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  • Birthday 08/14/1968

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  1. Dunc....now that makes me happy!
  2. I have been breeding OB Zebra Finches for some time now. A lot of people only know the basic colors you see in pet shops so I thought I would show you something different.
  3. Thats a bit disturbing to read..........so what happened to the Dog that he owned? Why did he not take the dog with him? What happens to the new pup if he decides to up and go to Oregon again?
  4. LOL it looks like he is taking a swing at her but he was jerking his sausage roll out of the way because Luna tried to snag it off him.
  5. As much as I think the idea of waiting is good, all I keep thinking about is poor little Gracie now and where she will end up.
  6. Thank you Rosemary! I don't know if it was the angle of the pic or what but Diesel looks massive in that top pic lol but she ain't. Luna has a long way to go yet.....She hates being brushed but I am determined to get it out! She even tried to bite me last night but I held on lol I just don't want to stress her out too much until she calms down. But it's GOING! Diesel has started to moult as well but she doesn't mind a good brush down. We walked for 2 hours this morning and came home and they still went nuts in the garden. Luna just has crazy in her eyes when she is outside.
  7. In his defense he did look as if he was fighting them off lol
  8. Yeh I thought so....Diesel needs a strict diet. She currently eats everything in sight! Hmm the culprit?
  9. AMEN sister! This is why we have Luna ..... lol she needed us as well! I say go for Storm! She is gorgeous and u will at least know a bit about her background and what to look forward to. I wish u all the best which ever one u decide to get though. Both are very pretty.
  10. Those are lovely photos......... they make u smile
  11. Merlina I agree mine looked nothing like that pup. The coloring is strange but someone said there is such a thing as a blonde husky, however I have never seen one. Doesn't mean they don't exist though lol
  12. Yes I was going to say that Father has a very Akita head and look to him...I would also say unless you are experienced at handling any dog with a slight chance of having wolf in them, then I would not go near that puppy. If you can only afford $50 then I would wait and be patient and keep saving and look for a Husky where there aren't so many questionable traits. I have 3 Huskies and 2 of them were adults when we gave them a home. The pup was a nightmare getting to the stage that she is now, so if it were me I would give an older Husky a chance. I just don't get why people would intentionally cross a wolf with a domesticated dog. You also need to think about what will happen if you do get this puppy and it turns out to be aggressive......what then? If you can only afford $50 then in my opinion you need to reconsider. In the long run it may cost you an absolute fortune if this does go wrong. I don't know everything,and this could turn out to be the most wonderfully behaved, loyal dog there ever was..... even with all of the negatives it sure is cute and I am sure I would be all over that puppy breath....but knowing what I know now I have to think with my head and not my heart! :dramaqueen:I also know the feeling of " I want it NOW!" Oh ..and that Father looks like he just wants to eat you in that pic!
  13. Luna update..... She is settling in ...well sort of ! I have never seen such a nervous dog! She is very anxious and seems to think we are going to leave her somewhere? I don't know how to describe it. She will be asleep on the sofa beside me and if I move or if she thinks I am going to get up she will jump up , pin her ears back, and start to pant. Then if I do leave the room she is tearing the floor up behind me. She is very jealous of the other girls as well....Last night I was lying on the sofa with her, and Diesel came over for her nightly cuddle and Luna tries to put her teeth on Diesel to warn her off. She doesn't bite her but the intention is there I think. I tell her off and make her get down when she does it. Her eating habits are just as strange........I am sure in time she will settle as we have only had her 3 weeks. She is crazy as hell on a lead. You can't take her on a decent walk because all she does is rare up on her lead in the air and does flips and all sorts. I am hoping this all sorts itself out in time. It sounds worse than it is I suppose....The Father in law came over and helped us fence in the back of the house and she runs like a " Luna Tic" up to the field......I do know that she is very fond of me and wants to be close to me at all times. The only time she is not under my feet is when she is outside and then she just runs and runs and runs.
  14. I am not sure this is where this should go but I couldn't see anything relevent to place it under. Do any of you have dog flaps for your Huskies? If so where did u buy them and what brand or kind would your recommend? I don't think I can go through another winter with my back door standing open!
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