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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. Life must be easy if you choose to be an Ostrich when things get tough

  2. Unless your dog is a couch dweller it isn't loved apparently! learn something new everyday

    1. Marc


      Mine are eternally f...... well, not gonna feel so loved is thats the case

  3. It really depends on the lines they come from. Denali's dad and grandsire both hit their peak forms at 4-5 years old. The girls have the same sire as Denali's grandsire and bitches tend to develop slower than males I'm anticipating a slow growth from them as well. Juneau really hit her stride between 2-3 years old but I don't know a whole lot about her lineage-
  4. Thank you all. We are mostly at peace knowing it was the best decision we could have made for him. He is no longer suffering and I have full confidence that he is reunited with his woofer brother Timber and they are running free North Of The Rainbow Bridge. Goodbye's are never easy, and this one was no different. 7 years just was not long enough, but I will cherish each and every moment we shared.
  5. It is with a very sad heart that we send Rockie to the Rainbow Bridge. A couple weeks ago while trying to find out what was causing intermittent seizure activity it was suspected that he may have a tumor. A few days after this visit he developed a large sarcoma on his neck, the vet discovered the underlying tissue was very inflamed and abnormal looking, she suspected cancer. Today we found a new sarcoma in his 'arm pit', upon evaluation this was the same type of tissue as before and the first abscess site was full of dead narcotic tissue. Whatever it was we were dealing with it was just too much to fight for the old boy. We decided that it was in his best interest to send him peacefully to the Rainbow Bridge- It is never easy, even if it is the right thing to do.
  6. There should be quite a few adventures! The girls will officially join the ranks, most likely in swing/team positions. Mason and Denali will still take up the lead positions, and Juneau is likely retiring IF we can (possibly Dakota as well) if we can work out a the final details on a couple dogs we are looking at or a possible 'leasing' possibility from another kennel to round out the wheel positions.
  7. Jill and I have matching carts now! Well kinda, this one is a tad newer than hers and the seat is a different color....but essentially the same! Now we just need to see some temps down toward the 40s!
  8. As we gear up toward fall (come on cooler weather!) we have added a new cart to our training arsenal! This cart is heavier than the Arctis 3 wheel cart we have been running so I'll be able to safely add up to 6 more dogs (probably going to run a 6 dog team this year)- with hydraulic disc brakes front/rear, a seat for a passenger that can be removed for a dog bag, and some very nice other features! This is the Fritz Dyck German made cart-
  9. It's getting near that time again! Wow has the year flown! Nationals this year will be in Midland Michigan- will anyone be going? Our plan is to bring Denali, Kenna, and Enya for conformation showing, Mason to join for the cart race, and Diamond for the Rescue Parade! Let me know if you are going, stop by our set up and say hi!
  10. Funny how the page talks about preserving arctic freight dogs but with it's inappropriate coat and sparsely furred ears it seems the dog itself is lacking some of the necessary phenotype to survive arctic temperatures-
  11. Personally I only use an undercoat rake and molting brush on my dogs when they are shedding.
  12. Well I will be waiting for the next litter- Linda is in the planning stages of which bitch she will use but it looks like she's interested in using Jack again as the sire.
  13. Yes it's true- Dakota my 9 year old male and novice weight pull dog pulled 850lbs this past spring- the gold medalist in our region pulled 1200lbs. They were bred to pull, the keys are starting with the right equipment, not just any harness will do- you'll want a freight harness. Next you'll want to start off with light weights, even a milk jug filled with sand would work- you want something that will make some noise to desensitize him to that- carts and wagons make some noise and it can freak some dogs out if they aren't expecting it. Build up your weights slowly- he'll let you know his limits if you just pay attention to his body language
  14. I'm actually pretty upset, as I think we all are, with the first vet...
  15. Well yesterday was a bittersweet- Velcro started to deliver her pups and successfully whelped a light red male. She had a labor pause, which is not uncommon but as a precaution Linda took her to the vet. While in route somehow the placenta for puppy 2 detached. An emergency C-section had to be preformed and unfortunately puppy 2 was lost. Puppy 3 a wolf gray female was brought into the world alive. Momma and the 2 puppies are at home resting. Its a long road ahead, and too early for any decisions...but thoughts for the little ones-
