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About TreyRust

  • Birthday 03/11/1996

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  1. Or 'u' in Vim. Ah, how great life would be with a command mode... and Git...
  2. "Don't forget how much memory you have." Words of wisdom.
  3. Thanks, sorry it took so long to respond. It was a fairly low key birthday, but was actually quite enjoyable considering Dad was unable to make it because of his cursed company and bad luck. We went out to eat at a pizza place, had a large salad, some iced (sweet) tea and of course, pizza. Then we went to the new flea market, I didn't find anything and was done in 5 minutes, but my mother and my sister... Then we went to target, I got some new flip-flops and a couple of games. Had a cookout with some small steaks and big salads with the neighbors, wasn't thrilled because it seems to just be an opportunity for everyone else to blab on about stuff I don't care about to each-other, but the food was good. Then I had a dentist appointment the next day, almost as to say "It's not your birthday anymore". But I enjoyed it because it was very short and she said I've been cleaning my teeth well
  4. Just a snippet of things maybe to come... Easier said than done when your not using a high level language, but I did it! I had to stream the individual buffers into files myself, but it works! It's a complete rewrite, I'm using Gtk (Or rather, Gtkmm, but it's just a wrapper so it shouldn't matter) which I find more comfortable than QT. To use it, you just put in the name and link, the program takes care of the rest. So unlike the first version, this one is actually useful...
  5. Naaaaah I'm not awake...
  6. But please remember that it is just a theory and retain an open mind. I wouldn't be surprised if your right but that wasn't really my point. My point was that saying they can't be off lead period, leads to more problems; Sure, it keeps people from getting dogs and setting them loose without knowing better, but it also spreads ignorance about the breed and the ends do not justify the means. It has MUCH more to do with the owner than the dog; In fact I retain my theory that virtually any dog can be trained to do anything if the owner knows what s/he's doing, but that is the key point and they MUST know how dogs think and must understand their individual dog; Otherwise it's like trying to tell a wall to paint itself. The thing that I learned about training huskies is that the reward has to outweigh the prey-drive. You _cannot_ train them reliably with conventional doggie treats because they have such a strong prey-drive, it's a reward in itself. I believe it's much more people's misunderstanding of canine pyschology that produces very few huskies that are reliable off-lead. People don't really seem to think outside of the box when training animals and that leads to bad behaviour in huskies when they try and treat them like golden retrievers or labs. Same is true for border collies or any "advanced" breed. The most important key to training a husky is using the right reward. If you can find something more rewarding than their prey-drive then you will be able to train them to recall from chasing a rabbit, but this is very hard to do obviously (and varies from individual dog). A good trainer would use their prey-drive to train them. Letting them chase a squirrel to reward them; It would take significantly more effort and understanding, the reliability is relative to how well you did and is still a grey area to me but a competent trainer should be able to do it. I would certainly be less likely to let a husky off lead than a GSD, but I would never let either off lead without adequate recall training with heavy distractions, without that I wouldn't even think about it... If somebody put a husky in my care would I let them off lead? I would have a broken arm before I would let that dog get loose; If I had the dog for a long time __maybe__. If I owned a husky for years would I let it off lead? Depends... So, __maybe__. Also I should mention this to anyone that would be (insane enough to be(?)) doing this, the reason why a 'reliable' dog can go rogue very quickly is because there is a HUGE difference from training inside your cosy house and trying to apply it in the field. It's just straight up idiotic to assume that a dog the does something in a low distraction environment will do the same thing with little critters runnin' around. While it might not make as much difference to us, it's a completely different world to them. and even if you have them trained reliably in an envirnment with lots of distractions, a new type of distraction (The "Golden Raccoon" shall we say) that again, we don't notice could pop up make a reliable dog not. So it's important to train for a very long time to raise the odds of training against all kinds of distractions. Even then, it's a risk. It works for some and for some it doesn't. I just believe people should be given the facts and that they should choose for themselves rather than somebody seeing that it doesn't work for them and then spreading it to other people whom it may work for like it's the gospel and then verbally burning anyone at the stake whom doesn't believe (I'm not necessarily accusing you of this, I'm just stating how I feel). ~Trey.
  7. Exactly! I hate questions like this because it's as if there exists an absolute answer. As with almost everything in the world it's not so black and white; It just depends, largely on training and genetics, upbringing etc...
