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About Amey

  • Birthday 06/06/1994

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  • Real Name
  • Location
  • Country Flag
    United States
  • Occupation
    Vet assistant in a cattery
  • Biography
    My name is Amey. I currently own 3 dogs. One of them being a husky, her name is Valentime. I rescued her out of a drain pipe on Valentines day in 2011, hence the name. My other dogs are a Pomeranian named Kodi, and a Doberman named Athena. I have rescued multiple huskies after first getting Valentime and realizing how much I love the breed. I have successfully rescued and rehomed 3 huskies so far.
  • Interests
    hiking, fishing, gaming

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  1. Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler was great, I love his movies. Also, In time. I think that is what it was called, it had I think Justin Timberlake in it, and Amanda Seyfried. Good movie
  2. lol love it!!! very true
  3. Awwww hes so cute, you should get some more like him so he has a pack to swim around lol. I got those one time from Wal*mart, but they failed to mention they needed the salt in the water and they died. I cried lol cause they were soooooo cute!
  4. Oh those are amazing!!! Are you going to sell them?
  5. I need all your help again please!!!!!! Just click these links and like the photos, I didnt wanna make a new thread since I already had one started. Thank you all in advance https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=357882060913412&set=a.357527790948839.89108.100000748630432&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=357996994235252&set=a.357527790948839.89108.100000748630432&type=3
  6. Nope, no babies in the bed. lol yea right.... Valentime usually sleeps at the foot of the bed. Now our bed has downgraded atm to a twin bed. So you can imagine, me, my OH, Valentime, Kodi, and Demon some nights. Just depends on if hes wanting to mark everything, or if there fighting. But Valentime, idk since we got robbed, I think she knows I'm scared and she is sleeping right beside me and will not move unless she hears something. Kodi isn't very bad about wanting in the bed, hes content with just making a bed outta my dirty clothes. He says its better than any pet bed I could buy him. But when I get really sick, like, example, last year I had strep throat. Kodi knew I was sick and kept holding my chest. I was laying on my back and he came over and got up on my chest and slept there all night. Ever since then, when I get sick, he is there. Sometimes I think my dogs know me better than I do myself.
  7. Aww hugs to your girl from me and my pack. Valentime said she know how she feels, another dog attacked her once and punctured under her eye. The vet gave her antibiotics and cleaned it real good, and she healed right up.
  8. I have no clue what so ever to what there saying. But there is no reason in the world to treat those dogs like that. If I were one of those dogs I would have mauled him. Poor babies..
  9. q Well good thing everyone is entitled to there own opinion. But a protection dog is the only defense that can't be taken away unless the dog is injured. And I am a member of a doberman website and most of there dogs are trained in protection work, and there dogs are perfectly normal.
  10. I'm just wondering why you feel this way. If I do get a doberman, that is what it will be trained in, if he/she likes doing it....if not then I will find something else.
  11. Its not that, but I do know he will more than likely come back. Hes a bad druggie, and will kill whoever. My family knows him, and knows what hes done. That is why I'm so scared. 2 weeks ago he drug his grandmother out into the middle of the road and said he was the devil and put a knife to her throat.
  12. So I've heard. May just get me a German Shepard, or my life long dream dog, a Doberman Pinscher. And yes, I'm absolutely scared to death. All sense of security is gone...
  13. It's terrible, I've lost all sense of security in my own home. And it seems its never going to come back. My boyfriend works third shift, 5pm-4am. I'm scared to death to even go in my house.....I know I have my dogs, but I wouldn't want them to get hurt trying to protect me. Plus, Valentime, isn't really aggressive. I want to get another husky puppy, and was thinking about having it trained in some type of protection training. Any opinions?
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