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davidjk last won the day on June 14

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About davidjk

  • Birthday 08/04/1972

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    Guitar, gardening, computers, music

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  1. We have 3 huskies that we manage to walk ok, however we will be walking another husky for a few months and boy does he pull. So we want to get a belt that will withstand 3 huskies pulling ( 2 of ours misbehave when the extra one is around). Normal belts just are not designed to withstand huskies. At this rate we will have to have a standing order for leather belts. Can anyone recommend a good one Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. 2 of mine eat them no fuss at all, but one of them is so fussy we usually have to use this type of method.
  3. davidjk

    Windows 10

    Ok so i forced mine to update (Cheers for the info Marc). First impressions, i like i think they have a balance between windows 7 and windows 8. I liked windows 8 and i am technically minded, but i can see how people would hate windows 8. it can be hard to find programs. and work your way around the system. i had to help someone who was trying to install a printer and they did not realize they had already installed it . My main gripe with previous windows was that i have a fast system with SSD drives in raid. loads of fast RAM and a decent processor and to be honest i expected my system to a lot be faster. with windows 10 it is obviously faster.
  4. davidjk

    Windows 10

    not got it yet, but i like windows 8 for the speed and the lack of slowdown. what do i mean by slowdown? well after about a month of use computers slow down as the file system fragments etc etc, but with windows 8 it hasn't done this.
  5. I guess they think that mud will keep them cool. Luckily Suki Did not join them
  6. Caught just as amber howled so her head looks weird
  7. We found some deer antlers whilst out walking. i think amber is being a bit hopeful
  8. i wish i could help you. i am in the same situation, one of my girls is scared to go out at night, but no problem in the day. if you come up with a solution i would be interested
  9. so here is micha who has been to the vets because she picked up and swallowed a whole onion out of a food waste bin. so she has been to the vets and given an injection which made her violently sick, and has a bowl of activated carbon mixed with dog food to eat (apparently it tastes like burnt toast). the other two who have already eaten think they might be missing out
  10. So just back from the vets, Micha likes to stick her nose out the window. don't worry she can't reach out any further
  11. i think i found the nicest photo of a husky and i had to share it.
  12. apparently she feels the need for cushions as well as the sofa
  13. as everyone has said, they are all different, one of mine howls when she is excited, another talks when she is annoyed or excited, and the other one hardly does a thing. occasionally she will howl in response to husky howling videos
  14. So i had so many good pictures of micha it was very difficult to choose, however this is the best one i think. Out exploring And suki who loves to do this in the snow. she just lays there and refuses to come in the house
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