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  • Birthday 04/20/1976

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  1. Do you have any advice regarding her constantly trying to chew my hand. I tell her "no" and she stops for a minute but then does it again. I tend to just move my hand away and ignore her but it hasnt stopped her doing it.
  2. SMEAGLE - You are so right. I do believe that confronting her when she snaps will only make matters worse. Tempting her with treats is a much better way. Eventually she will hopefully learn! I do worry sometimes though, that, given she is sooo intelligent, that its all a game to her to get more treats and that she is manipulating me!
  3. DIEFUNBAKER, TAZ & TORI - Do you go to Sandwell Valley everyday? Would love to arrange to meet up. I don't know anyone else wih a Sibe so it would be great to talk to someone who understands that they are just not like other breeds. :-) SMEAGLE - Good to hear that the snapping can be fixed, with bribery lol. Thankfully she does love her treats. I think if I start with the gesture eating and couple that with training her to respon to "off" I might get somewhere.
  4. Hi! Sorry! Never used a forum before would you believe! Somehow I managed to navigate away from the page DUH! Lol! Yes I know Sandwell Valley! :-) It would be absolutely brilliant to meet up. Thank you!
  5. SMEAGLE - Thanks for the article! Top priority now will be to get a behaviourist. When she snaps its not that she is sensitive about her neck - when she is being petted she lets us rub her neck, under her chin and her chest (she even lets us rub her paws). She tends to snap when she has been told to do something and has refused and I reach for her collar. eg. a couple of weeks ago she wouldn't get down off the sofa. I told her numerous times and she ignored me. I reached for her collar and she snapped. Whenever she has snapped it has been in a similar context. SIBERIAN WOLF - Thanks for the link to your thread. It's reassuring to know I am not on my own. Keyser is 18 months old so also an adolescent. My heart goes out to you, but hopefully we will both come through this and have our lovely dogs back to their old selves. By the way, I'm in Birmingham. JO DAWSON - Thanks for the suggestion of Gesture eating and going right back to basics. Can't believe I hadnt thought of it before. It makes sense to start again from scratch. I shall start with that whilst trying to sort out a behaviourist. Thank you so much everyone! I know its going to be a long road and it will take time and hard work, but its reassuring to know that this can hopefully all be rectified. If anyone knows of a good behviourist in the Birmingham area I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know. Would much rather enlist the help of someone on recommendation.
  6. Hi Guys Thank you so much for responding! It is great to hear that perhaps the situation can be sorted out! I've been so worried that it has reached a point of no return. The thing that worries me most is the snapping. I dont know how to get round that at all. SMEAGLE - I admit that she is forever pushing the boundaries (I expected nothing less from a Sibe lol) but perhaps the rot may have set in when she came back after escaping, I did feel so sorry for her (she probably saw this as a complete sign of weakness). Also my boyfriend is living here now... would this have confused matters for her? She did used to listen to his commands but has also started ignoring him aswell as myself. I'm located in Birmingham, UK, and have considered consulting a behaviourist, if I was better off financially I would have one here in a moments notice, but I'm struggling at the moment. I am due to start some part time work in a couple of weeks but am worried that her behaviour may deteriorate further when I am away more in the day. It seems to be a vicious circle. SARAH & ZEBEDEE - She will do sit, lie down, give paw, go to her bed etc for treats. She is very food motivated lol! I guess my main concern is the snapping, and also trying to get her to walk better. As it stands I find it a nightmare to walk her, as does my boyfriend, and therefore my 14 year old daughter is instantly excluded! She cannot manage her at all. It's a real shame because she used to walk so well. As I say it is a complete battle of wills now, which is exhausting because she is soo strong now. I had thought about her being led my a stronger male dog who could be "pack leader", but have my doubts. My friend has a German Shepherd cross and they used to play fine. But now she bullies him. She runs in to him constantly and nearly knocks him over, and then he started copying her bad behaviour and ignoring commands when he is with her. He is a very obedient dog who had never before ignored commands!
  7. Hi I'm a new member and really need some advice. I have an 18 month old Sibe who escaped from the garden in March. The Dog Warden returned her a week and a half later but since then her behaviour has got progressively worse. She keeps snapping for my hand if I try to go near her collar and she has now started to ignore my commands completely. Walks have become a nightmare and a complete battle of wills. I really dont know what to do anymore. Over the past few months I have tried everything I can think of as I was determined not to give up on her, but I really dont know what to do anymore. I'm starting to think she may be a lost cause with me as she has gained dominance. I've thought about rehoming but I'm worried about her snapping and maybe eventually biting someone else? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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