridge all day waiting for the day when you'll be here to stay. You've been crying so much I feel bad I want you to be happy and not so sad. Remember the time when I was so small I couldn't even pickup the rubber ball. I fought that ball from morning to night it made you laugh, I was quite a sight. Remember teaching me sit and stay we had such fun since I didn't really obey. but you kept at it with test after test so when I entered my first show I was the best. Remember the great times we had in the past like when we walked to the park we had a blast. We'd run and play all through the park until the sun went down and it got dark. Remember the times we went for a ride I was so excited I'd jump right inside. Away we went to who knows where but you and I we didn't really care. I'll always love you, you're my best friend I'll be right with you even to the end. Always remember the great times we had and there will be no reason to ever be sad. Written by John Quealy
  11. A Simple Message From Your Pet by Ken D. Conover To have loved and then said farewell is better than to have never loved at all. For all of the times that you stooped and touched my head, fed me my favorite treat and returned the love that I so unconditionally gave to you. For the care that you gave to me so unselfishly. For all of these things I am grateful and thankful. I ask that you grieve not for the loss but rejoice in the fact that we lived, loved and touched each other's lives. My life was fuller because you were there, not as owner, but as my friend. Today, I am as I was in my youth. The grass is always green, butterflies flit among fthe flowers and the sun shines gently down upon all of God's creatures. I can run, jump and play and do all of the things that I did in my youth. There is no sickness, no aching joints and no regrets and no aging. We await the arrival of our lifelong companions and know that togetherness is forever. You live in our hearts as we do in yours. Companions such as you are very rare and unique. Don't hold the love that you have within yourself. Give it to another like me and then I will live forever. For love never really dies, and you are loved and missed as surely as we are. Your pet in heaven.
  12. A Dog's Prayer 2 To Those Who Love & Those Who Love Me When I am gone, release me, let me go- I have so many things to see and do. You must not tie yourself to me with tears, Be happy that we had so many years. I gave you my love, you can only guess How much you gave me in happiness. I thank you for the love you have each shown. But now it is time I traveled alone. So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must, Then let your grief be comforted by trust, It is only for a while that we must part, So bless the memories within your heart, I will not be far away, for life goes on, So if you need me, call and I will come. Though you can not see or touch me, I will be near. And if you listen with your heart, you will hear All my love around you soft and clear. And then, when you must come this way alone, I will greet you with a smile and "Welcome Home".
  13. Pet Canvas When we adopted you into our life our pet canvas was blank. With every lick of your tongue a portion of the canvas was cleared revealing part of a picture underneath. At first I thought it was strange. Instead of painting new memories you seemed to be unveiling a picture already there. But what was it of? I would understand later. As each wonderful year passed, our love for one another grew deeper. Every time we'd play, or go for a walk, or cuddle, more of the picture would be revealed. When you grew old I started to see a pair of hands on the canvas. I assumed it was our hands petting you but I couldn't make out the rest of it because it was still fuzzy. We knew you were nearing the end and we loved you all the more. We prayed that God would take you in your sleep so we wouldn't have to make that awful decision. But He didn't and I was angry. I asked Him why would He put us in this situation? A soft voice answered, "If you truly love your pet it will all become clear". When you became too weak and frail to finish the picture I knew it was time to put you to sleep. With all of the courage that God could give me I took you to the veterinarian. As I held you when you passed away my heart broke and rivers of tears streamed down my face. Then I heard His voice, "Look at the picture now". I did and it was crystal clear. He then said, "A pet canvas can only be completed with tears of compassion". The picture wasn't of our hands petting you, they were God's hands holding all of us. James A. Ruma copyright 2003
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