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Joe Barton

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About Joe Barton

  • Birthday 12/20/1983

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  1. On the same topic: We have friends that will often bring thier dogs over to our house for cookouts and such. One is a boxer, slightly larger than Naya and the other two are small dogs (Karrin terrier and a shizu sp?). Naya does well playing with both for the most part. Both times though Naya has randomly nipped at both of them. She drew blood on the nose of the Boxer and pinned the Karrin terrier to the ground and bit his belly leaving a few scratches. I really don't want to be those people who have the attack dog and want friends to be able to bring thier dogs around. Is this anything to worry about or is this just a dog being a dog? Anything we can do to assure this doesn't happen? What's odd is, I leave her out all day in the kitchen while we are at work and she's been excellent, no chewing, accidents, etc. We have two cats that she hasn't (so far knock on wood) attacked either.
  2. When we were searching for a new pup I kept looking for something that I could run with. I thought a Husky would be perfect! Not Naya, she's a lazy little pup. We get about a mile into the run and she's ready to lay down in some shade. I have a heck of time even getting her to walk the rest of the two mile route. On the flip side, we have quite a few friends with other pups (less than a yr old) and they are all crazy amounts of hyper, jumping up on people, running around the house, etc. Luckily Naya is very mellow. She'll approach new people but won't jump up, she'll just wag her butt and look up at you and then follow you around until you pet her. I too was a little worried as she seems to be the opposite of everything I read about Huskys but I'm okay with a mellow dog!
  3. Ours is 8 months and 19inches @ 35lbs. On the smaller side it would appear. I think she looks super thin...
  4. Oh, and to keep things on track i will include a name suggestion.... Zoey!
  5. So I don't wanna threadjack but I didn't feel this question warrented a whole new thread either... We're getting a tag made for our pup tonight and Alyssa and I are at odds on spelling.... Her name is pronounced N-eye-ah. I think Nya, she thinks Naya. To me Naya would be pronounced N-A-ah Anyone know for sure?! Either way I'm putting "N(a)ya the bunnie slayer!" on her tag. (again, the wife thinks this is horrible. I think it's hilarious.
  6. Nya wouldn't eat much of anything for the first week we brought her home. (litterly 1/4 cup the first four days) Then out of the blue she decided she was hungry and at a full cup for breakfast yesterday morning and another 1/2 cup for lunch today. I was worried about her too but I think it was just nerves being somewhere new. In that first four days we did give here a little chicked and a piece of burger mashed up in her food, both times she ate around the kibble and ate only the tasty food. She seems to be fine now though. I'd try the whole, leaving food out for 15 minutes, then taking it up think for atleast four or five days before trying something else as it's probably just nerves.
  7. We just named our girl Nya, but it came down between Nya and Maya. Here's the others that we narrowed it down too: Aspen Alusha (Aloosha) Aneko Asha Aurora Kaydence Keiko Kilo Willow Suki Sloan Mishka
  8. I've been doing this with Nya. She hasn't once bitten but likes to just put her teeth on my arm or hand. Generally when laying on her side or back clearly trying to play. So far it's only been two days and she seems to be already be getting the point. When she puts her teeth on me I pull away and say 'Ouch!', cross my arms and look the other way. She generally will stand up, nudge my arm (i think to say sorry ) and then we'll keep playing until she does it again. Then, repeat. She's been doing it less and less since.
  9. Nya definitely has waay more black and gray in her fur than Kira. Nya's ears and snout seem to be a bit darker in spots. I've also noticed that some of her hairs almost look irridecent or sorta clear in certain light. Really odd but pretty cool looking. Other than that they look pretty similar. Any idea how tall and how much she weighed in those pictures?
  10. tattoo........ (name of a tattoo parlor in Ames, Ia) :-)
  11. You must be some sort of dog whisperer sutsibe! The wonderful thunderstorm that rolled through did not allow us to go for a run so we just played in the livingroom for about ten minutes. I got her to lay on the floor and relax for another ten with me and then she actually ate a little. I'd say she's had maybe a fourth cup of food which isn't much but it's a start. Thanks!
  12. So she's only been home for 24hrs and she hasn't ate a thing... We gave her the same food that she was eating at the shelter last night and she didn't even blink an eye, not interested at all. So, we put it away and went to sleep. This morning I put the food back out and left it out for an hr or so while we were getting ready and again she didn't even touch it. I just got home from work and let her out of her kennel, we ran around the yard briefly and came back in and again still won't touch her food. So it's been at least 24 - 26 hrs since she's had anything to eat at all. Any suggestions? Is she just nervous? She seems to be in good spirits, she's playful and runs like a crazy dog in the yard so she's not short of energy but I would think she would be hungry.
  13. Maybe I'm just a big softie but I couldn't help but feel a little sad for little bunny! Haha. Oh well I guess, I'll just have to watch her a little closer in the back yard.
  14. I let Nya run in the back yard for a few minutes this morning while I was getting ready and when I came back out I too heard the squeek of her squeek toy, unfortunatly her squeek toy was inside at the time. She had two little baby rabbits that she was tossing up in the air just like she does with her bone and toys. I called from the deck and said "No!", she responded by dropping one of them, grabbing the other and bringing to my feet.... I put her inside and went back to check on the bunnies, the one in the yard was no where to be found. The one on the deck however was still there, not dead, still breathing but bleeding from it's little mouth, I didn't know what to do with it. I assumed it was going to die, but I didn't wanna be the one to do it, so I took it back to the bush where I thought she had found them and put her back it a hidden spot away from my little bunny slayer. I can't help but feel a little sad but I have to assume this is normal for her to seek out little 'chew toys', I mean that's what instinct is telling her to do right? Outside of yelling 'No' when I noticed I didn't punish her as it doesn't seem right to punish her for her preditory instinct. On the other hand, I'd really prefer she didn't bring be little bleeding gifts of death.... suggestions?
  15. Kira is so pretty! Comparing the two makes me wonder now if she may be full. Thanks for the pictures! We picked out 'Nya' (Pronouced Ni-ah) as her name. I liked 'Aspen' which is what they called her at the shelter but Alyssa used the power of womanly veto to shoot it down. Well, full or not she's been awesome. I have a few things to teach her (sit, lay, stay, etc) but for the most part she listens really well so I think training shouldn't be to terribly difficult. She comes when called and hasn't been near as hyper as I expected. She seems to understand when I say 'outside' and runs right to the back door. We went for a walk yesterday prior to taking her into the house as she pulls a little on the leash but not uncomfortably or to the point where she is choking herself. She wasn't too happy about sleeping in her kennel last night however, she whippered and whined for a good fifteen minutes before she finally gave in and went to sleep. I took her out this morning and played a little in the back yard, then left her out there to blow off some steam while I went in to take a shower. When I came out (probably fifteen minutes later) she had found a bunny nest somewhere and had picked out a baby bunny as a play toy. I chalked it up to the fact that she's a dog and this is just instinct, but I wanted to get eveyone's opinion as well. Is this anything to be worried about? She wasn't eating it, or being mean, she appeared to just be playing with it like she does her chew toys. I've been reading through quite a few of the other forum topics and have picked up a lot of very useful information but if there is anything that you think would be helpful, please do not hesitate to post it here too! Thanks!
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