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  1. no worries Possible, but it didn't happen right away after the move. It was several months to over a year later, before there was a problem.
  2. Actually I did say how new, you just have to scroll down in the thread a bit While possible, I think it is due to her feeling "neglected", since I am not able to spend as much time with her as I used to. Also, it got really bad after Renae moved in. I think she sees Renae as a "threat" to my time, and she does not want to accept that she isn't the top female anymore. She has always acted out when something happens and I don't give her the attention she demands (whether it is because I am sick, traveling, etc), just never like this. Usually she would tear up her bedding or chew on something she shouldn't chew on. She handled moving several times, it is only since moving from TX to GA that this has become a problem. Since I have had her, I have moved about 3 times and she never had a problem, before.
  3. Unfortunately, due to recent financial set backs, I'm not sure we can actually afford to give her the life she needs anymore. I'm afraid I might have to find her a new home soon, because of this. I have also injured my back and it is not healing properly, this makes it difficult for me to walk much, which again impacts me being able to spend time with her like I would like to do. Also, I am working long hours, which keeps me from being able to spend the time with her that she requires, and this is causing her to act out more as well.
  4. nope, right about the same amount as normal. Her food & water intake are normal as well. Thank you Yeah, I know that is part of the problem, because I can't walk her in the mornings when I get up, like I used to, and the G/F sleeps in later than I do. I had actually made a suggestion that she get up with me, and walk the dogs 1st thing, to see if that would help any.
  5. I doubt that, she doesn't seem to have that problem, and never did before. We don't stare at her while she goes either... We have tried walking until she will go, but like I said earlier, she decides when to go back inside, and just pulls us along for the ride. She does go outside sometimes, and it doesn't seem to give her any discomfort. She doesn't act any different than she ever has, while going, but I know that's not 100% sign. She almost always has something soft to lay on. Usually if she doesn't, it's because she has soiled it and we took it out to clean it. I have tried without her having anything in the kennel, and that seems to work for awhile (very short while, maybe a day or two). I think she might also be a little depressed. We had to move her kennel out of our bedroom, because she has decided to try and eat the cat, instead of get along. She will tear her kennel up trying to get at the cat, and she has already killed one, so I really don't want to take the chance of her killing another one. But even before we moved her kennel should would still go in the house. I ended up having to kennel her at night because of it. She used to have free run (of the bedroom) at night, but I got tired of having to clean the carpet every day. She will pee in the house every now and then, but it's rare, and usually when she doesn't get to go out in a regular fashion/time, like she normally does.
  6. Hello, I am the other "owner" in this relationship, and here is a little more background info: Shaunasy is actually closer to 7 or 8 years old now, she was around 1 or 2 when I got her. We do not know her actual age, but between my Vet and I we came up with this time line, based upon her teeth and general size. I have had her about 6 years now. As stated, she was very obviously abused, before I adopted her. I don't know if it was physical or mental or what, but just from the behavior she had, it was plain to see I had happened. here is a pic of our girl: I look forward to reading through all of the posts and information on here, and I hope we are able to find a good solution. I moved to GA a little over 2 years ago, and her behavior started getting bad about 6 months after I moved. and it has just gotten worse since then. The amount of water intake has not changed, and her potty doesn't smell any different than it ever has. Her pee really does not have a high order, and never really did. But then her peeing is not the problem here. The problem is she poops in the house, without warning. We walk her, she decides when she is done, and heads back to the house on her own. After we get back inside, she gets in her kennel, waits until we leave the room, and goes to the bathroom. It started getting bad when I started working more.. a LOT more, and therefore I can't spend as much time with her as I would like to. This is part of why we think she is feeling neglected by me and acting out. I like the bell idea. I did not think of that. We have started praising her more when she goes potty outside, and even started giving her treats for it, but we have not seen any changes yet. Maybe it's just too soon to tell.
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