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About persephona

  • Birthday 01/01/1990

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  1. As long as I don't absolutely loathe that job, I would stick with it (it's a good job after all, right?). But maybe I would change my answer if I was put in that situation.
  2. Doesn't look like ZRD to me. I would take him to the vets, but for now I would suggest disinfecting the area and applying an antibiotic ointment there. Unfortunately in that area, it's pretty difficult to bandage it, but if you suspect it's the crate, I would keep him out of there for now. For disinfecting - hydrogen peroxide or betadine would do. It doesn't look really that bad - you could probably get away just with washing the area with some soap and water. You should be able to find an antibiotic ointment in most human pharmacies and most certainly in veterinary ones.
  3. There aren't many things I've left unsaid. But the things I've never been able to say are all related to my boss, I'll maybe write her a nice letter when I don't work there anymore. Dear boss, It is unethical to watch employees on CCTV. It was put in place with the intent of preventing theft, not of checking on employees. We would all appreciate it if you stopped doing that so that we wouldn't feel like we are being watched all the time! And please, please try to maintain a lighter atmosphere in the shop! We don't always have to be doing something just for the sake of it, especially when there's nothing to do! Sincerely, Your annoyed employee
  4. I think you should report it, the proper response the lady should have had was "I'm so sorry", not blaming your dogs for the whole thing. I know I would have been apologising if my dog escaped and started attacking other dogs! It just amazes me how we all manage to properly restrain our huskies and she can't actually stop a tiny dog from escaping her house? I mean, if you own a dog, you shouldn't open the front door anyway unless your dog is behind another door.
  5. Wish I could help, I have been working full time for most of the summer (except for my holiday) and I am absolutely shattered, all the time. I find it that when I get home, there's not much I can do but lie on the couch for a while. I've been trying to get to the gym, but I only do it on my days off as I am too tired all the time. Sometimes I can manage to go out (about once a week) but I am really exhausted the next day and if I have to work, I'll just do a terrible job. Honestly, I am wondering how do people do it? It just feels like a full time job slowly takes over your whole life! And there's nothing you can do... In a couple of months you'll get used to it, but the thought of going on like this for the rest of my life really kills me. When the term starts again, I won't have to do it anymore, but it does terrify me that that's what's in for me after I finish my studies. Not sure the diet thing will help a lot - after all, I have a relatively balanced diet, I don't eat any white bread at all, lots of veggies, some fruits, yoghurt, milk, eggs etc. but I am still tired all the time. But I agree with staying away from caffeine.
  6. First thing that comes to mind is having his anal glands checked. These can make a dog smell quite badly, but you can have the vet check them and make sure they're not impacted and also empty them. Normally, you shouldn't have to do this as their anal glands are usually emptied when they have a bowel movement, but sometimes that doesn't happen, especially if the stools are softer. Sometimes the liquid can spread on the fur and hence the smell will stick with the dog. Secondly, what food is he on? When we started feeding mine a fish-based food (Acana Pacifica) he suddenly started smelling... it was barely perceptible, but I could tell there was a difference. Might be worth trying a change of food too. I would also suggest giving him a bath... who knows, maybe he rolled in something really nasty!
  7. Yeah, it's just so sad that this happened to begin with. But it's great they managed to make him new prosthetic paws If you are a dog, there's not much you can do if you are missing paws. Humans have many ways of passing the time and entertaining themselves, but for dogs it's mostly just play and running around. It must be really sad for a dog not to be able to do that.
  8. Sorry but I am still not getting it. Maybe I am being a bit dumb, but how's that meeting the criteria? If you discard the three heavier ones + the odd one out, then proceed to comparing two of the three lighter ones, then the odd one out has obviously not been weighed. If you do the same thing and then place the lighter ball on one side and the odd one out on one side, then you have used three attempts. The way I see it, if you have to have EVERY ball on the scales at least once, it is impossible to do in two attempts. Maybe I am just not seeing the logic...
  9. To be honest, I sort of see where they are coming from with the crating issue. I think that owners shouldn't necessarily start with the idea that they will crate their dog regardless of how it behaves, but I don't think that this is something bad if the dog is destructive. In fact, it would actually be for the benefit of the dog, as it couldn't get into dangerous stuff. Also, suggesting the use of baby gates for a destructive dog seems somewhat naive... even if you block certain parts of the house, destructiveness can also mean chewing through walls, doors etc. As well as the garden flap, it is a security risk and also, a bored dog with free access to a garden would try to escape probably. I can sort of understand why they don't want people to start with the idea that the dog has to be crated, but I think that sometimes crates are obviously necessary and as long as the dog is not stuck there for long periods of time, there's nothing wrong with them. It just seem strange to rule out people that may be entirely suitable to adopt a dog because they plan on using a crate. Especially with so many dogs looking for homes!
  10. I don't like to think of myself as a nerd lol... but I do love maths, especially the theoretical stuff. It's kind of a big part of my degree too So yeah, maybe kindred spirit? Ironically, I do need a calculator for adding up figures and percentages (to my shame, I can't really do any arithmetics at all).
  11. Actually I don't think this answer is right to be honest, because at least one ball doesn't get to be weighed. And you have to weight them all at least once. (you do get to determine which one is lighter, but not all the conditions in the question are fulfilled) Actually I don't think it is possible to have all the balls weighed in this challenge with only two attempts!
  12. Hahahaha... I do think it's a strange question to ask at an interview... I do understand all the concepts above but I don't think this question has a lot to do with maths, more like creative thinking! I love maths! All the concepts above are fairly simple things compared to some of the stuff that is out there. Also there is more than just one Fermat's theorem lol...
  13. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of leaving dogs out when you are not home. I would always prefer the keep the dog(s) inside, as not only the risk of them escaping is much smaller, but also they won't get stolen (and we all know how pretty huskies are, lots of people would feel tempted to steal them!). I would however say that I think she would be happier to be in a doggy run than in a bathroom, but this will work until you sort everything out. Besides, how long are you gone anyway? She should be able to hold it for 8 hrs (it's a bit much, but doable). It's just that leaving pee pads there might possibly ruin any potty training you've done so far...
  14. Is it possible to get an enclosed dog run for her? (Including with a "roof" - chickenwire or something on the top so she can't jump). That's about as surefire as you can get with a husky... other than that, don't leave any big items next to the fence (so she can't climb on them and jump) I would leave her either a bucket full of water or get one of those doggy water fountains.
  15. Haha I have to admit, this is quite funny. Just goes to show you really can't trust anybody. If I were him, I wouldn't let random people take pictures of me naked lol. The person who took the photos must also be a bit richer now...
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