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  1. The huskies Salsa Jazz Cougar Jacob Char We're picking up a 6th husky today but I haven't decided on a name yet. The non-huskies Ellie Maggie Ruby Dixie
  2. I LOVE that show! I hope to run that race someday... It's on Netflix by the way.
  3. What about this? I don't think they made something like this up. PETA does not believe that animals should be pets and that killing them is more "humane" than letting them live in loving homes. Take a look at the blog link I posted above. Makes me second guess what their sole purpose is... I'm not trying to be mean but any group of people who tries to force their opinions and views on others is not going to sit well with me. Sure, I'm all for treating animals right but when you start telling people that they should die because they eat eggs and that they are horrible human beings because they race sled dogs, I find it hard to see the good.
  4. Looks like PETA is in need of a life (**gasp** big surprise there). Attacking the Mario video game because he wears a fur voat which kids don't even pay attention to? Really? Come on now, don't they have something better to do? Oh wait, it's PETA. They will do anything in the form of advertisement that makes them money. Here's a post on my blog with some "evidence" of just that. blog
  5. Things like this just take time. Once your girl realizes that the new guy is there to stay she may enjoy having a new friend to hang out with! It sounds like shes had bad experiences with other dogs in the past so make sure to let her know that good things happen when the new dog is around. Take them on walks together, play with them together, treat them often when they are together, you get the idea. Also, her just coming out of a heat could be to blame for her behavior. Make sure, if he isn't already, to get the boy neutered so you don't have any unwanted pups.
  6. Oops Computer freaked out. Didn't mean to post 3 times.
  7. It really is. I could sit and watch them for hours on end. Sometimes I join in but they (mostly Char) do a good job of creating their own fun.
  8. It really is. I could sit and watch them for hours on end. Sometimes I join in but they (mostly Char) do a good job of creating their own fun.
  9. It really is. I could sit and watch them for hours on end. Sometimes I join in but they (mostly Char) do a good job of creating their own fun.
  10. Thanks! Yeah, someone else on another forum asked about the snow so I thought I'd better specify here.
  11. Here is a video of my huskers playing in the yard on a snowy afternoon! Ellie, the GSD wanted to join us too. And no, we don't have that much snow yet; this was taken last year. I wish we had that much snow... oKvO9KUamWY
  12. One of my Alaskan crosses wears what I call her "pajamas" which is a lite fleece coat. She wears it at races while sleeping in the dog van and during the day if it's really cold. I don't usually have to put coats on anyone else.
  13. They are like potato chips, you can't have just one! When my mom finally let me get my first 2 huskies it was : "NO MORE DOGS OF ANY KIND!". Now I'm going to be getting my 6th husky (that will make 10 dogs) sometime this fall or winter. Ah the power of persuasion. This kind of face works well for that.
  14. Thanks! I had a lot of fun doing it.
  15. Thanks guys! We definitely can NOT wait for snow! I've been listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies hoping the snow will come faster! sutsibe: I have yet to have a full blown wipe out on the trail with my bike (knock on wood lol). I have been dragged though when I've stopped. The dogs get crazy when we stop and it's kinda hard to hold them with the bike. lol I have my rig now though so I don't have to go using myself as a human anchor. lol
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