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About Laska

  • Birthday 03/13/1969

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  1. Hi all Just to let you know that laska had 8 healthy pups in the night. 4 with stunning masks 2 pure white and 2 patched all black and white in color. Ill post some pics as soon as i get a chance and when she settles down
  2. Laska

    Good news

    She is now very fat. ( looks like me now may its right that dogs end up looking like there owner ) well tomorrow is the prime day for birth so ill keep my eye out as i have the past week. all i want is a little sleep btw does any one know how other huskies are around while another is giving birth. should i keep storm away>???
  3. Laska

    Good news

    Ive bought a http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DEFINITIVE-Whelping-Kit-dog-welping-box-puppy-ID-bands_W0QQitemZ360210670616QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Pet_Supplies_Dogs?hash=item53de3aa418 and ive done as much reading as a person can read and ive got advise from the vet im sure all will go well . and the vet said she is mor ethen likely up the duff so i guess time will tell. wish me luck
  4. Laska

    Good news

    Hi all As you may have seen ive not been about much as life is hectic But...... Storm came into heat and she took laska into heat aswell . some thing i didnt know could happen . But i left her with a freinds sibe a lovely pure breed with crystal blue eyes and they mated as i didnt know she was in season as she was very light and i thought the blood was storms . but ive found out this week she is up the duff. luckly i have 6 friends who dearly wanted a dog like laska so i hope all goes well . ill be going to the vets again next week for a scan and ill find out how many she has. im as excited as i was when the wife was positive. Made a welping spot for her and got everything man can buy to help things my room looks like a operating theater. I try my best to get my cam working so i can show pics. but for some reason since ive change to windows 7 i cant get my cam to show on the pic to upload pics . but im sure ill get it fixed. All my best speak soon
  5. Laska

    Hi &

    Hi guys I know its been a long time since i been here back life has been so hectic. God bless you guys who have more the one husky , with my new one storm things have been hard. jesus mother of god try walking 2 huskies who like to run. I had the second dna done on laska a month ago by a research center that was very kind to take on my case. and she came back as malamute x sibe x 25% arctic wolf . which felt alot better then grey hound but as you maty remember i got a malamute to keep her company . but oh my god how tough they are. i can no longer take them out on my own unless i go by car and take the to the park. not untill i habe the muscles of a titan. but sides that the habitat is going well it should be completed by this summer thank god as i have no grass left just holes where it used to be. both are shedding wel and have killed 2 hoovers and chewed 2 furmimators up. but besides that im happy as a sand boy. I will soon post some pics to show how they are both doing. alaska is not just over 7 stone and storm is 6.5 stone ( at just 8 months ) i hope you all had a great xmas and i hope you see the new year in with fun and love All my best mark laska / storm
  6. Hi all as you know kids had knocked down my fence leaving dogs to run astray. For your english guys here is a simple video of English self defence. warned there is a few tastfull words and sorryfor the bad video but its worth watching for a laugh ps yes i know sarah is probably full trained in these arts
  7. Thx for replies guys . i feel like the boy that cried wolf . dont mean to honest i just feel here is the 1st place i can vent my stress and fears. But ive now been round the closed part of the garden and blocked every hole and gap possible and locked all doors to sheds etc . so fingers crossed it wont happen again. on a good note the cider is going down well i think i need it .
  8. You guys must be good luck. everytime i post on here that my dogs gone they turn up. But im so happy now but as i said before this week has been the most stressfull ever . its one of them weeks where u need to go bed and put covers over your head. Ive been ripped off 2 times from credit card fraud . the dogs have taken my wallet 2 times and chewed money inside . i got taken to court for forgetting to pay a 60 parking ticket and they billed me for 615 what a rip off. and then to top it off laska runs off today. im going for a beer. BTW guess where laska was . we have a old coal bunker and she had sneaked inside it through the small crack in the door as its blocked from the stuff inside . and then pushed something agaist the door so she could get out . i went out there so many times and called her . but sshe didnt make a sound no cry nothing. It wasnt untill i gave up all hope went outside for fresh air and then i saw 2 gangly legs poking out from under the door she was in there hours and hours and must have fell to sleep or something. Funny end to the stress story lets hope next week brings me some luck or some sort of normal life. Speak soon Bath and Beer for me ( and ive been on the wagon for 4 weeks now)
  9. Well after the last escape from kids kicking down fence. Laska has done a runner. Where the kids where kicking in the fence which i replaced their was a small hole under a grape vine i didnt notice where a foot had gone through. And she got through it i guess. We have phoned everyone police dog wardens kennels vets everyone . we placed posters out with a pic etc and put letters through doors but no luck . I just got that feeling she is gone i hate to say it but we have a gypsy site not to far away and i fear that if she has gone there or been picked up by them she wont be coming back. I feel so gutted im trying to block it out but its starting to sink in now . and why didnt i look harder at all the fence what a twat i am. Im starting to feel like im not a worthy husky owner . but atleast storm didnt follow her this time she stayed with me asleep all morning. I was just about to take them on a long adventure aswell to tire them out aswell thats how i noticed she wasnt in the garden. Anyway ill keep you posted i best go out and look again but ive been everywhere. Speak soon guys
  10. lol u nutter . i could just say its laska's sister and say she is a grey hound
  11. Hi all What defines a husky . i ask this because when im asked what kind of dog is storm i say malamute but then they say WHAAA with a puzzled faace then i have to explain . so my question is can you class malamutes as a husky type dog as it will be alot easier for me to just say she is a husky. Thx
  12. Lol so true . and also i have DNA proof that laska is a grey hound
  13. Had a room change about and cant find pc cable for cam . but soon as i find it i can post some digging
  14. Are huskies that have just found out there really a male grey hound aloud in Bless she looks depressed here it was just after i told her the DNA news
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