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  • Birthday 10/21/1977

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  1. Luna


    RIP Bilbo, run free xxxxxxxxx
  2. I'm sorry but that is TOTALLY the breeders fault!!! I have bred from my girl Leala. Not intentionally but we have still bred. We were on holiday and left our two with 'Nan & Grandad' when leala was in season. Being inexperienced we did not know Leala was pregnant until a week before she gave birth a week early!! We were gutted and p*ssed off. It was easy to blame the 'grandparents' but it was completely our fault and that is something we have to live with. I have learned (and lost) so much from that. 'luckily' , somewhat contraversially, as they were premature they all - but one - died. We would never have purposely bred from our dogs and thank god only one survived. We would have kept him too if our friends hadn't taken him on. We still have him back for holidays now but it is something we have regretted since and the reason both our dogs were 'done' immediately and we have fostered for rescue since that day. Our way of paying back if you like. Make no mistake, it IS THE BREEDERS FAULT. If that dog is put to sleep for any reason, other than one random epsiode, make no doubt about where the blame lies. If someone decides to breed a dog it is their responsibility for the rest of the dogs life and if they don't accept that then breeding should never be an option.
  3. If you are happy wthe the animal medical centre just let him go without any regard to how he feels. I know it's hard to do but saying 'he hates it' is just applying our human emotions to the dogs. Yes he probably doesn't like it as much as what he does at home because he doesn't get his priviledges BUT in reality all that will happen is he will go to sleep overnight then be excited when he sees you collect him the next day I am the same as you, my girl had to have an operation today and i was a complete nightmare but i did leave her with no problems and after picking her up, deep inside, i know she doesn't hate me. Secretly though i was worrying she'd hate me when i left her. We do tend to apply our own human emotions to our dogs, and that is fine, but when it is in our dogs very best interests to investigate further then we have to. Please seek further advice. One night away from him is well worth it to find out what is wrong. For you and for Ajax. xxxxxxxxx
  4. Luna

