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  1. Got home yesterday from work and my hubby said....."Enzo got in trouble today." So I said "again??" (first time husky owners here. lol!) He said "yep, he ate the turtle food. All of it." So I freak out and start reading labels to find comsumption warnings, but then I realized....DUH its just freeze dried worms, more protein. the bad thing is is that I had just bough this bottle Tuesday and had decided to go with the larger bottle so I wouldn't have to go back to the store for a while. Boy did that back fire! So then I asked, "Where were you when he did this?" (He has several days off during the week as he works shift work as a cop and was off Wed and today) And he was outside washing his Jeep, but hadn't taken Enzo for a walk ...well, there ya go mystery solved! lol...I know ya'll understand! I had taken him for a short 1/2 mile walk on my lunch break (i only get 30 min) which was enough to let him potty. Hubby still hasn't realized that I was serious about him walking the husky when we got him....maybe now he has come to his senses.
  2. I used to have this problem with my Shih Tzu. If we weren't home to feed her by 6 pm she would throw up. She was fed and 6 am and 6 pm usually, but occasionally we would run late getting home...only to find that she had puked. I asked the doctor bc I was concerned about an Acid Reflux type thing....because I have it and if I don't eat within a certain amount of time I get sick/nauseous too. The doctor told us to let her settle way down after she ate and when we started doing this she quit throwing up as much. Not sure what it could be for Willow though. Karleigh's looked exactly how yours sounds.
  3. WOW! I am a runner, so that just hit me very hard! What an inspiration...especially for those days where I'm too lazy to get up and run! Sarah: I just watched it at work and cried, so its a good thing you can't see it bc you'll need a tissue. lol!
  4. LOL!!! Enzo likes to go in hubby's man cave and eat his camping food while he's sleeping (when he worked nights and I was on days). He learned to shut the door to that room really quick!
  5. Wow That's horrible!! I was thinking maybe the kid was trying to shield the doggie as he was getting stabbed and got stabbed in the process.....but the part that was mentioned above was definitely worse!! Who would do such a thing?! Hope the little boy is ok and so sad for the dog
  6. We are just discovering that Enzo (our husky) is scared of Doggie Deodorizing Spray. LOL!! I bring it out after the dogs have pottied outside because I can't stand the smell of a dog when it gets the "outside" smell. Our husky doesn't really smell, but it keeps him fresh ...My Shih Tzu on the other hand definitely carries the "outside" smell. ANYWAY, when I bring out the spray he runs upstairs and hides. LOL!!! I have to hold him by the collar to spray him and when I'm done he rubs it off in the carpet. What a goober!
  7. Not sure about discounts, but Tractor Supply Store sells it online
  8. LOL! That what the bed looks like when my husband sleeps in it!
  9. We got a 5 year old husky about a month ago, but also have a Shih Tzu that I have since 8 weeks old. I have only trained one dog, so I don't have too much input, but as far as potty training goes, Shih Ttzus are very hard to train. One thing the vet suggested was to make it a "happy" time for her and she would get excited about it. SO what I did was ask her if she had to potty, but say it real lively and playful. This definitely helped! It just takes alot of patience. When we got our husky a few weeks ago I felt bad for taking him away from his "buddy" who he had been with since birth. (We got him bc the owner just couldn't handle 2 huskies anymore.) I asked the owner if she or her other husky could sleep with a blanket for a few nights so it would have their scent. We put this in the kennel with him and he was fine and our first couple of nights went well. However, he was already kennel and potty trained, so we only kennel him when we have to leave the house. This probably didn't help much, but I wanted to mention about the scent thing. I noticed that you put your shirt in there with the puppy, but could you get something of the mothers or other puppies to put in there?
  10. Chemgrad08


    I have a Clemson tiger paw on my right hip bone. That's the only one I have....if I had to choose another one (and had kids, but hubby doesn't want any) it would be their foot print. I saw a guy with one foot print from each of his kids that was copied from their birth certificates. Sounds weird, but it looked really neat!
  11. We give our 5 year old husky raw hide chews...its just the flat piece of rawhide though and not the bone. Our shih Tzu has them too, but we break it into smaller pieces for her. When I first got her 6 years ago the breeder had been giving her pig ears...I just couldn't buy them bc they looked gross. lol!
  12. LOL! That's what happened to my Karleigh when her and Enzo started playing together. I freaked out bc she's so much smaller than him, but she just got back up and went after him again.
  13. I'm glad this was posted. I honestly had no idea how huskies were with kids. I don't personally have kids, but alot of my friends do. I was actually nervous about letting them come over....but obviously I KNOW not to leave kids alone with dogs. The kids I speak of are one and 2 years old, so the only reason I was nervous was because of their height compared to the husky (same size. lol!). Glad to see this information!! Makes me feel lots better! Are husky is nowhere near aggressive, so I was mainly worried about the size factor
  14. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome?! Really?! This is just horrible!!! Hopefully he will pay!!
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