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About Boondog

  • Birthday 08/07/1976

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  1. i have the song "better things" ringing around my head (Massive Attack - Protection album). check it out.
  2. i'll say it. He's lining up having some fun elsewhere (as well as with you - cos he mihgt get away with it) . thats the cut n thrust. In the long time ago past i have been guilty of such behaviour (and not proud ) . I think you should openly discuss with him - anf in all honesty just do what you know you must. and to echo others thoughts....(and not hitting on you - unless you wear a skirt and tights) you are a very attractive woman and will not struggle to raise interest in "the right man/men". NB: I was looking around cos there was not enough excitment and wasnt feeling the love; no excuses, my actions were my own at that time. I found the right person for me eventually. But we are all responsable for our part in our relationships. even the bits we choose to blame others for! If the trust is gone...... bin him. Regards Boondog
  3. It's genuine - no scam or mad claims, and the benefits are accepted an make pefect sense. I was wondering if anyone had experienced it before and experimented;but if not then i suppose the question is now: who's gonna have a go?
  4. Has anyone here any direct experience of the Mineral Oil PC trend happening at the moment. If so why did you do it, and were you pleased with the out come and whats your upscaling plan? Are you using Vegetable or Mineral Oil? For those of you who dont know it's just easier if i link you to this short video: QfByi-494Tk There a re lots of instructionals and infomration video's this is just a short one. The benefits are mainly for those folks who O/C their systems with those that suffer with over heating. In short the oil stablises them due to the fact it takes about a zillion years for the oil to heat up, so theory it acts as a coolant. where as air take only a short amount of time/energy to heat up and affects performance. Love to hear your feed back and experience?
  5. No never Have you every wondered how Adeles current boyfriend must be feeling in all this hype. Her last two boyfriends only served as muses, and got all the blame for whatever went wrongin the respective realtionship? Surely dating her means you lose your friends and family and get your deepest secrets aired in public so that adele can win a grammy. So when she sings the lyric "he took the sword and plunged it into my head" - she might choose to miss out the important cos we were playing soul demon12 on xbox and playing head to head....rather than protraying him to be an abuvie voilent prick. I would be nervous......
  6. i would agree with this; but caveat if Merc are slow out of the blocks, come the 2nd half season, ferri could well jump to 3rd. if the others are middling midseason then i would fancy ferrari to win the season... they hate not being in contention - this sport is all about them dont forget...it!! lmao..... ... I would love to see a "lotus" win this year.
  7. What other devices are you using when using PSE7? is it these that are slowing down your expereince? - mouse, tablets, pen's? "It's a sony Vaio, intel core i5 processor with 640 gb storage." - with these you can run three space shuttles on the Intel I series chips, which beg's the question about your experiance when using PSE7 being slow? The only conceivable way to speed up the application itself is to use an SSD- which to be honest is maybe not even worth investment, because with the i5, your not going see that much of an improvement vs the cost. Most of the work being done on it is you? Your printer & Printer cable and USB output im assuming are USB 2? I think for all of us now, its understanding by what you mean as slow? not going to be easy as we cannot see - but your going to have to define it.
  8. Rocky0865 1) Turn down amplification and the sensitivity of your mic: from control panel/Hardware & Sound/Sound/Recording/Properties/levels
  9. Tuppence worth Fabio capello - Rubbish Manager - Dunc for Manager!! War. Im afriad to announce that i believe before November, we will be at war. there are several reasons at which i dont have the inclination to type here but the long and short of is- it was always supposed to be this way. High Unemployment, Financial Crisis, News stories that have little bearing on anything, distracting us from the real news. the posturing has begun, the movements are underway. Helping people "those" trying to help others (those being governments) are only helping themselves. It the Individuals who are trying to make a diffference who are being ignore To test my theory - from today i want you see how many embassies of this country and america end up being closed and employees "recalled" by end of June. Now then you like everyone else will oppose war. & your right. but what would it take for you approve of war? Another pearl harbour; 911; 7/7; another country walking in on "our territory" or an mineral rich country? [False Flag operations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag] Sir patrick moore once said that the UK and USA wont step to stop the genocide issue in Zimbabwe [paraphrase] "cos theres nothing we want their, there's no natural minerals or oil" but "we will go to Afghan for the Poppy fields and oil, kuwait and Iraq for the oil, libya for the oil" ,etc.. etc.. etc.. you decide. forget all your worries.... it all be sorted soon the governments will "fix it". They love you. SARAH: your dead right there are other more important things going on. Sorry for the rant.
  10. I have many TV guilty pleasures. although Im not sure how comfortable i am sharing them with you here? Oh, ok then....you twisted my arm; 1. Confidential Shhh.....One ....shhhhh dont tell any one.....Born......remember Shush our little secret..... Every.......dont let them hear you repeat it back.......shshshshsh.....Minute. ( i also cry im afraid to admit) 2. Got to Dance - I get my Kevin Bacon freak on!
  11. Having listened to the "voices" they tell me, you are using the intergrated microphone & Speakers, and there-in lies your problem. They tell me to advise you to 1) Turn down amplification and the sensitivity of your mic from control panel. 2) adjust the Mic feedback on the "intergrated MIC speaker" properties too. Ie: use the speaker adjustmnets/mixer near the little clock in the bottom corner to kill that Mic feedback. this should fix. If this doesnt work, 1) pack a bag 2) leave your house and your laptop behind 3) call an excorcist 4) document your story and sell it for screenplay adaptation. 5) live very happily every after. hope this helps. did you hear that....? whats that noi..
  12. Boondog

