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About HuskyHannah

  • Birthday 09/15/1995

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  1. Thanks everyone! I want to walk my girls downtown sometime because i always see people walking their huskies lol.
  2. Yea she does guard me. No it was not her first time there we have been going since she was little. Today for example she was playing with a boxer puppy and i called the puppy over and when it got excited and tried to run over to me she growled at it. She only does it with puppies too which i find strange. I tell her no every time she does it but its not working
  3. Well she will run over immediately if she sees another dog jumped up on me or something, and she will grown and then just snap at them or just chase them off me. She never hurts the other dog, just simpy scares them. She doesnt put her ears down or her tail between her legs. She does not show her teeth either. she wil growl and slowly creep up to them
  4. Maya and Shiloh will be 7 months old on the 18th! They are growing so fast. lol. Its crazy how big they have gotten. They still have A LOT of growing to do! I love how their personalities are so different. Maya is my alpha, stubborn girl, and Shiloh is my submissive cuddle bug. Oh i love those 2!
  5. Maya and Shiloh are my 6 month old sister pups. They are as sweet as can be but the problem is that when i take the 2 to the dog park, if another puppy or sometimes another dog comes up to me and i pet them, maya will growl/bite the other dog or chase them away from me. I do not want her doing that because its not good. Shiloh on the otherhand could care less if i was getting mauled to death lol. She is so submissive and loves everything.
  6. The other guy was not the owner he was a fellow husky owner. He got bit as well. He also talked to the owners and they said the greyhound had all its shots. My bite is pretty much gone now and Maya is up and running around. She seems to be alright with bigger dogs still. The problem was the owners didn't watch their dog and so it attacked mine. Looks like they won't be bringing that dog to the park anymore. Maya and Shiloh haven't completed their puppy series shots though so I really shouldn't have them around other dogs. I just want them to be socialized. They don't really go around the other dogs though they usually stay by me. I think Maya isn't too traumatized by it. I'm the one who was! Lol. Greyhounds are just bred to go after small animals in racing so I guess it thought he was a rabbit.
  7. I had Shiloh and maya who are now 11 weeks old at the dog park. They are finally warming up to bigger dogs. Yesterday however, someone brought there greyhound in. The greyhound decided it wanted to kill Maya. All og a sudden i turned around and maya is screaming and a guy is trying to rip its mouth open because it had her by the back. i flipped out and ran over there and grabbed maya. i thought we were never gunna get her out of its mouth. Me and another guy got bit by the greyhound and after we got it to let go it came after her in my arms. It was terrifying. i would have picked up maya and shiloh if i wud have known they ha the greyhound in there. Luckily it just had maya by the extra puppy skin and she was scared more than hurt. She just has a cut on her back and i have some bites on my arm. I think i was scared more than she was. I felt like my legs were noodles. They wouldnt stop shaking! I am officially traumatized. Anyone else have an experience like this?
  8. Make sure you deworm your pup. The worms were mAking Shiloh pretty fat. lol. Also be extremely careful when you are out with them. I had a scary ebcounter with maya and a greyhound yesterday. A greyhound decided it wanted to kill maya. There were a lot of us trying to rip my dog out of its mouth and she is only 10weeks old. I think i was scared more than she was
  9. Yea your right she prob just doesnt like being picked up. She doesnt show teeth she just makes this obnoxious barking sound and growls sometimes. But then again she makes that obnoxious sound when she wants out of her cage. Shiloh is a winer but she has her attidudes. Im just worried she is gunna bite. Like if i go to pull her out from under a place she shouldnt be, she growls.
  10. I just pick her up normally. i pick her up and hold her in my arms. I usually do this when im putting them in their cage because im crate training. I also pick her up to take her out. Shiloh is a big baby and often needs help to get up. When she growls i look her in the eyes and say no and continue to do what i was doing with her. Usually she just growls when i pick her up, i say no, and then she licks my face.
  11. My girls are littermates and i got them at almost 6 weeks old. they are almost 11 weeks now. At first they woke me up a lot in the middle of the night and i had to take them out. I fed them like 4 or 5 times a day depending on what time i fed them in the morning. Its so funny thoug because my pups are 10 weeks and so calm! i take them to the dog park and they dont run around like the other puppies do. I guess i lucked out in some ways. But its kind of boring in other ways . My girls wont go in their cage and they are pretty good about going outside but they still have accidents.
  12. Well she shouldnt be weary. ive hadher since she was almost 6 weeks old. Maya is her sister and the same age and doesnt do it. She doesnt snap at me but she did to my sister
  13. Shiloh (10 weeks old) is a sweetheart, but when i go to pick her up, she growls and gets real nasty at me or whoever picks her up. How can i stop this?
  14. Yea i know it was a bit early. There were people that were picking up pups earlier than me tho. Im glad i picked them up when i did because Shiloh pulled her collar off and the breeder couldn't figure out which she was since her mask really changed. I wouldn't have wanted any1 else walking away with her. I knew which one was her tho . They are doing good even though they are early. He had to take them away from the mother at 5 weeks because they were really making her skinny. They have been howling a lot and its soo cute!
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