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  1. Thank you for this comment, i just bought a recovery texting software and found a text where I specifically tell her about the deal of always keeping me updated and she agrees to it and that i'll give it to her if she says she will do that. Thank you for your concern.
  2. Thanks! I hope so too! it's been almost 6 months though so we'll see.
  3. Yea unfortunately I did give them the dog. It was all done over the phone, I told them the reason I don't want money for the dog is because I wanted to be updated. I have all his papers since he was born and his certificate of ownership that has my name on it. I live two and a half hours from the people who have him. Yea i will definitely try and contact the PD, if they tell me everything is fine then everything would stay as it is. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hello everyone I need your help and advice please. I am 22 years old and got my Husky 2 years ago (bought him for $900) as a pup, had him for a year and he was a lot of work and i didn't mind any of that but unfortunately with me transferring to LA, I didn't feel it was the right decision to leave him with my parents since they would barely watch over him or take him for runs. I couldn't take him to LA with me because my place didn't allow dogs and so that was when I decided to give him away. I searched for a family who said they would be good for him and all I cared was that he would be with good people, so much that I decided to give him away for free in exchange for updates about him. He was like a little brother to me so those updates meant much more than selling him. The family updated me for the first 6 months and then they randomly stopped, it wasn't like i texted them daily. I would text them once every month and they would send me pictures and then I found their facebook and sent them a message and they just ignore me. My dog was VERY energetic and am thinking either they got tired of him or something happened to him, it doesn't take more than a minute to send a text saying that he's fine. I read somewhere online that since I dind't sign any papers and they didn't either that he is technically mine still, I have the certificate of ownership that he came with. What should I do? All I want to know is that he's fine and if that family has sold him to someone else then I would definitely take him back, I moved to a bigger place in LA with friends that I met and I can take care of him now. I would never think of doing this if I knew everything was fine but I don't feel like it is. Suggestions please. I should clarify that I have a hint of where they are but I don't know what I would do once am there, could I just take him back?
  5. don't they need more than an hour? I already give him more than an hour but he seems to want more! Everytime i get back from home, he runs to the door hoping I would take him out and I can't because am too tired from school and work.
  6. thanks everyone for all the words and no one sounded harsh because most of it is the truth. I contacted the breeder and she says she'll take him back but then won't she just sell it again? Will it be better if I look for an owner that I know! Also thanks to all those who say they have dogs who have been re-homed, I will feel really sad when he leaves ((( but I don't want him to miss me so what you guys said kind of calms me down.....
  7. yea that's what i feel too! would it be hard for him to adjust? do dogs miss u? haha I wish there was some way I could tell him that it's not him but it's us.
  8. I don't know where to start from, we got our Husky last Nov and my parents don't really like him so much because he always has way too much energy, he lives in our backyard and at night he is always barking at the squirrels or birds, I really love him and think it will be too hard to say goodbye but I don't know how to turn him around especially since I don't have enough time for him, it wasn't supposed to be my dog, my little brother got him and he quickly forgot about him and I felt horrible for him, I do take him out whenever I can but he still bites on the pipes in our backyard, at our neighbors. Part me of me wants to let him go to a better family but part of me says no, what should I do? Will it be hard for him to adjust to another family? I don't want him to miss me or anything. By the way with me, he is always good and listens to me. the first pic is when we first got him and the other one is pretty recent..
  9. yea, I don't want to do exploratory surgery either.. but now we took all of the fox flies from the backyard and they started growing again... I am seriously thinking about selling him for his own good, at only 9 months am sure someone will love to take him but I just can't part with him (((((( but i will do it if it was for his own good.. what would you guys do?
  10. education doesn't count when someone is trying to scam you and you can't make a clear decision, education doesn't teach you about the real world my dog keeps licking himself so I don't know if that's one of the symptoms and other than that he is pretty normal, I kind of just want to do it just in case.
  11. but then that link they provided here, is so scary if any of that can happen.. am really confused on what to do..
  12. thnx you think so? i think so too haha but I just wanted to get more opinions about it... its so messed up that they can do this though...
  13. yea i was thinking about that, I will go to another vet and show them the really small wound he has and ill make sure he has no fox tails on him and see what he says about it.. no doubt, i will sell everything if I have to keep him alive..
  14. my mom says that too, we are from the farm too and were raised on the farm and nothing happened to our previous dogs, i do feel the vet was lying to us, man can't you find anyone with decency in this times?
  15. hahaha that's what we thought and they didn't even feel bad for us that it was just me and my little brother and we have to ask all our siblings just for the neutering money lol
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