    whats yours

    Well how difficult is this to answer???!!! I just cannot have a favourite...my tatse in music is too varied. These are some of my favourites over the years, in chronological order (i think): George Benson - 20/20 Didn't know i loved this until years later. saw him couple of years ago - FAB!! Bros. Pucsh Matt Goss. Nuff said. Salt & Pepa - Very Necessary. Love every song on this, as an aspiring 'Spinderlla' lol Snap - The Madmans Return. Ditto the above!! Buju Banton - Inner Heights. Love the song 'Love Sponge' Loved this guy's music forever but not always his opinions Diana King - Tougher than love. I just love her, where did she go?? Shapeshifters - Sound Advice This album is just amazing! beats, lyrics...... Amy Winehouse - Back to Black Genious lyrics, off the wall, classic vocals. Damien Marley - Welcome to Jamrock Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve this Calvin Harris - Ready for the weekend. I LOVE THIS RIGHT NOW!!! oh and ANYTHING by Bob Marley, Beenie Man, Barry White, Tom Jones, Meatloaf, Elton John & Mary J Blige (the last 4 having seen live) OMG told you i have a varied taste, lol. I'm sure there are so many others but my main loves are reggae & dance!!
  5. in that case try not to worry too much as it's clearly not her with the problems:eek: Try not to let other people who don't understand your dog worry you too much. As long as it's not her being aggressive or confrontational then there's not too much you can do but to try and educate others. :bananen_smilies054::bananen_smilies054:
  6. I chose Viktor because i, personally, think a name with only one or two sylabulls works best for the dog!! have fun whichever you choose xxx
  7. i used one of these with a ridgeback i fostered and it was fab!!!!! Good luck xxx
  8. Most dogs that have not been taught 'road sense' will, indeed, walk out onto a quiet road no problems - my own girl certanly does:mad: Just because you tested her with no cars doesn't mean she would do that when there are cars... and it's the busy roads that are the problem. Mostly - NO dog should ever be allowed offlead/longlead near a busy road no matter how well trained they are as it only takes one simple thing to freak them out and send them running into traffic but i am positive you know that anyway or you wouldn't even be asking. The other thing left to say is just because she doesn't seem aggressive, to you, doesn't mean she isn't being. You say she "'just want's nothing but to get towards them" If she is the one rushing over to the other dog to initiate the 'greeting' this, in dog world, can be seen as being aggressive. Similarly 'over-exciteability' has the same impact!! We ascociate (sp?) agression with growling, barking etc but dogs see it way before any of those signs are omitted and it's important to realise that. What seems as playful behaviour to us can be killer behaviour to dogs, which can, obviously, cause socialisation problems:confused: Defo go back to basics and don't let her rush over to other dogs without your say-so and stick at this for as long as it takes for her to realise her behaviour is not acceptable :151:
  9. try BBQ flavoured peperami cut into little pieces - the smell works brill on mine!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. Firstly she's not the stupid one. Sorry i really don't mean that to sound so harsh, and i'm in no way suggesting you are, it's just i can think of no other way, over the internet, to put it:eek: Dogs aren't just born with road sense....if they ever have any at all it's beacuse we teach it to them. Road sense is not an instinct. Even then we are limited to what we can teach them. What do you mean by "road sense"? If you are expecting her to stop and do the green cross code you may have a long wait. Mostly, all we can do is to de-sensitise them to the noises of traffic - which may be freaking her out and causing more stress for her - and teach them to walk "close" to us and stop and wait when we ask them to. All this is very basic training that can be accomplished very quickly. I would definately recommend training classes if you don't know where to start. As for whether the fact that she wasn't socialised because you didn't get her until 12 weeks...was she still with her litter then? It's taking the puppy away from the litter too early that causes more problems with dog socialisation rather than too late, which is when dog/human socialisation suffers. However, having said that it is true that dogs are best socialised in the first 12 weeks but there are exceptions. I didn't get our rescue girl until she was 4 months and we now foster and she accepts dogs in the house no problem (mostly;)). She does have some problems with some dogs on a short lead though... Right after all that.... I would start right back at basics with her. Have some treats with you and walk her as normal but everytime another dog approaches or goes by, refocus her attention on you with the treat (ensuring you make her sit and focus on you beofre giving the treat). Give her the treat when she responds to you and ignores the other dog. This will give her the confidence that other dogs mean good things happen to her Once she gets the idea that she can look at the dog but then she comes to you for treat you can start to build up to other things such as being closer to other dogs and unltimately meeting other dogs calmly. The most important thing is to reinforce all her good behaviour Work on the recall too, using a long line and treating her everytime she comes back There's lots to do or say, you need to start right at the beginning and take it slowly - it's easy to rush when she does things right once and want to move on to the next thing but try not to!!! good luck
  11. I've been an active member on an invision forum (for molosser breeds) for some years now and must say i find it much easier to use than this one.... The easier it is to use the more people tend to log on!! I say go for it!! Good luck xxx
  12. PML why would people mass buy things if they were going to die? I'd blow my money a tad more wisely. Did i say blow? I clearly meant spend!!!
  13. i knew we were both singing from same hymn sheet (so to speak) i know what i meant but i should have explained more clearly, i forget people can read things the wrong way over the internet...back to internet school for me :grinning-smiley-003
  14. :grinning-smiley-003 I agree and mine climb all over our sofa but we're talking here about someone who has only just had this dog and doesn't know what it's problems are just yet therefore i find it is always best to establish the basics i.e. personal safety and rank, which is why i asked the question...if you read on she then said that that particular thing wasn't a problem so i suggested she try the reward :grinning-smiley-003 With resource guarding what you have to work on is removing the source of his anxiety and teach him to feel confident when people are around him and his dinner. ..."If you teach your dog never to growl without removing the source of his fear and anxiety, there is a very real risk that he may, one day, bite someone with no warning." Hence don't puunish him for growling, stick to the rewards!! by the way good post...added to rep!
  15. Sorry i have read that bit about you approaching him wrong, clearly you didn't take his bowl...sorry!!! There is a good food thread on here somewhere... Has anything happened in the last couple of days that might make him feel he has to protect it? Did he leave some and his bowl was taken up? or did another dog pinch any, lol? i'd give him time for now and stay away from him when feeding just for your safety and so that he can become more confident. This is what i would do myself: Then if you are 100% happy about his rank in the pack you could try approaching him with 'higher-prize' items so that he sees you has giving better things to him as you approach, rather than the threat of you maybe taking something away from him. Don't say his name or anything (this can be misinterpreted as affection, and therefore misunderstood as praise, even if we are 'shouting' it) just offer the high-prize treat (something really smelly and yummy to dogs over their normal food (BBQ peperami sticks are fab)...maybe crouch down with it at a short distance away - so he hasn't warned you yet, vocally or through body language,as this may have the adverse effect of rewarding his bad behaviour. Let him come away from his food bowl to retrieve his extra little reward then just let him return to his food bowl if he wants. I would always have a reward on the approach so he knows you aren't a threat. Take it slowly one day at a time. hope that made sense.
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