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About kkendra

  • Birthday 10/04/1988

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  1. Thanks guys!! Lola is one vote away from the first place thanks to all of your help! Much appreciated
  2. Hey all, Lola is taking part in this competition and would appreciate some votes! Thanks Link below: http://photocomp.harveynorman.com.au/images/show_photo.php?card=2808a560c9911cb84c1d012d1b93387a
  3. Lola seems to be having some skin problems and I'm wondering if this is what they called ZRD? She also seems to have balding patches located on each side of her forelegs. Is it related to her blowing coat? Cause little tufts of fur have been coming off her for a few weeks now. Here are some pictures:
  4. Hey guys, thanks for the advice! My friend had her dog spayed while in heat by the same vet and she was fine after the surgery, so I decided to go ahead with it. It's been 4 days and Lola is doing well, getting her energy back and dying to go the to the park. Now I'm just hoping her fur will grow back soon, summer is coming in Aussie and I won't want her underbelly to get sunburnt haha
  5. Hey all, I've booked Lola (6 months) in to get spayed tomorrow and now she's in season I've been reading online and there's conflicting comments and I don't know what to do! Called the vet and he said the surgery is more complicated but it won't affect the recovery period. Is it safe for her to carry on with the surgery or should I cancel it and wait for her season to be over? She's been acting weird and tired recently, I'm so worried!
  6. Just curious, does Kaiser gobble up his food? Cause Lola does and she always have them after meal times
  7. My housemates did have similar thoughts like Claire, questioning her experience with humans when she's with her breeder. I called her up but all I get was "Nah, she's fine with us when she's here" - that's what got me thinking that I might have done something wrong So relieved to hear that she may be just lacking of confidence - thanks guys! She just graduated from puppy school a week ago. Funny thing is she does allow the owners there to pet her, its kinda like her saying you have a dog so okay, you can pet me I usually just stand still when she's fearful during the walks, she pulls and dashes in all different sorts of direction so its really hard to walk on Am I adding on to the trauma by not walking on? Do have to admit that I fusses over her by trying to lure her out from under the bed at home, my bad
  8. Brought her home at 8 weeks old, not a rehome Had her for 7 weeks, she's 15 weeks old
  9. I'm confused as to whether Lola is just shy or terrified of humans. Just to give you guys a few scenarios : 1. I live with 2 housemates and they always wanted to cuddle with Lola the way she allows me to. Lola will run away from them the minute they reach out their hands. If she knows they have food in their hands, she'll take the food and then run away. It's getting better nowadays, where she'll play with them or follow them around, but any attempt to pet her, she'll bolt. 2. During her second week of stay, I have friends over for dinners and thought it's a good chance for her to socialize with large groups of humans. She just seems to want nothing to do with them, jumping into my lap if I'm sitting on the floor or hiding under my bed in my room. Nothing I do could coax her out of the bed, not even food. But after a few mins, she'll come to the living room to sneak a peek and if everyone ignores her, she'll come sit by my side and observe. Any indication of other humans wanting to pet her, it's back to under the bed again. This behavior still continues til today. 3. I'm starting to bring her out for short walks these past few weeks. She loves her walks, does pull a little but we're working on that. She'll try to sniff anyone that shows no interest in her, but will pull and try to run like crazy when someone stop and try to pet her, or have a little chat with me. Am I doing something wrong, or am I not doing something which is causing this behavior? I want so badly for my housemates to be able to pet her without her struggling like hell to get away. She also had this weird behavior when playing with my friend's dogs. Her ears go all the way back, isn't that a indication of fearful? She'll be in a playbow position, and they are always chasing after one another And we met this border collie during the walk this afternoon, she was the one who was walking towards it, but when the collie started sniffing at her, she sat down with her tails tucked in, ears back and looking away from the collie. And all of a sudden, she lifted her paws to touch the collie's nose give it a start, and the owner was chuckling, saying she's cute. But is this behavior alright or should I correct her? Sorry for this long post, but I'm at a total loss....help please?
  10. It's from 24 September - 2 Oct - have been waiting for it since I came over! Not sure I wanna get another just yet, will definitely look into it if I know I'll be staying in Melb for good. My mum is real scared of dogs, and with the amount of room space I have back home, add in two or more huskies will be a nightmare lol @Calin Think you got your million question answered!
  11. Nope! The next person pees in the shower, lol
  12. Didn't know there's more than one Singaporean here! Here you go May I know how much is husky selling for in Singapore now? Heard from friends they are pretty expensive - buying from a well known breeder is gonna cost a bomb... I have the urge to starting speaking Singlish but they're gonna think I'm talking weird
  13. True, how can I slow her down???????? The husky below me hates wearing harness
  14. Yup - she only eats raw The husky below me loves sun tanning
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