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About lindavamp666

  • Birthday 04/22/1972

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  1. How could you resist her! Those pics gave me and the kids a giggle. Brilliant:)
  2. I took the kids to Margam Park 2 years ago and went upto the castle for a nose. You were only allowed in the entrance hall, everywhere else was blocked off.. I know Most Haunted did a programme there. We looked at the pics we took in there but not an orb in sight!!!
  3. Thanks for all the advice. I'm glad for the most part it sounds like normal sibe behaviour. I was worried perhaps he was unhappy being here with us cos he's the only dog in the house and was perhaps missing his own kind. I know he has plenty of human company here but i do worry about him being lonely. I've already starting to use some of the tips suggested. Nix was spot on with the head pat so now we tickle his beard or his chest. Timber seems more comfortable with it. Emily has also been told in no uncertain terms she is not to give him treats like she has been and the treat box has been put out of her way. I found jnetster's suggestion of an emergency recall a great idea. i do worry about him getting out and not getting him to come back so I have started training Timber with an emergency recall command and giving him something nice when he does it correctly but other than that treats have been cut right back on. if does something good he gets a treat every so often not everytime like he was getting. He gets a real fuss made of him when he's done something now and this is done more than a treat is given. when a treat is given tho i have started to do like Bec said and make it exciting for him.
  4. Wrexham is way too far for us I'm afraid. What a shame:( Hope you ahve a great time tho!
  5. Yes make sure you post them up, I'd love to see some of the other pups
  6. Yes Tanya we have treat trained him. When we first had Timber and started training him to pee on the training mat, we rewarded him everytime with a small treat. Then I started to cut back on the treats and gave him praise and even now he still gets praised with "good pee Timber". I do get some odd looks tho when people here me:lolman: But when I first stopped giving the treats for peeing on the mat and gave him praise there was quite a few occasions where he'd go and look at you and pee on the livingroom carpet. Generally when we start him with something new i.e. giving paw we start with treat training and then start cutting back on the treats and then give more praise. I don't know if this has any bearings in the problem tho, we caught Emily sneaking treats out of his box to give to him without us knowing. She'd been calling him and feeding him on the sly (little minx!). Should i stop with the treat training altogther and start praise training perhaps? Incidentally Timber's treat box has been put right out of Emily's reach.
  7. Hi all:wave: Just wanted some of your opinions on something I've noticed about Timber. Like I said it's to do with his behaviour and food. What I've noticed is that all of the time more so lately that you can call him and he'll come to you, sniff your hands to see if you have a treat. If you go to pet him then he'll back away and go sit by himself or go and it seems to me pout in the kitchen. It seems he only wants to come to you to see if have something for him and if you do give him something he just takes it and goes. He has three meals a day at present but he usually does get little treats during the day cos the kids do like to give treats and fuss him. Has anyone else experienced this? To me it seems like he acting up like a child who's throwing a bit of a paddy cos he's not getting his way sorta like if you want me to come you gotta give me something but then I could be wrong. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. @andy. That's funny! Thank you all for the compliments:)
  9. Hi and:welcome: to the site.. Such a pretty girl and love her name:) and more
  10. Oh well done Freya and Derek!! Shame the weather was crap but it looked like a good day:)
  11. lets see if I've done it right then:)
  12. That's fab Dave:) How do i use it on my profile??? Sorry to be a pain.
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