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About art1972@sky.com

  • Birthday 03/14/1972

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  • Location
    Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Interests
    Mushing, Football

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  1. Vlad if you join the website you can keep up to date with our events, we always do 1 "big one" a year (can be anywhere) as well as loads of small ones which are generally in the North East.
  2. Just thought that I'd share our pics from a hike that I was involved in last weekend - SHCGB Welfare and Huskies in Need have benefitted from this event. 25 adults, 2 kids and 30 dogs hiked the 8 mile round trip up Ben Lomond in Scotland. The pictures can be found by going here: http://gobshite.webs.com/apps/blog/show/14426017-ben-lomond-photos-online- and then following the link to the photos - enjoy!
  3. It was fantastic Nix, 20 odd Sibes staked out together and everyone of them was perfectly behaved. The howling when they piped up was awesome! Everyone who met the dogs were amazed at how friendly they were and also got an education on the breed, people were donating fivers to hug a husky! Amazing generosity when considering we have the highest rate of unemployment in the country up here.
  4. Well we had a great weekend raising over £1000 for SHCGB Welfare and created so much extra custom for the shopping centre that they have asked us to return twice a year from now on! The photos can be found via links on our website HERE.
  5. Lads and lasses, if any of you are in the Newcastle area this weekend (22nd & 23rd) we are having a breed awareness weekend at THE ROYAL QUAYS FACTORY SHOPPING OUTLETS - there will be raffles, a tombola and most importantly LOADS OF HUSKIES! All funds raised will be going to SHCGB Welfare. Pop along if you can.
  6. Kodah has a 4 mile run with the missus at 6am, 30min walk at 9am when we drop the kids off, 3 mile walk at lunchtime, 30 min walk to pick the kids up, 5 mile walk after the kids clubs are all finished in the evening and 10 mins for a wee before bed. On thursdays his evening walk is replaced by a 5 mile run in harness with a friends Sibe and me resting on the scooter! Occasionally we also run in harness a few more times a week - this will replace the evening walk each time. JUST TO ADD - the weekend of the 12th and 13th November a group of us are walking 70 miles with the dogs in 2 days to raise money for SHCGB Welfare, so anyone wishing to sponsor us just give me a shout! www.gobshite.webs.com is our website! Just to point out that I am lucky enough to work from home....
  7. Is there any chance you can email me the garden shed pic please? art1972 at sky dot com Cheers!
  8. Guys, I am trying to put a page together on the bad things our loveable boys and girls do - with the rescues struggling to cope with incoming Huskies my plan is to do a "101 reasons not to get a Sibe" page on our website. If anyone can share pictures of Husky damage or videos of naughty huskies with me I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help. www.gobshite.webs.com
  9. Guys, for those of you able to make it to the Northumberland coast this weekend for a real drenching there will be HiN fundraising going on at the NESSR spaniel annual weekend event. Its at Druridge Bay if you know where that is or check out the NESSR website for details!
  10. twice a year for Kodah as he is "self cleaning"!
  11. Whenever Kodah used to do it we replaced the person with a toy of his, it worked for us and now when he is playing he never causes pain when "mouthing" - I dont believe this is the recommended thing to do but its another option.
  12. Its great not to have the worry isnt it? When we get back from Asda and open the front door to get the bags in Kodah stands watching us and every time we turn our backs to get more bags from the car he shuts the front door with him inside! If he is really rebellious he sometimes comes outside and jumps into the boot on top of the shopping bags.
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