  16. The first thing I look for in a breeder is what do they do with their dogs....are their dogs participating in some sort of breed activity like sledding, carting, weight pulling, or conformation showing. How are these dogs measured to the breed standard. If they do nothing more than let their male breed their female because they can I keep looking. Next I want to see that they are screening their breeding stock for hereditary genetic disorders OFA Hips and CERF/SHOR eyes. From there I'd like to get a feel for what they are doing with their breeding program. Why these dogs together. What are they trying to keep, what are they trying to improve upon. Again, I want to see someone who has a clear breeding plan, not just a male and female dogs. I want the opportunity to meet the parents, see their conditions, whelping and puppy raising areas, cleanliness of the kennel areas, and play area availability. I'd like to see the contract I'm getting into, the expectations. If the breeders expectation is give me a puppy with full registration and no contract, big red flag.
  17. Front ones should not be removed unless medically necessary once they have passed 1 week old. After 1 week the front dews start becoming integrally part of the front structure with stabilizing tendon growth. You can severely alter the front movement, and increase the possibility of injury, as well as give your dog arthritis in the carpal joints by removing the dew claw after they are 'set'. Rear dew claws are a completely different topic, where rear dews are often not part of the structure (when pertaining to the floppy extra toe style dew claw). Front Dew claws-
  18. Bitches do tend to mature slower than males do- your breeder should have a better idea of how their lines develop. My females likely won't finish growing in height until they are closer to 2 years old and full development maturity closer to 4 years old based on the lines they come from. All go through some pretty gangly 'skinny' phases as they grow, watch their weight and add or subtract food as needed. I do a lot of adjusting amounts through the first year and a half easily. This is my Kenna at rollie-pollie 8 weeks old at 11 months looking like a coyote- I wanted to put food in her all the time! And now at 14 months
  19. Dakota- our first and obviously a completely unique name *LOL* Juneau- our second and again completely unique name Diamond- was a Rescue and came named "Pink Diamond" from her previous owners, we decided to drop the pink even though she is a princess Rockie- came named from the shelter we rescued him from Tikaani- was a rescued as a stray and I was pretty sure where he came from I decided to name him the Inuit word for Wolf. Denali- though not a unique to the breed name, his name is actually from the Ashen Hotshots a wildand fire fighting team in the Denali area of Alaska Mason- Mason came with his name from Tumnatki Siberians- he is Tumnatki's Mason Riley- just looked like a Riley, playful but with courage Kenna- Meaning Born Of Fire (which is her reg'd name) is a play on my firefighting background and my kennel's fire theme Enya- Meaning Fire, her reg'd name is She's On Fire as a play on my firefighting and kennel theme. But also her brother is reg'd GCH Galena Crk's On Fire At Kaniska Aspen- is not a Siberian but the meaning is self-assurance, independence, and confidence which is this American Standard Shepherd to a T *Future* Faith- Our yet to be born girl's name is a tribute to the 19 fallen Prescott Hotshots we lost in Yarnell AZ this summer. Her Reg'd name comes from a poem for Wildland Firefighters. Timber- who is no longer with us came with his name given his background as a Timberwolf mix.
  20. Right now in the heat of summer where the dogs are more sedentary all of my Siberians (minus Mason and Denali) are on 2 cups daily. Mason, who has a higher metabolism, and Denali who is putting on 'show' weight are on 3 cups per day. My larger males (80lbs and 120lbs) are on 3 cups daily. In fall/winter when we're actually running the team everyone gets bumped up to 3 cups to maintain conditioning.
  21. As far as physiological development is concerned, there is often no difference between a 'runt' and any other pup from the litter. Runt's are not necessarily premature (where the health issues and behavioral issues stem from in many 'runts') but are more often where they are implanted in the 'horn' of the uterus. Given that most of them actually do catch up rather quickly. Given your bitch is already almost 20" she's well within the standard (bottom 'suggested' height is 19" *I say suggested as there is no bottom disqualifying height*).
  22. Intact bitches can go into heat for the first time anywhere from 6 months to 18months. They cycle anywhere from 4 months to 7 months between on average. Once you notice discharge and swelling of the vulva (vaginal opening) she needs to be separated from any male contact for 28 days. Even after she stops dripping she will be fertile and can be bred if unattended.
  23. If you don't know what it is, don't look into it....it ruins the coat on double coated breeds. I just wanted to make sure since the photo looked like the dog may have had this brush used on his coat- A simple undercoat rake and comb are all you really need, and if your dog likes the vacuum even better!
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