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  • Birthday 04/07/1989

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  1. Calin

    Eye Color

    Yep, Aries has a very weird form of this. His eyes seem to have a layer of brown over a layer of blue and they have ended up with a greenish hue. In low light they seem more brownish, whilst in sunlight they look light green with a strong blue glow.
  2. Heya, I have Aries in a 2 bed apartment in central London and so far it's worked out alright. Like Jackie said, it's very doable as long as you put the time and effort into it to keep them occupied and happy. Huskies don't generally bark, and Aries only really gets talkative when he's really excited (say during tug of war he'll growl and jump around or "talk at you" when we play hide and seek but its never louder than the tv normally is for instance), so on the noise front I've never really had an issue except for when a fox or cat decided to walk slowly past the window. That usually results in a few whines or a loudish woo-woo-woo and some running from window to window, but it's nothing I've had neighbours complain about. I also moved after a year, and in both places no one said anything about those kinds of noises. In all fairness you're never going to keep yours quiet all the time, but from my experience the issue will be bigger when they're younger. Another thing to consider is separation anxiety. Aries used to have separation anxiety when he was really young and would howl and cry for about 10 mins straight at times when he was left alone. It didn't last particularly long, maybe about 1.5-2 months, but it's something to consider. I was also in part responsible, as we hardly left him alone for the first month since we got him and he got too used to us around . If you adopt, all I can say is make sure you get to know the dog first! Additionally, older dogs are also a bit more docile than the younger ones, so adopting an adult/senior puts you at a bit of an advantage. Other than that, if your husband's family owns the flat and they're fine with it, even if he is loud from time to time, there is not much the neighbours can do about it. If you were renting, you'd risk breaking the terms and conditions of your contact on social consideration, so if you own the worst they can do is complain to a building general manager if there is one. Even in that case, I'm not sure exactly how much they can do considering the flat isn't rented. I'm not advocating being a bad neighbour, but its worth assessing your situation for a "what's the worst the could happen if they weren't happy" perspective. All in all, its possible
  3. Hey, that's a cool way to do it, thanks for the advice! Bec - I just want to be able to point out stuff to him in general, like which toy I want him to grab, show him where something is if he's lost track of it, or even just towards a duck so he can run up and bark at it (he's not tried hurting them yet, just goes down into a "play bow" and wags his tail in excitement!). I donno, just in general I think its a useful thing which he hasn't quite mastered yet.
  4. Thanks Al, I'll give that a try with Aries over the next week or two and see how it goes.
  5. Nope I've tried that. He's got the tapping thing down without a hitch, it's more of a distance thing that he has trouble with.
  6. Thanks, I try saying "Look" every time I point but it never works!
  7. Hiya, Not been on here for a while, but lately I've been struggling with something. Aries has just hit two years of age and he's still having trouble with the idea of pointing at something. Not him doing it, I'm referring more to when I point at an object. He just doesn't seem to grasp the idea of it, instead of looking at whatever there is to look at he ends up looking at my hand/looking around everywhere confused. I've tried turning his head towards it, waiting until he spots something and then pointing along his line of sign but its all been pretty hopeless. Did anyone else have this kind of problem? And more importantly, does anyone have any tips? Thanks, Calin
  8. Yup, happens loads. Aries started as brown, then went reddish now he's a light brown/red. It happens progressively and you'll also notice their facial mask changing over the years.
  9. Yeah Aries does this too, except without the lying down on the ground bit. I don't know why, but it does seem to happen a lot more around dogs his size or bigger and its been happening a lot since last summer when we took him to Holland. Dogs are generally more aggressive there as most people rarely socialize them properly, and he's been attacked a few times (think, 7 times in 3 months vs once in over a year in London despite all the idiots with pits as status dogs). That makes me think its a "is this dog cool" thing, but usually once he realizes the other dog means no harm Aries stands up and is all playful again.
  10. haha, that tongue is massive!
  11. Sorry to say your vet is full of it. TOTW is one of the best foods on the market and probably among the most popular on this forum, I personally have my boy on it and have never had a problem. Hills on the other hand is below-average, vets only encourage it as they get a nice fat premium if you buy it from them, i think its somewhere in the 40-45% range of the sales price in the UK. If he's getting chubby, you might want to cut down on how much you're feeding or increase exercise. I never had that issue with Aries, I was lucky enough to be able to free feed him, he just ate what he need, when he wanted and that was that Edit: What Kristina said^
  12. According to google maps we do the following every day: Mornings - 2.2km. Midday - 1.6km + 45 mins running loose in the park with other dogs. Evening - 1.3km or longer if he doesn't poo in the time it takes to cover that.
  13. ffs, people will do anything for a fast buck.
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