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About LamboLilly

  • Birthday 12/20/1987

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  1. Can see her boyfriend sneaking in the background
  2. I haven't got photos I don't like to remind myself lol but I have lost well over 6 dog beds a full rattan conservatory furniture set numerous underwear garments had 2 carpets pulled up and by far the worst thing was my back garage door was destroyed
  3. yeah i gave them both a bath yesterday and have been brushing him with the mikki undercoat rake so sounds like i have what i need just time to ride it out once my new hoover gets here i wont feel so bad lol
  4. so here are some pics from the last few days enjoy
  5. lol i dont mind i gave them both a bath yesterday and woke up ths morning to lambos bum full of fur and where lilly was layed was just white
  6. I believe lambo is starting to shed for the first time and lucky me my hoover packed up last night got a new one being delieverd tomorrow thank god cant see my feet for the fur lol just after some advice on how long it usually lasts also any tips to make it quicker thanks
  7. thanks for your reply guys we have talked alot about it and think we have agreed to wait 6 months or so as we have had our fair share of problems with lambo a friend at work has 2 and highly recommeds another but someone else at work also breeds them and has 2 puppys ready now and this is where the idea came from she said she has a litter every year so will probably wait for the next litter lambo adores other dogs have never had a issue with him with other dogs it just people and im just concered that this will rub off hence why i want to wait although i have been told that it could help haveing another to show there is nothing to be scared of?? im just not sure how that would work
  8. so what are your thoughts on haveing 2 huskys is it a good or bad idea also when is best time to get another
  9. i have a friend at work that has 2 huskys and i have tried takeing him there and he loves the dogs just wont go near the people i just think its something thats going to take time i know its not a quick fix i just find it hard sometimes
  10. I will mention it to the vets when I go I have tried so much I socslised him loads when we got him I just wounder if its something that happended before we got him I just don't like seeing him so scared
  11. I will mention it to the vets when I go I have tried so much I socslised him loads when we got him I just wounder if its something that happended before we got him I just don't like seeing him so scared
  12. thanks guys his main behaviour problems are fear of people he is fine with other dogs but if we go for a walk he would sooner pull me in the road than walk past a person. we got him from a breeder but looking back he was scared then we got him at just over 10 weeks and it took him a while to come to me he is fine with me and my oh but its everyone else. i have read all over that huskys are ment to love anyone i just wish mine did as for his eyes he said he sees eyes as way to the soul and he said he is a very troubled dog that there i something definatly bothering him as for what i see his eyes dont seem evenly spaced one tends to wander if you see what i mean here is a photo that shows what i mean well my behavuorist is ranked the 4th best in the country and he told my friend who also goes that he is more determind than ever to help me so thats great for me we are getting him castrated then 2 weeks after we go to him every week while he is asleep do you think the vets will be able to look at his eyes its just if he is awake he wont let anyone near him
  13. ok so im not sure if you have seen my previous posts but i have had a few problems over the last couple of months i have lambo who is just about 7months old he is really scared of people and i mean petrified he wee'd himself at the vets one day. i took him away at xmas and he bit my brother and my dad. so we are going to see a behavorist we went last week and was there 4 hours and im pleased, what a guy, i really believe he will be of some help to us but he mentioned about his eyes now this is something that i have said all along he said he is a very troubled dog. i love lambo so much i admit i brought a husky not really looking into the breed but i am not the sort of person to back out on a dog i brought i look after him and i cater for his needs what i am really after is are there any particular problems that huskys suffer with regarding eyes also does anyone have a similar problem i really believe my behavourist will help but im just after some of your thoughts and wisdom thanks guys:redface1:
  14. thanks guys its nice to have good photos the little bugger wont sit still for me
  15. our local pet shop had a photo shoot so we went along and had some taken we brought one the next week im sure you know they arnt cheap we then recived a disc and 2 key rings through the post saying we had been selected out of a hat and won a disc with the photos on and the 2 key rings well chuffed :yahoo:so here they are
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