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Mike Mekhdjian

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About Mike Mekhdjian

  • Birthday 01/01/1984

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  1. Dogs have this confrontational system eye to eye is not good, thats when fights can start, let dogs sniff the backside.. My dog got into a fight just yesterday at a walk with pack of pitbulls, as soon as I so the dogs getting stiff and tails flipping up and ears going straight up, i immediately snapped my dog out by snap pulling the collar to the side and putting my dog on its back in submissive state... the pitbulls did approach and as much as I hate hitting or being cruel to dogs, I was prepared to attack as even though your dog can be calm and controlling other people's may not be, the owner of the pitbull was a lady and I immediately so her fear and nervous looks, and I said DO NOT BE SCARED, stay where u are and let ur pitbulls come and sniff and smell my dog.. after about 3 seconds, one of the pitbulls went eye to eye with Mya and he tried to snap at her, and i grabbed the pitty put him on the backside in submissive move.. and got My husky to sniff him anyway she wanted to, after about 3 minutes, all 3 pitbulls and Mya were sharing treats, a toy and running around as they were best friends. whole point of my incident to share and advise is: never lose your cool, do not show any fear, take control from first second, by putting Mya in submissive laying position, I was welcoming the pitbulls to come sniff and be introduced.. and same time the pits saw me as a leader how I manipulated Mya to lay down and relax so quickly.. Any dogs are like humans, eye to eye starts fights and stirs trouble.. I have owned so many huskies, pitbulls rotti, doberman, German Shepherds. I had all them as all the ones I owned were on death row, ready to be put down, I gave them all second chance and I still see every single one of them as they bring them over to play with Mya... One dog I had for 12 months, kept biting any dog with no eye contact and OMG it was hard to train a big pitbull, but at the end it gave up because I never did. Show loads of confidents, no fear, no nervousness and you do great.. this may sound cruel, but having so many huge breeds to save, I own a taser collar.. I only use with the most vicious minded dogs I save for first 1 week and it worked on all except for the 1 pitbull. That pitbull was used for dog fights and was so set to kill dogs, first thing I did was find pack of wild wolves and rougher rotti and pitbulls, basically went back to the pound and asked for 10 more dogs which were rough to deal with, took them home and put them all in secluded cages and let them watch me deal with Mya and couple smaller pups and one by one I introduced each other... that pitbull now is owned by a dog walker near my home and used the pitty to help with unbalanced dogs who don't know how to walk.. BTW i never trust muzzels or hitting or even harnesses for behavioral training. as dogs need to earn trust and learn naturally. sure I get slight wounds with bites, but nature of loving and saving dogs is to get minor bites here and there... I can honestly trust my baby boy with any husky, rotti, pitbull i have saved/trained. Its all about love and no bad or fear and being the PACK LEADER.. work on more being the leader and dont be scared to not punish, but correct your dog at first second you can, dont give up:)
  2. I agree:) setting boundaries for the dog is a exercise for them and will provide respect and trust to both you and the dog... also make sure you are the alpha pack leader, as being human, you need to control your dog not other way around... get in habit to put your family as your leader role and you will see big change..
  3. I think try to master the right walk, the right pace, right posture and the most important one the right energy, be control be the leader, and you see it will change:) Mya at the beginning would drag me and be going all zig zag, but once I became her pack leader, she will not dare to zig zag or drag me, she goes with my pace.. what worked most for me was a long stick, everytime she went past my legs, i put the stick infront of her and stop walk, it gave her the idea that if i go past Mike's feet, we stop and i get blocked from going ahead" perhaps try that and see how you go:)
  4. Every husky has its own personality and brain:) with my experience I stopped it with exercise and some leadership.. then again it could have been other way for me if I had a different husky:)
  5. thanks Damir Pilat, I grew up with my grandparents farm who bred Huskies and military trained german shepherds... both breeds are my loved ones, huskies just have this look that catches your heart and they trully are your best friend... they know when you sick, when you need cuddles, or when you want to be left alone.
