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Nadine Martin

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About Nadine Martin

  • Birthday 06/10/1991

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    South East England
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  • Interests
    Gaming, Music, Huskies + Reptiles, tattoo's.

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  1. Hi everyone, its a long shot but thought i'd ask anyway, i have a reptile heat mat, that is 35w, 230 volts and measures 65 x 27.5cm so is quite big! It's still in its original packaging as i bought it about a year ago to have underneath my geckos tank in the winter, but realised i didn't need it as it would make the tank too hot for them. I'm looking for around £20 ONO. if anybody's interested or wants to ask anything please message me. Thank you!
  2. hahaha might do that to wind her up actually. She had a face like thunder.. never seen someone give me such big evils before hahaha.. ah well she will learn her lesson soon hopefully and start being responsible. I will have a word next time for sure if something happens again.
  3. haha totally agree! Whats worse actually, is her making my girlfriend pull her dog back as she couldn't. Some people eh ¬¬. i'm sure i will bump into her again soon. the joys lol
  4. I have to completely agree with you, all the one's i've met beforehand are adorable!! Awww bless Diamond! He's soo cute . Well she only made the comment cus Kai was having a go back at 'her' dog.. but i mean ... come on he was only defending himself.. poor Kai =[. haha yeah, she had like 5 on retractable leads and the other 3 off lead running everywhere and not even listening.. so she doesn't do a very good job lol
  5. Hehe thank you!!! Kaila is very cute so i'm very proud of him behaving as he can be a little boisterous sometimes. Was fantastic!! thank you Well this is the same thing i thought, surely whoever owns the Rottie, and the other off lead dogs for that matter, won't be very impressed. Though i'm not sure if all of the dogs are her clients, or if some are hers too. It's confusing as she walks soo many at once. Thankfully they didn't hurt each other, was like a scuffle sorta thing. The thing im more fuming about is her calling mine vicious, and her not being able to control hers.. so irresponsible. I was thinking about reporting her, but then thought i don't think there's anything anyone can do, as it was just a scuffle kinda thing, no dog got hurt ( thankfully ), I do wonder if my GF wasn't there though how she would have got her dog away.. so stupid >< lol ! x Ohh and i completly agree about them being a misunderstood breed,i've met so so many rotties that are lovely ! And i'm sure this one is usually lovely too, it just didn't happen to get on with Kai lol. They are such lovely dogs though.. it is a shame about the reputation they are getting
  6. Hi everyone, i haven't posted in a while, but first of all just wanted to say how over the moon i am with Kai, he met up with Kaila ( his daughter ) today, for the first time since she left here to go and live with Samera ( my best friend ) and her other half Craig. Anywho, i was very nervous to say the least, but he was absolutely fantastic!!! no little scuffle's or anything so i'm very proud . However, on our walk we encountered a local dog walker, she has about 7 or 8 dogs, and 3 of them were off lead, one of them, a Rottweiler, ran up to Kai and raised his upper lip and went for him, so Kai did it back to defend himself, i was waiting for this idiot of a woman to get her dog back, but as she has 4 or 5 on lead and the others running around not listening to her, she shouts at my Girlfriend saying ' if YOUR dog is vicious then grab mine by the neck!!! ' so to stop a big fight my girlfriend had to pull and hold the rottweiler by the collar! I'm quite fuming about this. I've seen her before and ALL of the dogs were off lead and not listening to her the last time i did. And she has the cheek to give me attitude and call my dog vicious. She comes down where i walk every day.. and it makes me even more nervous about taking Kai out.. Ahemm, rant over just wanted to get that off my chest. Hope everyone is all good . As Kai and Kaila got on so well though, it now means me and Samera can both attend the upcoming Husky meet, which i'm very excited for!
  7. Title: Finding my Kai Author: Nadine Martin Ever since a young age i knew i had a love for Siberian Huskies, i think it started when i was out in Skegness with my Nan and Grandad one day, and i fell in love with a Husky toy in one of those crane machines, i knew i had a love for dogs as i had always been brought up with them, but i had never seen one that looked so pretty. After many failed attempts at trying to get the toy out the machine, we had to go. I was so upset, and then my nan surprised me with one that looked exactly the same she found in a shop and bought for me. It made my whole day. And ever since then onwards growing up, whenever i saw a husky i couldn't help but long to have my own one day. Back in 2009, i asked my mum if i could have a reptile, as i saw a tank full of bearded dragons in a tank in a pet shop ( in Skegness again )and it re sparked a love i had for them since middle school (when 3 lizards and snakes were brought in for us) as i had been in a rut for a few years and really wanted a pet to look after, so i had more responsibility and something to get up for and care for, but somehow we never got around to getting the pet and my dreams died down. Then back in 2010, i started thinking about getting a Siberian Husky puppy, as i had always wanted a Husky, and as i was still in a big rut, i thought it would be an even better Pet out of my 2 loves ( the reptiles and huskies ) as i would have alot more i would have to do to look after the dog. My mum agreed i could have a pet but said she doesn't think a Husky is right for me, as she had researched the breed. As i was upset, i didn't want to look at any other breed of dog, so instead looked back at reptiles again, which my mum agreed to, and we ended up with my two lovely bearded dragons Marilyn & Lita, which i love to death. I got Marilyn & Lita in March 2010, and there was no more speak of dogs as they made me so happy. But then in August/September the same year, a friend was over and was browsing the