  8. Wow, it's always amazed me that on this forum, even the deadest threads can just spring back to life without question, gotta love HO.
  9. Thanks for the encouragment, but I think you're all missing the point of this thread. I posted this to give a reason as to why my mother is the way she is, to show the whole story rather than selective bitching. Like the title suggests I just wanted to be fair to her. But I did go off on a rant about my grandfather and that was a recouring theme... It's not something I think about all the time, it was my dad's birthday so we talked about it as well and I just was feeling blue about it. I'm the optimistic one in my family, when I remember an event, I either remember the good or the good that we learned and rarely do I get into a painful slippery slope of regret once I've gotten over something. Things can still sting if I think about them, but it would be wrong for me to not be sad, it's just important that I've moved on. He went to Georgia tech (I believe) to get an engineering degree and I could go on and on with the things he had mastered. The difference between him and Dad is, grandpa loved to tinker with everything and was obsessed with it all, airplanes included. Dad mostly cares about airplanes. To an extent he is the same but not as extreme as his father. I hadn't meant for this thread to be about me... But I must say I enjoy the attention Honestly I didn't really mean to say so much about my granddad either, it just sort of happened because it was late and I such at macro articulation when I'm tired, which I am now... So take this with a grain of salt
  10. I know I don't post a lot on here anymore, I just thought I should be fair to the people I've ranted about in the past. I'm posting this in the steam room because it's not necessarily something I want public, but since I've given a lousey half of it to you guys already, I think it's a good idea to point out why it's gotten like this and why I've complained about my family (Namely: My mother) in the past. So, it started about 10 years ago when my grandfather (on my dad's side) died, this is the time I would later regard as "The beginning of the end of a functional life". So, Dad went through a lot during this time obviously, we all did, but note: It was hard on him (this will be a recurring theme) Then Hurricane Katrina hit my Aunt (Dad's sister), her inssurance was crap or something and had to pay for the repairs out of pocket, but not her pocket. They decided to get a lien on part of the property, Dad only agreed to 5 acres (of the 75, although he only inherited half, his sister the other), it was all smiles, grins and handshakes until later he found out that the lien was on the whole 75 acres... This was hard on him. The guy who "helped" (my aunt's husband, who was a lawyer) him said "There's nothing wrong with a lien as long as you make the payments", yeah no @#$%! This all hit him pretty hard, and then he was diagnosed with meniere's disease (I don't think that diagnosis is correct, because from what I've heard about it, they don't seem to know dust bunnies about it), which made him lose hearing in his left(?) ear, he also got really bad, crawl worthy vertigo and all the joys and bunnies that come with it. So needless to say he lost his job at mountain air cargo. From what I remember (I was like 6-8 when this happened) it start while he was flying and his co-pilot had to take over. So, things spiraled down from there... Yes there's plenty more. Flashback to when I was probably 2, Mom got in a really horrible car accident that very nearly killed her. I don't remember it, but she has been off ever since, the doctor said she just needed to relax and be greatful she still has life. Being the * person she is, she didn't get counselling (which is a damn, damn shame), and my sister remembers living with her afterwards, where she put peanut butter in the fridge, didn't remember birthdays etc, for about a year I guess? Either way she still doesn't remember the year I was born (unless I've already told her enough). Aaand this hurt dad as well (duh, since their relationship was pretty much in ruins afterwards and until now showed no signs of getting better, even now I doubt it will work out after we (me and my sister) leave). At this point mom was the only one doing anything to keep up with the house, we used to live in an immaculate house, then she just gave up under the pressure (oh yeah, my counsin was murdered about this time too so that was stress on all of us, Dad as well since he was the only in-law of mom's that Dad liked) which is why I get so frustrated with her "cleaning" habbits these days, as well as her "cooking" ones... She basically says she gave up because we didn't help out but honestly, I was 7, not nearly enough intuition to realize what was going on. This is why I get so frustrated with how we live now, I rolled with it at first because I didn't reconignize the classic signs of an addict ("I can stop any time I want") and didn't realize until recently that I was cheated out of about 8 years of living in a clean house with round meals. So, things with the lien didn't get any better... I have a general idea of what happened, and I was told thousands of times but I just black out because it's just so convoluted (and.................dad................talks..................slow.............with....................complicated..............sentences and it drives me friggin' crazy!!!!!). But a LOT happened, just nothing really important except it changed hands and there was something about developing the property (a year before the house market crashed, thank god that plan crashed first), stuff like that. Oh and the people we have it with now art total scumbags so we've been trying to fight them jacking up the prices for the past several years too... Dis howeat (sound it out) him. But one thing I will point out is, remember when I was about to build a cobb house but stopped the plan randomly? That was foreclosure day. Thankfully we still have the property, and we're still working on it but I still don't want to set up a future here, that was too close for comfort. Hawt else... There's my sister shaving her head and going through a scary emo phase. Where we all wouldn't have been surprised if someone had ended up dead, Dad and my sister especially had a lot of rough times and fights... Gah, the fights between those two... Anyways, they've patched up things real nice now so... There's the fact that both mom and dad had "camps" and we where divided into one depending on which parent we spent time (conspiring) with. They both had such convincing stories which is why my sister and I jumped back and forth a lot. A few years ago though, I realized that they're both nuts! I just fling a dart somewhere in-between both of their stories and call that the best truth I can come up with... Sooo... There was plenty more but you get the idea. It's amazing any of us are still around to tell about it. Things seem to be getting better (Dad's had job(s) for the past 4(is) years), still nothing like it used to be (Minus the fights, I don't miss the fights and thank God they've learned how to fight light adults (somewhat)). Kids that go through stuff like this typically end up either dead, psychotic or really mature (for their age). This is why I've regarded myself as mature in the past (however correct it may be isn't necessarily something you nor I could say. Since none of you know me in real life and I'm not a great judge of my own character), because I've been through a lot of scary times, I've left a lot out if that means anything to you. So anyway, I just wanted to be fair to those I've bitched about to you guys in the past. I apologize for not giving the whole story, I figured it was a little to personal then but considering what I did tell you it's probably better to know I don't live with random sociopaths, just normal sociopaths This may seem random but I was just thinking about my grandfather and how much we could have done together, had a good cry for the first time in years (My eyes have been constipated). He was a lot more ambitious than my father. He would build things and tinker for the hell of it because it's what brought him joy when dad doesn't do it because he could just buy them "time Vs. Effort". It's absolutely criminal the times I've been shot down with my big ideas from those sayings, just thinking about how much me and my grandfather could have done if he was still alive has only just hit me. I was about 6 like I said so I didn't know him that well, I was to much of a dumbass to not spend every waking moment with him because he was an absolute genius, at that point I thought he and dad knew the same but even dad has jokingly said something like: "Dad was the big encyclopedia set, I'm just the pocket edition". It breaks my heart the things that I could have learned from him, the projects we could have built together that dad wouldn't have really cared about until they where finished, the things that I didn't have the opportunity to do, but desperately want, while my Dad had the opportunity for most of his life but even asked him why doesn't he just buy something new rather than building an attachment for the lathe to spin the crackshaft of the hustler mower, 3 months worth when he could have it easy for something new... To be fair again, Dad mostly resents him for it because he didn't work on the Nieuport 28, which is one of the rarest planes, which that he knew much more about than dad, and left him with the project without his expertise. I can see that but the reason he was so great at everything non electronic was taking the time to spin his own tools and such. Apparently the love for doing things from scratch, the absalute joy of having something you made from nothing work as good as something you could have paid somebody for, just skipped a generation. The biggest buzz-kill of all is "Why don't you just buy X", which has shot-down so many things in my life... I feel so cheated by it all. I was talking to dad today and said that Grandpa was still around, we would have already built a CNC table, and he nodded and said he has no doubt in his mind. That just breaks me up so much more because I don't have that option. The fact that I would have been integeral to building it sense it reguires a lot of electronic know how. Imagining how we could have worked together to build something great but it's something I can't do with dad. Just thoughts like that and my imagination going around in all the things that could have been so much better, especially the fact that the house wouldn't have gotten like this, we'd still eat at the table ETC. Now I'm just going off into a depressing rant that's not really relevent to the topic so I'll end now. I've stayed up way to late (I've started waking up early) and I'm really exhausted. I just wanted to be fair to my mother and that require a backstory to not be a complete contradiction. TTYL. Trey.
  11. Awe... I wanted to get the 3000th 3001
  12. Not a motivational poster but so very true...
  13. 5LxC3M-Yngs JUST to get it stuck in your head
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