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About rwprice103

  • Birthday 01/01/1965

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    Virginia, USA

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  1. Hello everyone! I just received movie order from Amazon UK, and they included a coupon code worth 25 pounds, but only for UK customers. Since I'm in the US, I can't use it, but I thought someone else might want to give it a try. To use it, go to www.gousto.co.uk/am12xmas and enter the code AM12XMAS. I don't think this is an exclusive code, so I would think that anyone who wants to use it can do so. They deliver organic ingredients for meals to your house, along with instructions on how to cook it. Seems like it might be good. Enjoy! I hope I'm not breaking any rules by doing this. I have no affiliation with Amazon or this food company, I'm just passing along what I hope is a good deal for everyone. Happy New Year!
  2. I've had a 4-foot fence around my yard since we first got Sabaka, so he hasn't known anything else. He can't jump, so the idea of bounding over the top has never occurred to him. Lately, however, he has found that he can pull up the bottom of the fence and scoot under it. He's done this several times now, and each time I've strengthened that section of fence to discourage him. Unfortunately, I can't do that for every inch of fencing. Tonight, I let him out for a few minutes around midnight, 'cause he was asking to go out. Unfortunately, he got away and took off. So, here I was, after midnight, running around in the woods with a flashlight! I couldn't yell his name because of the lateness of the hour, and I was half afraid that someone would shoot me or call the cops. Eventually, I realized that the chance of finding a husky in the dark was pretty slim, so I was going to give up. I prayed that God might be merciful to me and bring him to me. Literally within 30 seconds, Sabaka ran up to me as if to say "I'm ready to go home now!". I don't know why God answered that prayer, but I'm so thankful He did! I guess Sabaka won't get to be alone in the yard any more.
  3. We always fill a kong to get our Sabaka to go to bed. Normally, we just use "wet" dog food from a can. He does not get this kind of food for his normal diet. If we want the kong to last longer, we fill it with a mix of pumpkin, peanut butter and plain yogurt. It freezes well and he loves it.
  4. Harness all the way for me! With our previous husky, we were using a choke collar (didn't know much at the time) and she pulled so much that she actually passed out temporarily on a walk! That made me concerned about neck injuries, so now we only use a standard harness. I don't think he pulls any more than when he's on a collar, and I feel better about not straining his neck.
  5. Here's another vote for rolled leather. They stay nicely under the fur,and except for the buckle and tags, you wouldn't know it's on.
  6. Yes, my Sabaka does this when he's pouncing on a bug or imaginary rodent in the weeds. I love it when he does this, it makes me laugh. BTW, the stock photo you used is one of my all-time favorites!
  7. I would probably say the teenage stage starts between 1-2 years old, but it's anybody's guess as to when, if ever, a husky reaches what we would consider adulthood. I always tell people that one of the "features" of a husky is that they act like puppies for the first 10 years or so!
  8. Yep, sounds just like mine! He lays there until his fur is hot to the touch! I can't figure out why he does that, but he seems to really like it. As you said, with Huskies, there is no "normal"!
  9. In addition to different opinions, people also have varying levels of understanding about huskies. However, I would think that the availability of boards like this one would equalize that disparity. Anyhow, when we had our first husky, there was much we didn't know. I was one of those people who got a husky because I had always been attracted to the breed. I did not know how different from other dogs they were. For years I used to leave her in the back yard without a tether. She would just lay there basking in the beautiful weather, and rarely did she run away. Later, though she did bolt a few times and once it took me a day and half of slogging through the woods before I found her. I finally wised up and realized that we had just been lucky to that point. Fast-forward to today. Now we have another husky (the first one died several years ago), and there's no way I would ever let this one be off-lead without a fence. I even take him out to go to the bathroom on a lead. My neighbors keep telling me I should give him a chance and see what happens, but I tell them I'm not willing to risk losing him. Not only might he run away, but the husky is notorious for being oblivious to danger, so it's likely he'd get killed while on his "adventure". So, my advice would be to continue keeping your husky on a lead. It's just not worth the risk of losing him.
  10. Wow, that looks like fun! Beautiful animals!
  11. Welcome to the forum! You'll love it here! Can't wait to see some pics.
  12. First off, congratulations! You're in for an adventure! Especially during your first year together, you'll be doing a lot of teaching and training. As others have said, Huskies are smart and hard-headed, so they won't always do what you want them to do. In those moments when your husky misbehaves and you need to correct her, try to avoid being loud and openly angry. Unlike some other dogs, huskies do not simply submit and cower, and displays of anger and aggression often backfire. Instead, remain calm and cool, and slowly get the dog to come to you, where you can calmly but firmly give a correction. I've found that my dog will respond if I'm calm, but yelling does no good whatsoever. Besides, it's good for us to learn not to yell anyway, right? You won't be able to intimidate a husky into obedience--you have to show her that it's worth her trouble! Good luck!
  13. We've been using them with Sabaka for a while now. He likes them, but seems to get bored with them. They don't splinter or leave bits around the floor, so I like that aspect. Perhaps if he were better at entertaining himself, these would be perfect! I would recommend them for anyone's dog.
  14. We've done it both ways, crating and not crating, and I'm convinced now that crating is the way to go. Ours is used to his crate and stays there whenever we're not home or during the night. He willingly goes into his crate, and we have much more peace of mind knowing he can't hurt himself or our stuff. With our last husky, she destroyed a lot of stuff before we wised up and crated her. After the first few years, we made it optional, but she still chose to go in there to sleep.
  15. Yep, you got it! Seems kinda strange to name our dog "dog", but we liked the irony of using a Russian word for our Sibe. ;-)
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