internet and saw a litter of white German Shepherd puppies, and for some reason she thought the advert had listed them for free, and said " ohhh i'll get your mum one " as we already had 2 German Shepherds ( black and tan ) and my mum has always wanted a white one, but i laughed it off and said don't be so stupid. A few weeks later i was on the internet, bored, and came accross the same advert my friend had saw, just by coincidence. My mum was right by me, so i called her over and said " ohh remember so & so wanted to get you that German Shep puppy, well this is the advert for it " so we had a look at the advert and my mum started thinking about getting a puppy from the litter, as she fell in love with the puppys in the photos. In the next week or so as she had the idea playing in her head, it brought back all my longing for a dog so i asked if she was thinking about getting a German Shep, couldn't i have a Husky puppy if i promised to look after it etc as i had done more research on the breed by then. I started looking up Husky puppies, and after going through several pages one in particular caught my eye. I showed it to my mum and after much deliberation she decided a new dog would be okay. But now we had to choose between the white German Shepherd, or a Husky puppy for me. What made the decision hard was that the white German Shepherd litter was where we lived, but Kai's litter was up in Northampton. It was so tempting to just go and ' have a look ' at the white German Shepherds and we were having trouble finding contact info for Kai's litter for some reason. Eventually we did, and i knew i wanted a boy as i loved the name Kai, and i wanted a blue eyed boy too, so we rung up and luckily they had a few boys left ( though not all blue eyed ), i got so excited and mum said if i was very responsible i could go and choose one, as she knew how much it would mean to me so we arranged to go up the next week as my neighbour at the time knew Northampton well and offered to drive us, but in the mean time my mum had really looked forward to potentially having a white German Shepherd, we knew we shouldn't be getting 2 puppies at the same time for many reasons, but we gave in and went to view them, there was 2 boys and 1 girl, but we fell in love with Shiya's loving personality and brought her home a few days later ( 16th October 2010 ). On the 17th October ( going from the dates it says on my photos, though i don't remember going straight up to see Kai the day after getting Shiya, strange ) i went up to Northampton to view Kai's litter. I had 3 boys i ended up having to choose between, but narrowed it down to 2, there was a lovely really dark coloured boy with brown eyes, and a lighter coloured boy with blue eyes. The boy with blue eyes, i was told was laid back, and he really looked it, he just laid cuddling with my little brother on the sofa, i held the other boy which was more outgoing. I then had such a tough choice to make, but Kai's blue eyes won me over so i choose him, even though, weirdly, i didn't even hold him. I came back on the 23rd October to pick him up, and i have never been as excited as i was on the way there all my life! The journey home with Kai was amazing, he was very well behaved, though he did keep licking my arm and then trying to bite it as he was teething bless him, it was so cute. I had him in a box filled with towels to keep him comfy and he fell asleep through a lot of the journey too, as he slept, i couldn't help but stare at him, and i knew the whole way home, that i loved him, and it would be the start of an eye opening and amazing journey for the both of us. As i'm writing this, and i have had Kai a little while now, i can safely say he is one of the best things that has happened to me, he's changed my life so much from what it was, and he makes me so proud to have him. Some times he can be a bit of a challenge, but i wouldn't change him for the world. He's my pretty little man and i would be so lost without him. On the odd times when i've been away from him for a few days, i miss him so much and can't wait to come back home through the door as he follows me around for about an hour like a lost sheep, it's the most adorable thing. I'm ever so grateful for my mum with what she's done for me over the years, and Kai was a big thing she did for me, so i can't thank her enough. All i can say now is, i hope i have many more amazing years to come with My Kai, nothing can prepare you for the joy a dog can bring, so i'm ever so grateful that my Kai came to me and has lighted up my life. Sorry it's quite long i got a bit carried away!
  8. England, U.K, Kai, Nadine Martin LOL everyone else has really nice camera pics.. and mines from my phone lol
  9. Have no idea how people can do this sorta stuff and not have a guilty conscience about it all.. vile!!
  10. I feel really sick now.. really hope Karma hits whoever did that . disgusting!!
  11. hahaha!!! awwww bless her, that's a cute pic funny how animals will sleep in such funny places/or what they sleep on lol.. my bearded dragon trys to bite the remote control buttons ( the bright red and green ones.. as they think it is veg i think! )
  12. opps!! i wrote that at a stupid hour in the morning, didn't realise i wrote vet .. i meant some woman who worked at a pet shop ><.. my vets are pretty good though.. so i would hope they would know what orijen is lol..im suprised yours doesn't . Yeah i don't see any harm in that.. i'm keeping Kai on naturediet for the time being anyway... as he seems fine on it, and seems to love it .. i just think im gonna do a bit more research on all of this before i move him onto something else.
  13. bit of a late reply lol.. i have 2 bearded dragons and 2 crested geckos though . love em to bits!!!
  14. I feel your pain! lol.. this is the very same thing im now confused about =/ I think i confused myself when i was writing it out aswell lol.. Having read that naturediet is a lot higher in protein than i thought it was.. has worried me a little.. Talking about Orijen though.. i know that so many people use it and their dogs seem fine on it.. though it does sound like its too high in protein.. i actually wanted to move Kai onto it not long ago.. but a vet advised me not too as she said it would be too high in protein for him =/ *brain explodes* lol
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