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Jessica Holt

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About Jessica Holt

  • Birthday 05/30/1983

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  1. The vet I go to said that at the rate shes growing she would be 100 lbs full grown and we laughed a little. I know shes not going to get that big, the question is when is it going to stop? Shes already able to pretty much drag me when she sees something she wants to chase after. Pandora was the biggest of the 7 pups we saw when we went to chose ours. I'm thinking it will eventually slow down and she will be slightly bigger than the average female husky around 55 lbs is my guess.
  2. Pandora is just over 6 months and she is 38 lbs.
  3. 1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc. Deaf ear until I get down at her level and then she attempts to shove the side of her rear towards me .. LOL! If she's playing too hard with that cat I go over to her and tell her to leave the cat alone and lay down and she ALWAYS stretches with her butt way up in the air and eventually gives in and lays down. 2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand? She responds to her name and "watch me", sit, lay down (with a snap and a motion to the floor), off, paw/shake (also she takes visual queues and if you have a treat in one hand and show her the other hand she will shake with you, you can go back and forth between hands it's rather nifty!), leave it, our speak queue is asking her to say please and she barks, treat, potty, inside, ride, hustle is our emergency come here NOW word. 3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched? Her belly, she loves belly rubs! 4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.) Yep. A trip to the local pet store is a complete disaster. Any training shes had goes out the window. 5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it? Yes. We're still working on the drop it command. 6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues? Nope. 7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you? Not perfect at the potty training yet unfortunately. 6 mos and still having issues! She is so irregular with when she has to go it's really unpredictable. Sometimes she will hold it for hours and hours and we've taken her out and she will only piddle. Other days she will poop because she can. REALLY FRUSTRATING! 8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise? She goes insane running around the entire house. No fenced back yard yet so the house is the only place she isn't leashed unless we're at a friends. 9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc? She loves her crate, she doesn't mind it at all. If she knows shes in trouble she normally runs under the bed where I can not get to her or into the corner of the living room under the sofa table again where I can not get her out. 10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done? Tearing the underside of the box spring was pretty big, but she also dug a huge hole in the grass while we had her on her tie-down out in the backyard playing with the sprinkler this summer. Then again, maybe chewing the heck out of the USB upload cable for the camera so I haven't been able to post any new pictures 11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this) It depends, If there is food around she would stay but otherwise I wouldn't trust her for a heartbeat. Several times I've been out in the back at night with her for her potty break and well, shes come across rabbits or other things that she chases after, literally near torn my shoulder out of socket and she's only 40 lbs. She did slip out of her collar once and that was a big mess. I felt like I was playing tackle football trying to catch her. Finally she stopped to smell what I assume to be another dog on the telephone pole and I caught up with her. 12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing) She loves to fall asleep under my desk at the computer and she rests her chin on my feet, great foot warmer! Also when we come home from just being out for an hour or so she is overwhelmed and jumps all over us, tons of kisses! You can tell she's really happy when her ears kind of fold over.
  4. Just posting some updated pics She is growing so fast. 11 wks. Only give her little bits of water at a time or it goes ALL OVER EVERYWHERE, she makes really big messes, she loves tipping her bowl over. 11 wks. Under the dishwasher, theres an AC Vent there and she is OK with wedging herself under there just to stay cool 10 wks. Another AC Vent...Where there is AC vent, there is Pandora Seriously if the puppy disappears we usually just go check all the AC vents and shes at one of them. yycib49n9fI 8bcfA-K2EqE
  5. I am really unsure what a judge looks for or what makes a dog proper for the breed but I love her either way I've gotten so many compliments on her I would be surprised a judge didn't like her if it ever got to that, but we really do not plan on going that route. The main thing that has surprised me is how big she is getting so fast. Her 9 week vet visit she was 11 lbs 8 oz and at that point the vet said she was large for 9 weeks, not fat, just a bigger dog... So Wednesday she turns 12 weeks old and right now I do not have a scale in the house but shes probably around 20 lbs. I am glad she figured out how to get up and down the stairs cause carrying her up and down them all day was getting to be a workout!
  6. Not taking it a bad way. We only have limited registration, she is not eligible for breeding. The kennel we got her from what I know, did not show dogs. This dog does seem REALLY smart for her age though. I just want to find a name that's going to be respectable if later down the line we do do some type of event no matter what it is.
  7. The full name of the Father was ... Scooby Doo the Mystery Pup. I could maybe work with Mystery but I really do not want Scooby anywhere near my dogs registered name. There is also the option of just going with J&D's Pandora. My name is Jessica and my fiance is Dan... The same initials as the breeder.
  8. The litter is registered, but for her to be able to go into any kind of competition she needs to be registered individually I believe. This application basically will get us the 3 generation certified pedigree along with a few other bells and whistles like the AKC family dog magazine and some training DVD I am new to this... I am surprised I even got my papers really. I am glad there are still loyal breeders out there that keep their word.
  9. Yep! Hope was all that was left. That is where I got that from
  10. Well the breeder's were out in Emporia KS, Don and Judy. I think the name of their kennel is just D & J Siberian Huskies. The Mothers name was Firefox and the Fathers name was Scooby. So by that ruling it would be D & J's Pandora of Scooby? haha. What about something like D & J's Pandora of Emporia Oh dear I am so lost.
  11. Ok... So we get the AKC papers from the breeder finally and now I am online trying to register. Everything is fine and dandy until I come across MY DOGS NAME BEING ALREADY TAKEN!!!. I can not just rename her... We named her Pandora, but we call her Dora, it really fit with how she is the super explorer and can not keep her nose out of anything for nothing. I know breeders always give their dogs fancy names and especially if they are going to be show dogs. I NEED IDEAS what I could name this dog... So far Pandora's Mischief has come to mind as well as Pandora's Hope. HELP!
  12. TY Nice to meet you too. Everyone here seems so nice! Thank you all for your warm welcome
  13. Dora playing with Ice. 5cTXIzWYMd0 Dora playing fetch cWyzfdQp8wI Dora making a really big mess. Og7sugtGxWg
  14. Yeah when making the raw meal mixes I never used any bone. She has larger bones that the breeder gave us to take home, she gets one of those most every night. First mixture is raw chicken, chicken livers, spinach, kale, parsley, nectarine, apple, tomato, zucchini and plain yogurt. Second mixture is raw Beef, chicken gizzards/hearts, kale, parsley, yellow squash, tomato, yogurt. I basically made up two huge batches and froze them in little muffin tins for easy portion thawing. At first she would just get them completely raw but after the vet visit yesterday I started cooking them up a little, not fully though. Tried mixing it up with kibble and she just eats around it lol. She ends up going back for the kibble later. She eats kibble just fine, she actually grew up on raw in the morning, kibble was always in a huge tin for all of the pups throughout the day and then they got another raw meal at night. When we got her home we just gave her kibble and hence the issues were currently experiencing with her stools, I should have known better. Live and learn right?
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