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  1. We did crate train Gretzky and he was house trained very quickly. We decided to trial him out of the crate for a couple of hours at a time and he was great. He always goes in his crate but we now leave the door open. He didn't get his usual walk today so may have had excess energy? Not sure I want to start closing his crate door again..... Hopefully it's just a blip.
  2. Gretzky is 6 months old and for the past 5-6 weeks we've given him more freedom. Whilst we're out he roams the kitchen, hallway and upstairs. We leave his toys everywhere and nothing is ever chewed or out of place. Tonight however, we left him for 3 hours, came home and he had chews or scratched a hole in the hall carpet! Is this normal? We were just singing his praises and he does this (cheeky monkey). Does this mean he can't be trusted anymore? Anyone else had a similar change in behaviour? Feel like a bit of trust has gone now. Can't be cross at him for long though as he's SO cute..........
  3. Oooo the 31st?! Yeah that would be great. Love Wollaton Park. It's great to meet other Husky owners too. What time is it on? Cheers for letting me know x
  4. Thanks for all your support guys. Went walking today but unfortunately met no other dogs! Perhaps tonight. Gretzky seems OK today. Huskies are so sweet and Gretzky is no exception. Just felt like he didn't deserve it. I know no dog does, but he's such a sweetie. I'll keep you updated with my complaint. Thanks guys
  5. Hello guys - my little boy was attacked tonight in the park by a pit bull. Gretzky was on the lead and the pit bull wasn't. It was all good at first until Gretzky turned to walk away. The other dog just jumped him and bit his face really bad! The owners pulled him off with a struggle, but the damage was done. He had three gashes in his face and was shaken up. He cried when a friendly Lab came over to say hello. The vet bill was £94 and the other owners have offered to pay half (very generous) so I've reported them. The park is called Woodthorpe and it's in Nottingham. There are signs everywhere that the dog should be on lead. Pretty shook up and feel really sorry for Gretzky. He's such a placid boy and I'd hate for it too affect him. It was horrible Good news is he's well and seems OK now back at home. Trying now to chill out before his walk tomorrow!
  6. Thanks guys. Gretzky says thanks too. Andy - He does look like Darwin. Same colouring etc. He's a handsome chap. James - Yup. More naughtiness coming our way! It's the digging that's the worst. Thinking of concreting everywhere - he, he.
  7. Gretzky was good in his crate, but we had him from 6 weeks old, so he never really knew any different. We played music all might for with (the radio - we didn't actually sit up and play piano - he, he). We also put in old t-shirts we had worn so it had our scent on. We leave the door open now when we're out, but he tends to gravitate back there in the day time anyway.
  8. I haven't posted for a while so thought I'd pop up a picture of Gretzky. He's nearly 6 months now and he has turned into such a placid little chap - we love him His earlier (constant) biting has stopped and he only gently mouths when I'm play fighting with him. His Husky deafness is in full flow now - he, he. Only returning to us when he feels like it (we daren't let him off the lead unless we're in an enclosed field). All in all, the early stressful weeks were massively worth it and he is such an affectionate little thing. His favourite things are running, digging (bad boy), running, treats, running and .....running! He's quick! Hope you guys are all well and huskies are behaving themselves. Bye for now and woof from Gretzky.....
  9. These are fab pictures! Great to meet you all. Please let us know when the next meet up is. Gretzky says "Woof"
  10. Thank you for the advice guys. Changed to a bit of cooked chicken with the puppy food and will also try the the take the food away after 20 mins option. He appears to be eating better now and was actually desperate for food today. He's better when not distracted too! He seems to have adapted better now we are back home. Thank you again for all of the advice
  11. Hello guys - Just a quick one: My 3 month old Husky, Gretzky is not eating. He is on the dry puppy food - Complete Pedigree. He'll have three/four mouthfuls and then just wanders off. He is really active and a happy little fella, so doesn't appear ill at all. I have read that Huskies don't eat lots anyway. Has anyone else had this issue? Thank you P.S. We're at the seaside today and he's loving it!!!
  12. Thanks guys. As suspected Gretzky was simply going through the motions to get his treat. I started yesterday with the random requests and he's doing OK, but still sitting, giving paws then lying down - lol! I'll carry on with the random commands - he, he.
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