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About Miya

  • Birthday 09/28/1987

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  1. Welcome to both the forum and North America Hope you enjoy both!
  2. Niki is gorgeous! Wish my pup would avoid the puddles...she loves to roll in them and finds at least one on every walk Wish I could go to the husky camp but it's too far away
  3. Love the title Congrats on your new addition! I think it's great that you've adopted her I think you'll find all you're looking for and more here First bit of advise...take lots of pics! lol
  4. I agree with what the others have said here. Stacey is 100% correct that you need to find and test the right collar for you and your dog. Every dog and owner will be different. Personally I use a prong collar when working on walking loose and a harness if we're out to have fun. In both cases she wears her regular collar too (too many tags to transfer lol). My parents have a Saint Bernard and use a semi-slip for around the house and a halti for walking. The halti keeps the Saint from pulling on walks and the semi-slip allows my parents to control her at home (ie when guests come over so we can make sure she waits for them to get used to her large size ). All three systems are great, it all depends on you (your style of training/walking/etc) and your dog (how he reacts to the different collars). Cheers mate and good luck
  5. I'm not sure exactly how your system works, but I would assume it's fairly similar to here. I'm also assuming revisions are exams? I'm almost 2 yrs out of university now and am still studying lol. That's what I get for choosing to be a military pilot I know that what motivated and still motivates me is having a goal that I have set for myself. I was lucky and knew what I wanted to do by grade 10 (15 years old). This was in part thanks to my parents talking about different jobs at the dinner table. They never really nagged on me about my marks, but my Dad did explain to me that the best way to keep my options open and likely get my dream job was to do the best I could at everything. He mentioned that it's the people with the best marks that often get to choose exactly where they want to go. It definitely keeps lots of doors open! My Mom also brought up her experience since she had never finished University (because she had me) and never went back so now didn't really have many options for jobs she could do. Knowing what I wanted to do so early on really helped my focus and drive to get good grades. If I could go back though I would try harder in high school. Because I was naturally good at school and didn't have to try too hard for good grades, I didn't study much. That made for a really hard first year at university. I did my first year in engineering and almost failed! I had a D average and actually failed a couple courses. I was heart broken and couldn't believe I had done so poorly, but it was because I expected to be able to coast through like high school. The best thing my parents did for me was to let me fall that hard. Sure they tried to keep engaged in how I was doing and offered help if I needed it, but overall they let me learn through experience. When I came to them frustrated with how I was doing, they listened and said "well, it sounds like you've got two options. Keep trying to coast through and take the marks thrown your way OR start really studying and work hard for the mark you want." I changed programs and started to work harder. In the end my marks came way up (graduated uni with a B+ ave including that first year). Base line here, I had to have a goal and had to experience it for myself. My parents being there for me and offering help if I wanted it was great too. I'm so glad they didn't push me though and instead just guided me and then waited for me to come to them. It's a hard thing to do, I'm sure and I have all the more respect for them because of that! My advice to you? Show him different options and what he needs to do to get there, help him set goals for himself, and then be there for support if/when he needs it.
  6. It's nice to see the discussion both for and against the issue here especially since it's regarding neg rep. Whether it carries on or not, I should hope people would still pass on their thoughts and points of view. It may cause people to think a little more about the organization of their words and how they are coming across with what they say, but that's something I've been taught to do regardless of where I am. We should all be thinking first and then speaking. Taking that extra second to think about what you are about to say can have a profound impact on how what you have to say is received. I honestly don't understand the rep system here, and honestly I don't really care. I'm here to pass on my thoughts and opinions and to hear what others have to say. To me the rep just tells me who's been on the site the longest. Not that there's anything wrong with that. When I read the posts here, I barely look at who is replying. Instead I look at what is said first and foremost. Then I analyze and maybe check out who said it if I'm looking to reply to them. Just the way I work. Really though, good to see all of the discussion on this!
  7. Howdy from across the pond in cold and snowy SK, Canada! Welcome to the forum
  8. Would be interesting to see! A collage like that would be pretty neat too!
  9. [ATTACH]7677.IPB[/ATTACH]
  10. As adults, one would hope that we would be able to not abuse the neg rep...but that said, one would hope that as adults, we wouldn't be posting neg/abusive things in the first place. Sometimes we need to be regulated, adult or not. Is neg rep the way to do it? Who knows, but it is an option. At the end of the day just remember, common sense is not so common
  11. Miya


    Broken, fixed, broken, fixed, broken, fixed....I think you guys have "overstressed" this thread resulting in a catostrophic break!
  12. Miya

    Hello Shadow!!

    He's absolutely adorable! Love the pic of the three of them on the couch
  13. Point of note, they have confirmed the dogs to have been malamutes and not huskies. I agree the damaged fence should probably have been noticed and fixed, but the timeline on this is actually quite short. If that latest report is to be believed, the fence was damaged on Dec 28th and the attack happened on Jan 2nd. That's only 5 days. We don't know if the owner was home during the time the fence was damaged. Being the holidays, he might have just gotten home and didn't realize the fence had been damaged when he let his malamutes out. There is just too much we don't know about this leaving pure speculation. Personally, I am going to make sure that I now check my outdoor set up more often for any sides of damage or possibilities of escape. Not that I think my pup would hurt anything or anyone, but rather that it would be horrible to have her escape and go missing!
  14. Sounds like they've given those two malamutes dangerous dog status. http://hume-leader.whereilive.com.au/news/story/attwood-killer-dogs-declared-dangerous/ An unfortunate situation with too many holes lining up. Sounds like there is a lot being left unsaid in this story. Also sounds like council isn't taking ownership of their mistake (damaging the fence allowing this situation to unfold).
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