    Vid card prob

    this is one im most likely gonna plump for: http://www.novatech.co.uk/products/components/nvidiageforcegraphicscards/nvidiagt520series/gv-n520d3-1gi.html For clarification puposes and for fair discussion; I will be using my build for a flight sim (FSX) - that is heavily dependant on the processor and not the graphix card (90/10) - hence why i can get away with a slim one: but for your needs, this would also do! but if your gonna do heavy gaming or more than one monitor then up the graphix card budget to suit your needs.
  13. Boondog

    Vid card prob

    Dunc A little off topic forgive me, but maybe worth adding here, im looking to build a PC for my own gaming experiance; now to buy what i would like would set me back from a major retailer £1500 easy. if i buy it my self £400-600. it will take whatever i throw at it. NB: *Depending on which chip: but for streaming solely you could build a almost top end rig for £350 with AMD. I use a site called "Novatech" for my gear, but here is what im buying, I will account for the variables too. i7K/i5K – SandybridgeK Q4 – 3.8GHZ - £150/219 (the K’s can be Overclocked to 5ghz with good cooler) (i5 is better if you dont need hyperthreading) if your not bothered processor type then go for the AMD hex's @£120 DDR3, they are getting good reviews. DDR3 RAM 4gb corsair vengeance £20 Sata HD £.50 DVD+_ RW -£ 20 NVidia Graphics’ Card (DX11 1.5GB) –£59.99 Motherboard – ASUS p67 (USB 3) - £70- £110 Sound - £20 Cooler £80 Power £45 Regards Boondog
  14. Boondog

    Vid card prob

    OK Change of mind, you must update to a newer Grphx Card. Period. The 7100 series was introduced on August 30, 2006 and is based on GeForce 6200 Series architecture. This series supports only PCI Express interface. Only one model, the 7100 GS, is available.[1] Features The 7100 series supports all of the standard features common to the GeForce 7 Series provided it is using the ForceWare 91.47 driver or later releases, though it lacks opencl/CUDA support, and its implementation of Intellisample 4.0 lacks GCAA. However it is important to note that 7100 series does not support technologies such as: high dynamic range rendering (HDR) and UltraShadow II. [edit] GeForce 7100 GS Although the 7300 LE was originally intended to be the "lowest budget" GPU from the GeForce 7 lineup, the 7100 GS has now taken its place. As it is little more than a revamped version of the GeForce 6200TC, it is designed as a basic PCI-e solution for OEMs to use if the chipset does not have integrated video capabilities. It comes in a PCI Express Graphics Bus and 512MB DDR2 VRAM. Performance specification Graphics Bus: PCI Express Memory Interface: 64-bits Memory Bandwidth: 5.3 GB/s Fill Rate: 1.4 billion pixel/s Vertex/s: 263 million Memory Type: DDR2 with TC
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