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About yaroni

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  1. yaroni

    First Kill

    Well when i took him to the vet when he was still a pupp, (hes 2 in june) she said he needs some heartworm medication so i said yes, then she shoved a block the size of an eraser down his throat. And that was that. He got his rabies shot 4 months ago, and i never bothered with ticks as i lived in an urban area. No one ever told me he needs monthly heartworm medication...
  2. yaroni

    First Kill

    well like i said he got heartworm square choco looking thing a year and a half ago, does he need it again, how often does he need to take another?
  3. Sorry if this has been posted, but im in the middle of work and need to get info out asap due to precaution. So i left my pupp in Canada with my brother and parents, where its cold, spends all day with my dad and has a back yard (i miss him soo much). Anyways just spoke to my dad and appearently he chased a family of rabbits and opted to kill on of the babies. He got his rabies shot recently, and heart worm pill a year and a half ago. No ticks iirc. Question: Should i be Concerned and take him to the vet?
  4. Thanks for all the replies. I should mention that I do live in Toronto where the summer is humid and very hot, 35+. And i think the transition will be easier as winter is approaching in Israel. ive taken him to the lake, and he loves it, but has anyone had any luck with salt water, cuz a day at the beach sounds like a great excuse for cooling him down
  5. Sorry if this has been posted already, but i seem to be inept at using the search feature lol. I am moving to Israel (job). It gets hot during the summer/spring and even fall months. Although i will be living close to the beach and closer to the sea breeze, but i imagine it will be difficult for my baby. Id say Israel is the opposite of Canada, where it's cold for 3/4 of the year and really hot during the summer. Now my apartment will be air conditioned, but besides that, are there any husky owners here that live in warmer climates that can give me some advice. It would be beneficial to us both if i plan beforehand. Things like, cooling pads, or if its ok to constantly soak them with a hose before walks? thanks in advance.
  6. IMO if you know the area, and you know your dog, then its ok. I took mine off leash since he was 6 months, its been a year now. But... im always carefull with the environment and energy, huskies are a dogs dog after all, and not matter what dogs can never be 100% trustworthy, even though i trust mine 99% of the time, that 1% could prove bad. I live in a very urban area, lots of cars, lots of roads, lots of people and small children, but also lots of fenced fields (albeit with many opening and entrances). oo Atm, i take him to the back of a nearby highschool as part of our walk. But im always aware of other dogs, and children, for the most part hes good with them, but there is always that 1%. Sometime there are even a crowd of teenagers before and after school, and he runs up to them and they all love him, but for the most part the field is empty (aside from geese, and their poop:@, although ive taught him to stop eating goose poop) and he just runs and runs and every time i call him, he runs back, sits in front of me and i kiss him a thousand times lol, he loves it. You just gotta gotta know your dog, and know the environment/situation, then plan and account for unforseen events. Also, i dont know how you guys exercise your dogs without letting em run off leash, mine doesn't get tired, cant imagine only walking him.
  7. He's 6 and a half months old, I wanna neuter him at 9 - 12 months.
  8. Casper has started to get boners and its kinda akward. He also humps the hell out of my pillows when im at work (skype). Made my storage room his area with fence so he can breath. Is it gonna be like this until i neuter him? EDIT: forgot to mention the most important piece on info, this happens whenever people pet him.
  9. It's alright you're not coming accross as rude at all, any help is appreciated especially criticism. Have any of you tried using a webcam, I'm thinking of putting my laptop on top of my tv and interacting with him somehow, but for the next couple of months casper will be alone 2 days out of the weekday.
  10. Don't most dog owners work 9-5? Honestly i thought it was normal to leave dogs at home while at work. I always leave him plenty of toys, chews etc. and he seems happy, not frustrated when i come home (on the days my GF doesn't walk him).
  11. you guys really think crating him from 7am-6pm is a good idea btw- lol at the santa hat on caspers head, what a coincidence
  12. no matter how disappointed and angry i get at casper, i still end up coming home to a chewed couch i put the shoes and socks away and puppy proofed as much as i can but a couch is a couch and i dont know what to do i dont wanna leave him in the balcony cuz its getting cold out, i cant afford a walker even if there was one in my area My GF comes in around lunchtime for a couple for hours every other day and he still chews it up on those days help guys, what should I do?
  13. yaroni

    Dog House

    So casper was good at home for about for a while but this week he dig a huge hole in my leather couch. :mad: I tried to show him that i was mad and that making a mess was BAD so i put the foam back in the hole but he didnt learn. For three days every time i came home there was the same mess. So i put him in the balcony for the past couple of days, but i was feeling guilty because it can be cold. Now that the weekend is here i want to build/buy him a dog house. Or even better convert his crate (plastic) which he never uses anymore into a dog house with a heated pad and door, as well as enclosing an area witch nylon and some studs to prevent rain and snow coming in. I know you guys think that a balcony is dangerous but when i moved in i out his head over to show him whats on the other side, its safe to say he'll never jump over. my real question is if a heated pad and an enclosed area is sufficient or should i just buys a dog house. Should i insulate etc... thanks for any help, heres a pic of the little monster
  14. yaroni

    DNA test

    Yeah the low price does seem sort of sketchy, i asked my vet and she said the DNA difference in dog breeds is so miniscule that its nearly impossible to distinguish them apart. You would think some scholar somewhere would at least catalog some of the popular breads but i guess not. I ask becuse i see so many different types of huskies, the other day i met 2 very small adult males (defferent owners) and their ears were positioned differently and the eyes were also different than caspers. Maybe its a different lineage, or maybe caspers a mix, maybe hes got some Mal in him. Always wanted to know what he is exactly.
  15. yaroni

    DNA test

    Has anyone used any of these online dna tests that claim they can tell what breed/mix ur dog is are they for real?
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