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  1. Thanks so much for the replies guys! Much appreciated! Still trying to decide whether I should put her on totw and supplement it or just try a food that has everything in it. I want to give her the best possible food that I can afford.
  2. Hi all, I was thinking about putting Kodi on Taste of the Wild food as it seems to get good reviews, has decent ingredients and generally looks like one of the better foods out there. The only thing I noticed is that it doesnt seem to have any MSM/Chondroitin in it? Do people who feed this food supplement itw ith something for joints? Because I run Kodi I want to look after her joints. I'll have to get it from zooplus.co.uk as its not available in Ireland, so just out of interest are there any other foods available in the UK of similar quality to TOTW that you would recommend? At the moment my budget just can't stretch to getting Orijen for her. So thats why I was looking at totw. Thanks in advance
  3. Murph

    Meet Char!!

    aww she is gorgeous
  4. Murph

    New puppy

    Aww she is gorgeous!
  5. Murph


    Yeah we get that all the time with Kodi! We got fed up saying no she's a husky so now we say yes she's a wolf and she eats children lol
  6. Wow really beautiful photos!!! Just stunning
  7. Thanks for the great replies guys! really appreciate it, Gives me some perspective on what to expect when i do make the plunge lol.
  8. So wanted to get the advice of all you wise folk here Since I got Kodi I always said that one day when the time was right I would get another husky as a companion for her. I've been thinking about it alot lately, she will be 3 in July and while I won't be getting another one too soon I just wanted some opinions. Basically Kodi being an only dog gets all of our attention and is a bit of a princess,she knows she is number one lol. I think she would love companionship but at the same time I worry that she might be put out by another dog taking half our attention ya know? Also she is very bonded to me and I love that, if we get another dog will that break the bond so to speak. will she be more interested in the new dog? I know that sounds quite selfish on my part It's just she is my baby and I love her to bits and love our bond! And lastly I always thought I'd like a boy next time round, is a female and male likely to get on better than two females? Kodi isn't overly fond on other females but would it be different if it's a pup thats gonna be growing up with her? What's peoples experience with that? Thanks for reading!
  9. Aw it was just awful! Would of loved to have taken on one of the rescues huskies if I could of. Fair play for rescuing her, so nice to know she's gotten a good home
  10. Looks really good I like it
  11. Murph

    Foot biting?

    Yeah I wondered if it might simply be that! Seeing as there are no cuts or anything!
  12. Yay another Irish person welcome!! Was Hatashi one of the ones rescued by the ISPCA?
  13. Hope this is the right place for this! Basically in the last while Kodi has started to lick and bite at her left back paw/foot. I've checked and checked but there are no cuts or anything to indicate that it's sore? Its only a recent thing she's doing so just wondering if anyone would know why she's doing it? Seems to be the same foot everytime! Thanks
  14. Haha brill photo! And New Moon Duvet! Love it
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