  6. I found it that swapping gradually will build the tummy and get the stronger... I now feed my dog dry and soft food and doesnt upset the tum.. try to give more solid foods then soft. and also don't forget changing the diet can also affect too, if you change the food, it could be they are not use to it.. when I asked my vet, he actually said don't buy any of the food we sell, stick to home made dog stews and stick to rice, chicken, tuna, sardines... and he also mentioned alot of the time its from over feeding it too. now Mya is fine eating anything I give and her stools are good...
  7. Akita needs time to adjust to new life style... however try to get her to respect and trust you and your GF... if your husky trusts you, you can then train Akita to not bite, or growl at the leader:) stimulate the mind, teach the husky tricks or shake hands or something and reward the dog... sounds silly, but these are working dogs, and they love to be worked:) go for long walks as a pack and make sure your gf holds Akita to gain and start the trust bond together...
  8. Hello:) do not want to sound rude, but I say this to all dog owners: PACK LEADER... the hormones are some key points too, but pack leader is big thing, they need to respect, and trust you. if the weather is bad, try getting them trained on jogging on treadmill... I do that when its bad weather, and Mya loves it... let me know how you go with treadmill:) it works, but you need patients and persistent to help them get use to it.
  9. I have rescued Mya from a pound from being purely treated badly, had bite marks and was scared from all humans approaching her.. I adopted Mya after she was only 1 yr old. After 10 months with hard work with training and introducing her to human activities, I was amazed with the results. When I first adopted Mya (purebred husky) my family was scared from her wolf style looks and her growls towards my 2 month old baby boy, Mya was first curious, sniffing and licking my boy's face.. I slowly began to wonder if I had done right thing to bring a strong breed to my family, my son is now 1 yrs old and walks the dog with my wife (who was telling me from start to get rid of the dog). During session of a walk, my wife and son was attacked via 3 dogs, and Mya lost one of her eyes while she protected my family. Treat your dog like your best friend, and they will protect you, especially huskies:)
  10. DO NOT REHOME:( best thing to do, is make them best friends yet again.. try to walk them as a pack, and to me it seems like they do not see you as the pack leader... yes it could be the bitches are getting to be on heat, or the dominance too from male side, however take control via being the leader.... can you walk them together, just the 2 males? if not, take a female and male together, then do next batch, then try the males together with a calm female... it does take time... if you do seek advise, make sure they know about huskies alot, as some so called "PRO ADVISE" can be more harmful. please let me know how you go, I will try asking some others around who have more experience in huskies too, i would hate to see a pack be split up:(
  11. the prey drive for husky is lets say somewhat managable.... I own a rabbit and a husky, i never leave them in same room, however my rabbit and husky both lay and relax together after she has gone for the walk, i guess each husky has diff prey drive, mine kills birds while in air flying. just their nature... if they were in the wild, they would kill rabbits, rodents, mice and small fury creatures. dont be too worried:) dogs like dogs:) like said in a post previously, if it wanted it could have attacked your Jack russell, but being a dog, they get along:)
  12. HI, First thing I would say is take control now while its still young ages of a pupp... never to late to train them. your dog must respect and trust you so it can listen and obey you command. walking wise, relax, body posture and way you hold the leash will channel through the leash to your dog, your dog will feel the energy you provide. firstly: get rid of the harness, as husky are sled dogs, you need to use a proper collar, don't use the harness, and never pull back to your dog, it triggers them to do more... seems like you need to do heaps of training.. let me know if you like some specific training that helped me to calm mine as Mya was the same when a pupp
  13. jogging or running is great for the human and the husky, however being young as some have said the bones are fully developed or strong. I jog with mine, and you can see how happy they are when the tongue is sticking out on the side, best look ever:)
  14. I use to walk mine 1 hr twice a day, but wasnt enough, since I have bad knee, I did buy a dog backpack, I fill it with some canned food or something with weight on each side. the backpack makes the dog focus more and treats the 1 hr walk to 2 hr walk:) and you can see they love it:)
  15. being 7 months, you need to work and have patients, do not lose your cool with him/her... try to feed your dog, after long walk or long jog, they tend to eat better after exercise. and with the fear, work with some treats and always go down and kneel like a dog and be at their level, to give them courage and dont pat or her pick it up, otherwise you encouraging fear. but again as others said, give it a week:) mine did similar things with inside, now she prefers inside then out:)
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