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About bex0409

  • Birthday 09/04/1989

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  1. yeh i know thats wat i keep thinking, think i will have a look around at what else is about
  2. if I pull thru his fur a big clump comes out, but he has long guard hairs he's a wooly type sum of his guard hair is like 2-3 inches long.
  3. the thing is with diesel is he's a wooly husky he has really long guard hairs so I don't know whether this would work for him :/ I mite just get one to try and if not try a rake where do you get those from?
  4. hes just started this week shedding loadz of hair i thought it would of started in a few more months yet, thanks for the advice.
  5. Thinking of gettin the furminater de shedding tool. Has anyone got one? Are they good?
  6. So yest diesel was at work with me all day in the office he didn't rest for a minute with people coming in and so when we got home he wanted nothing to do with us he just went outside and curled up from 6 o'clock to one in the morning til I had to make him come inside lol
  7. Its like getting any dog really they can all do the things that are metioned above yes they are more common in some breeds than other but diesel has never ever tried to escape, he lives with a cat and cuddle eachother on a nite I fully trust him with our cat bcoz he's been brought up with him from puppy hood, we excercise him a lot and that is why he is so chilled at home and he's been good with training, I've had a lot of diferent breeds in my family and disel has been one of the best behaved, I think it can be individual personality but as long as u do ur research everything shud be fine everyone has to start somewhere as a first time husky owner you learn along the way just make sure you know the thing they MIGHT do x
  8. Haha thanx I'm on my fones internet and its really slow so it missed words out :/
  9. he's so confusing lol because that's what it seems like to me when he does it, I can tell its like I'm not scary I just want to meet u you and when the other dog comes over to him he will then stand up and they will stiff but this is with just some dogs, other dog ( usually big) he dosent evan bother going over sometimes, also sometimes he's that de dog he will just lie down and refuses to move and I cannot get him to come with me no matter how much I pull him( its rather embarrasing lol) and then yest on the field he went trunching over to this timid dog and started sniffing and then growled at him, I never know how he's going to be with every dog we pass
  10. bex0409


    I was reading the body language thread and diesel does the hunting thing when he sees another dog sumtime on the field n then he will lie down n wait for the other dog to come to him what does this mean?
  11. Iesel does the hunting thing to other dogs on the field sometimes and then completely lies down and let's the other dog come to him what does this mean?
  12. hi guys were always on the look out for places to visit and stay with our husky diesel and so i just thought id share with you a place i found. for my birthday in sept i just wanted to go away for a few days and chill out and go walking so did abit of looking around and found this http://www.westfield-lodge.co.uk/ . its brilliant there are little apartments/ lodges we stayed in one that had your own patio and the best thing was is that dogs are welcome and free and im not sure but dont think theres a limit to how many you take. there are walks as soon as you step out your front door and such gorgeous scenary everywhere you look you can also get steam trains to different villages and is in the heart of the bronte country in north yorkshire moors. the manager there robin was lovely and more than happy to help with any questions also if you ring him instead of booking over the internet its usually cheaper. me my partner my son and diesel went for 3 nights i think it was £120-130 which i thought was really good, anyways just thought id share its always nice to know where theres places you can go and have a nice relaxing time
  13. Thankyou both for your advice, the year and abit we have had diesel has been one of the best years of my life, don't get me wrong its been tough in places but I wundent swap it for the world and he's turned into a lovely lad. He only likes our cat if he sees another one on the street he pulls to get at it lol so maybe with some work if we were to bring another in they wud learn to see it as there own. I have just seen so many huskies on rescues sights and I think its very sad that there not in a lovely warm home with a family that loves them, I've actually just noticed that there's a 6 month husky girl in a rescue that's just come in near my end its too late to ring now but will try tomoro. We've just got into scootering with diesel eveyday weekend aswell so we really think we can give a dog a second chance at happiness, I guess we will just see how it goes. X
  14. Hi we currently have diesel he is just over one year and we are thinking of gettin another conpanion for him ( he's getting sick of the cat he's too boring lol) but we were thinking of maybe rescueing one. Has anyone rescued there second husky? How did they settle in? I don't know how hard it wud be to find a rescue that wud be suitable as we need one that's good with cats and my son who's 4. Or our other option is to get a puppy? Do u find that they are happier with a companion and is it harder with 2? Diesels pretty much a doddle, but when I mention to people about I'm thinking of gettin another one they think I'm slighty mad ( these are non-doggy people tho!! Thanks for any advise in advance x
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