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  1. I don’t know how best to express this - I’ve included a photo - but since Poppy recently blew her coat her stomach area between her legs looks a bit pink. Maybe it’s just their is less fur and when it thickens up I won’t notice it but I’m not sure. it doesn’t look sore. It isn’t bothering her which is why I think it’s just the fact she has less fur down there but I’m not sure. Any thoughts?
  2. There are 2 more photos. If it is a mite of some kind surely I would be able to see the thing when constantly brushing him and checking him?
  3. In response to the question of what it looks like - it just looks like scabs. I can't see any soreness. Obviously I should be anle to see something but I can't. He has been hyper tonight but if anything he has been sleeping more than he used to the last couple of days but he was also neutered only 3 weeks ago.
  4. A nurse checked him. He hasn't actually seen the vet yet. He also hasn't eaten all day but he is not acting I'll. If anything he is extra energetic.
  5. Mainly just shows his fur in the area. It doesn't bother him normally at all. But if you touch it he complains.
  6. He had the flea treatments in the area between his shoulders - so not the same area
  7. No he has not been bitten. I do use a furminator on him and it may be possible that as he is moulting I brushed too hard but I haven't brushing him since the scabs were noticible the other day so unless the area was already bleeding which I'm sure I would have noticed I don't know if brushing him 2 days ago would cause more scabbing?It may be possible he scratched his back on something else but it hasn't happened in front of me.
  8. I have noticed Flash has some scabs on his back between his shoulder blades and spine. I noticed the fur is clumping tgether in that area and there is a 5 inch or ao long scab. I took him to the vet yesterday and the nurse looked at him and said if it doesn't get better in a week to bring him back. Tonight I have felt his back and it feels like there are more scabs than before lower down. He has been given the monthly treatment for worming and fleas. There is nothing on his back - no ticks or insects are visible. I will take him to see the actual vet tomorrow but does anyone have any ideas what it could be?
  9. If you have Sky you ar using ADSL2+. That has a maximum speed of 24Mbits or 2.6 megabyte per second. BUT this method is extremely sensitive to the distance you are from your exchange and the noise on your line. General speaking if your line attenuation is less than 0-15 db you should get between 18-24 Mbits. 15-25 db should get you around 14-17 Mbits. 25 to 30 db will get you 11- 14 Mbits. Over 30db and your speed will decream dramatically. You can check your line attenuation on your router settings. You can google or check the manual on how to access your router settings. If you have a cable connection this doesn't have the same restrictions as ADSL2+. The quality of the line stays the same as it's cable so you will always get what they advertise. With ADSL they advertise less than the maximum as it's very rare you will ever get that. It seems likely assuming your speedtest was done while you were not downloading anything that you are far away from the exchange and that your attentuation is around 35 and you will never be able to get faster unless you use cable. BT are currently rolling out a combined cable and dsl system called Infinity. Unlike cable it should eventually cover the whole country although right now very free areas have it. There service is called fibre to the cabinet. It is a cable line to the green cabinets at the end of your road and then VDSL2+ to your house. This is a super fast version of adsl that only works over very short distances. It allows a stale connection of 40mbits down. For more information look at www.thinkbroadband.com for general information and www.samknows.co.uk can give you information on your exchange. Internet broadband speeds are not as simple as a number on a page. Hopefully everyone who reads this now knows that!
  10. You can understand. Huskys are quite large dogs and can look scary to some people! And the wooing is very wolf like- when flash used to do that I thought it was as he was aggressive. I realised he just likes to talk at you and it's very cute. But imagine someone who doesn't realise huskys do that!
  11. I'm guessing you guys with more than one dog have more than one crate? Or trust the dogs to sleep in your house?I am generally happy to leave flash alone downstairs while I am upstairs but sometimes I find him chewing on cushions even though he has a toy and balls! And bones! And the tv is on! I don't knowHow you could trust 2 doggys alone unless they just play with each other non stop?
  12. Every time I try to touch Flash's paws he freaks out and screams!!! It is very annoying as his nails are too long and I want to cut them!My god his screaming is the worst noise EVER... It actually made me sad and nervous even though I wasn't even doing anything not to mention slightly death!
  13. I had Flash done on Wednesday and since them he has seemed more difficult than he ever was. He is nipping and biting more than he has ever before. Today I was trying to file down his paws and when I picked them up he started screaming like he was being shot and stabbed at the same time! I didnt even do anything! Every time I try to feed him or move him he nips at my hands and has twice nipped at my face when I was stroking him. He also was howling when we went for a walk at other dogs and people,which he never does. This is concerning me lots... Could he bein pain so he is acting out? His ball area is black and bruised to be expected but his incision seems to be healing. I'm at a loss?
  14. Did you really need to take a photo of your pubes?
  15. Thanks for the encouragement guys... I collected Flash at 4pm and he seemed quite energetic and excited although he did seem to be wobbly on his feet. I was surprised at how lively he was! It didn't last long though. He lay down in the car and then was too sleepy to get out the car! When I finally did lift him out he basically fell asleep from 5pm until 10pm when I gave him some wet food but he didn't want water... He was whining in his sleep from the pain I am sure. At about 11pm he started to get frustrated with the e-collar around his head to stop him licking himself and started moving about more and finally had some water. By about 1am he was trying to run around but I stopped him and made him sit with me as I didn't want him hurting himself. I put him to bed about 1.30am and then had my dinner (I know late dinner!). I checked on him a few times and he was just resting in his bed. At about 2.30am I left the door to outside open for half an hour for him to go out and pee and poop but he didn't go. Now at 3.20am I closed the door and I am heading to sleep. I am amazed he wanted to go in his crate with the head collar on. I even put out his old dog bed as I thought he may be more comfy there but he didn't go near it. It is going to be hard to keep him rested the next few days and only have short walks as he loves running around. I also have no idea when I should take off his e-collar?
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